Dr. Frank C. Owens

Dr. Frank C. Owens


  • Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-6698
Rm #5205, Forest Products Lab



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Forest Resources
  • University of California, Los Angeles, Master of Arts (M.A.), International Studies
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), International Relations

Research Interests

Automated Wood Identification with Computer Vision
Statistical Distributions of Mechanical Properties of Lumber
Lumber Testing


Year Publications

Owens, F. C., Ravidran, P., Costa, A., Chavesta, M., Montenegro, R., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft , A. C. 2025. Robustness of a Macroscopic Computer-Vision Wood Identification Model to Digital Perturbations of Test Images. IAWA Journal 46(1):131-146.


Owens, F. C., Ravindran, P., Costa, A., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. 2024. Predicting Hardwood Porosity Domains: Toward Cascading Computer-Vision Wood Identification Models. Bioresources 19(4):9741 – 9772.


Ravindran, P., Owens, F. C., Costa, A., Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B., Chavesta, M., Montenegro, R., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. 2023. Evaluation of test specimen surface preparation on macroscopic computer vision wood identification. Wood and Fiber Science 55(2):176-202.


Ravindran, P., Wade, A. C., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft , A. C. 2022. Towards sustainable North American wood product value chains, Part I: Computer vision identification of diffuse porous hardwoods. Frontiers in Plant Science 12(758455).


Ravindran, P., Wade, A. C., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. 2022. Towards sustainable North American wood product value chains, Part 2: Computer vision identification of ring-porous hardwoods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52:1014-1027.


Anderson, G. C., Owens, F. C., Verrill, S. P., Ross, R. J., Shmulsky, R. 2021. Fitting statistical distribution models to MOE and MOR in mill-run spruce and red pine lumber populations. Wood and Fiber Science 53(1):17-26.


Ravindran, P., Owens, F. C., Wade, A. C., Vega, P., Montenegro, R. A., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. 2021. Field-deployable computer vision wood identification of Peruvian timbers. Frontiers in Plant Science 12(647515 ).


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J. 2021. Improved Models for Predicting the Modulus of Rupture under Third Point Loading. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory General Technical Report FPL–RP–712.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J. 2021. A Java Image Analysis Program for Lumber Knots and Related Nonlinear Least Squares Routines for Filling Lumber Models of Rupture to Strength Predictors . USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory General Technical Report FPL–GTR–288.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F., Kretschmann, D. E., Shmulsky, R., Brown, L. S. 2020. Visual and MSR grades of lumber are not 2-parameter Weibulls and why this may matter. Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM International) 48(5):3946-3962.


Owens, F. C., Verrill, S. P., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J. 2020. Distributions of MOE and MOR in eight mill-run lumber populations (four mills at two times). Wood and Fiber Science 52(2):165-177.


Owens, F. C., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Strength and stiffness of 8-inch deep mixed hardwood composite timber mats. BioResources 15(2):2495-2500.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F. C., Arvanitis, M. A., Kretschmann, D. E., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J., Lebow, P. 2020. Estimated probability of breakage of lumber of a fixed "grade" can vary greatly from mill to mill and time to time. USDA Forest Products Laboratory Research Paper FPL–RP–705.


Griffin, J. W., Seale, R. D., Owens, F. C., Grace, L. A. 2020. Construction of an economic model for prospective forest products manufacturing facilities. Bioresources 15(2):3874-3887.


Anderson, G. C., Owens, F. C., Franca, F., Ross, R. J., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Correlations between grain angle meter readings and bending properties of mill-run southern pine lumber. Forest Products Journal 70(3):275-278.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F., Kretschmann, D. E., Shmulsky, R., Brown, L. S. 2019. Visual and MSR grades of lumber are not 2-parameter Weibulls and why it matters (with a discussion of censored data fitting). USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory FPL-RP-703:40 p.


Owens, F. C., Verrill, S. C., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J. 2019. Distributions of modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture in four mill-run lumber populations. Wood and Fiber Science 51(2):183-192.


Cao, G., Owens, F. C., Verrill, S. P., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J. 2019. Within-mill variation in the means and variances of MOE and MOR of mill-run lumber over time. Wood and Fiber Science 51(4):387-401.


Blake, C., Street, J., Wooten, J. R., Mitchell, B., Owens, F. C. 2019. Industrial-scale palletization of southern pine energy pellets with various additives. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 35(6):889-901.


Cordeiro Barbosa, M., Street, J., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R. 2019. The effect of multiple knots in close proximity on southern pine lumber properties. Forest Products Journal 69(4):278-282.


Junaid, O., Owens, F. C., Entsminger, E. D., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2018. Strength and stiffness properties of small clear specimens taken from commercially procured No.2 2x8 and 2x10 southern pine dimension lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 50(3):363-369.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F., Kretschmann, D. E., Shmulsky, R. 2018. A fit of a mixture of bivariate normals to lumber stiffness-strength data. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory FPL-RP-696:44 p.


Owens, F. C., Verrill, S. P., Shmulsky, R., Kretschmann, D. E. 2018. Distributions of modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture in a full lumber population. Wood and Fiber Science 50(3):265-279.


Catchot, T., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Barnes, H. M. 2017. Comparison of wood utility crossarm properties from 1995 and 2015. Forest Products Journal 67(1/2):50-54.


Catchot, T., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Seale, R. D. 2017. Technical note: Using nondestructive testing to identify premium grades in southern pine and Douglas-fir utility crossarms. Wood and Fiber Science 49(1):105-112.


Verrill, S. P., Owens, F. C., Kretschmann, D. E., Shmulsky, R. 2017. Statistical models for the distribution of modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture in mill run lumber with implications for reliability calculations. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Research Paper FPL-RP-692

Graduate Students

  • Taketo Nishida
  • Kyatt Spessert
  • Alberta Ebeheakey

Society Memberships

  • Forest Products Society
  • International Association of Wood Anatomists
  • International Wood Collectors Society
  • Society of Wood Science and Technology