Dr. Eric T. Hileman

Dr. Eric T. Hileman


  • Assistant Research Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-4707
Rm #223, Thompson Hall



  • Northern Illinois University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Biological Sciences
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Master of Science (M.S.), Biological Sciences
  • University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biological Sciences

Research Interests

Population ecology
Conservation biology
Wildlife management
Invasive species


Year Publications

Evans, T. S., Hileman, E. T., Boudreau, M., Strickland, B. K., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Can hair snares provide a reliable method for estimating abundance of an exotic ungulate? . Biological Invasions


Hileman, E. T., Powell, R., Gifford, M. E. 2022. Senescence and differential size-based survival in Puerto Rican giant groundlizards, Pholidoscelis exsul (Squamata: Teiidae), on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. Herpetologica 78(3):184–191.


Henderson, R. W., Hileman, E. T., Sajdak, R. A., Harrison, B. C., Powell, R., Bradke, D. R. 2021. Effects of body size, diet, and transience on the demography of the arboreal boid snake Corallus grenadensis on Carriacou (Grenada Grenadines, West Indies). Population Ecology 63:177–188.


Hileman, E. T., Bradke, D. R., Nafus, M. G., Yackel Adams, A. A., Reed, R. N. 2021. Surface material and snout-vent length predict vertical scaling ability in brown treesnakes: an evaluation of multispecies barriers for invasive species control on Guam. Management of Biological Invasions 12:457–475.


Goetz, S. M., Hileman, E. T., Nafus, M. G., Yackel Adams, A., Bryant, A. R., Reed, R. N., Siers, S. R. 2021. Brown treesnake mortality after aerial application of toxic baits. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1507–1514.


Xiong, P. X., Erickson, F. T., Hileman, E. 2021. Rhinella marina (Cane Toad). Predation. Herpetological Review 52:621–622.


Yackel Adams, A. A., Barnhart, P. D., Rodda, G. H., Hileman, E. T., Nafus, M. G., Reed, R. N. 2021. Can we prove that an undetected species is absent? Evaluating whether brown treesnakes are established on the island of Saipan using surveillance and expert opinion. Management of Biological Invasions 12:901–926.


Kabat, K. L., Young, D. V., Xiong, P. X., Ee, N. V., Bradke, D. R., Hileman, E. T., Gotte, S. W., Mulcahy, D. G., Nafus, M. G. 2020. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylus cf. platyurus (Asian Flat-tailed House Gecko). Herpetological Review 51(3):540–541.


Van Ee, N. B., Xiong, P. X., Young, D. V., Kabat, K. L., Bradke, D. R., Hileman, E. T., Gotte, S. W., Mulcahy, D. G., Nafus, M. G. 2020. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylus tenkatei (=H. murrayi = H. cf. brookii) (Spotted House Gecko). Herpetological Review 51(3):540–541.


Hileman, E. T., Eichelberger, B. A., Liske-Clark, J., Barnhart, P. D., Reed, R. N., Yackel Adams, A. A., Nafus, M. G. 2020. Landscape dominance of introduced herpetofauna on an oceanic island. Global Ecology and Conservation 22:e00984.


Hileman, E. T., King, R. B., Faust, L. J. 2018. Eastern massasauga demography and extinction risk under prescribed-fire scenarios. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(5):977-990.


Hileman, E. T., Allender, M. C., Bradke, D. R., Faust, L. J., Moore, J. A., Ravesi, M. J., Tetzlaff, S. J. 2018. Estimation of Ophidiomyces prevalence to evaluate snake fungal disease risk. The Journal of Wildlife Management 82(1):173-181.


Bradke, D. R., Hileman, E. T., Bartman, J. F., Faust, L. J., King, R. B., Kudla, N., Moore, J. A. 2018. Implications of small population size in a threatened pitviper species. Journal of Herpetology 52(4):387-397.


Bradke, D. R., Bailey, R. L., Bartman, J. F., Campa, III, H., Hileman, E. T., Krueger, C., Kudla, N., Lee, Y. M., Thacker, A. J., Moore, J. A. 2018. Sensitivity analysis using site-specific demographic parameters to guide research and management of threatened eastern massasaugas. Copeia 106(4):600-610.


Cramer, K. L., Hileman, E. T. 2018. Survival, abundance, and movement of a synanthropic population of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa (Araneae: Sicariidae). Journal of Arachnology 46(3):420-427.


Hileman, E. T., King, R. B., Adamski, J. M., Anton, T. G., Bailey, R. L., Baker, S. J., Bieser, N. D., Bell, Jr., T. A., Bissell, K. M., Bradke, D. R., Campa, III, H., Casper, G. S., Cedar, K., Cross, M. D., DeGregorio, B. A., Dreslik, M. J., Faust, L. J., Harvey, D. S., Hay, R. W., Jellen, B. C., Johnson, B. D., Johnson, G., Kiel, B. D., Kingsbury, B. A., Kowalski, M. J., Lee, Y. M., Lentini, A. M., Marshall, J. C., Mauger, D., Moore, J. A., Paloski, R. A., Phillips, C. A., Pratt, P. D., Preney, T., Prior, K. A., Promaine, A., Redmer, M., Reinert, H. K., Rouse, J. D., Shoemaker, K. T., Sutton, S., VanDeWalle, T. J., Weatherhead, P. J., Wynn, D., Yagi, A. 2017. Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): A range-wide synthesis. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0172011-e0172011.


Hileman, E. T., Powell, R., Perry, G., Mougey, K., Thomas, R., Henderson, R. W. 2017. Demography of the Puerto Rican Racer, Borikenophis portoricensis (Squamata: Dipsadidae), on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. Journal of Herpetology 51(4):454-460.


Polaski, R. A., Hileman, E. T., Mayer, G. C., Schuurman, G. W., Kapfer, J. M. 2017. Geographic distribution: Thamnophis radix (Plains Gartersnake). Herpetological Review 48(3):591‒592.


Hileman, E. T., Vechiet, J., King, R. B. 2017. Natural History: Sistrurus catenatus (Eastern Massasauga). Dicephalism. Herpetological Review 48(3):685–686.


Slater, O. M., Faust, L. J., Hileman, E. T., Lavin, S. R. 2017. Plasma vitamin, mineral, and biochemistry concentrations in free-ranging, adult eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) during spring egress. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 27(1-2):29-35.


Allender, M. C., Hileman, E. T., Moore, J., Tetzlaff, S. 2016. Detection of ophidiomyces, the causative agent of snake fungal disease, in the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Michigan, USA, 2014. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52(3):694-698.


Stedman, A. L., Jaeger, C. P., Hileman, E. T., Jellen, B. C., Phillips, C. A., Swanson, B. J., King, R. B. 2016. Multiple paternity in three wild populations of eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(1):160-167.


Allender, M. C., Junge, R. E., Baker-Wylie, S., Hileman, E. T., Faust, L. J., Cray, C. 2015. Plasma electrophoretic profiles in the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) and influences of age, sex, year, location, and snake fungal disease. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 46(4):767-773.


Hileman, E. T., Bradke, D. R., Delaney, D. M., King, R. B. 2015. Protection by association: Implications of scent trailing in neonate eastern massasaugas (Sistrurus catenatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10(2):654-660.


Hileman, E. T., Kapfer, J. M., Muehlfeld, T. C., Giovanni, J. H. 2015. Recouping lost information when mark-recapture data are pooled: A case study of milksnakes (Lampropeltis triangulum) in the Upper Midwestern United States. Journal of Herpetology 49(3):428-436.

Graduate Students

    Society Memberships

    • Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
    • The Wildlife Society Mississippi Chapter
    • The Wildlife Society
    • Wildlife Damage Management Working Group