Dr. Eric McConnell

Dr. Eric  McConnell


  • Assistant Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-6340
Thompson Hall, Rm 365



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Forest Resources
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (M.S.), Forest Products
  • Louisiana Tech University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Forestry

Research Interests

Forest Business
Forest Operations
Forest Industries


Year Publications

Silva, B., Henderson, J., Sun, C., McConnell, E., Tanger, S. 2024. Terminal Value: A crucial, and yet, often forgotten element in timber harvest scheduling and timberland valuation. Forest Policy and Economics


Crosby, M., McConnell, E., Holderieath, J., Meeker, J., Steiner, C., Strom, B., Johnson, W. 2024. The Use of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery to Determine the Status of a Large-Scale Outbreak of Southern Pine Beetle. Remote Sensing


Aryal, S., McConnell, E., Poudel, K. P., Polinko, A. D. 2023. Whole Stand Variable Density Yield Equations for Oak-Gum-Cypress Bottomland Hardwood Forests. Journal of Forestry 121(4):333 - 342.


Nepal, S., McConnell, E., Barefield, D. A., Grala, R. K. 2023. Mississippi USA's timber severance tax apportionments and their economic contributions. Forest Policy and Economics 157(103086).


Tanger, S., da Silva, B., Polinko, A. D., McConnell, E., McDill, M. 2023. Estimating stand level carbon supply curves for loblolly pine and Douglas-fir plantations. Journal of Forestry 121(2):125-134.


McConnell, E., 2023. Assessing income and risk of incorporating pine straw production into slash pine plantations. Forest Products Journal 73(3):208-219.


McConnell, T. E. 2022. Variable-Density Yield Tables for Elm-Ash-Cottonwood Bottomland Hardwood Forests in Mississippi. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Bulletin FO473.


Holderieath, J. J., Crosby, M. K., McConnell, E. 2022. Potential welfare impacts from the continued spread of wild pigs. Q Open 2(2):1-36.


McConnell, E., Crosby, M. 2022. Spatial dependencies within Mississippi’s primary forest products manufacturers. Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural Resources 14(2):1-8.


Webb, T., McConnell, E., Tanger, S., Barefield, D. A. 2022. Economic contributions of forestry service providers in Mississippi, USA. Small-scale Forestry 21:483-504.


Webb, T. A., McConnell, T. E., Tanger, S. M., Barefield, D. A. 2022. Economic Contributions of Forestry Service Providers in Mississippi, USA. Small-scale Forestry 21(3):22.


Tanger, S. M., Blazier, M. A., Holley, A. G., McConnell, E., VanderSchaaf, C., Clason, T. R., KC, D. 2021. Financial performance of diverse levels of early competition suppression and pre-commercial thinning on loblolly pine stand development. New Forests 52:217-235.


McConnell, E., da Silva, B. K., Sun, C., Tanger, S. M. 2021. Forest to Mill Timber Price Trends and Volatility for Mississippi Timber Products. Forest Products Journal 71(2):177-187.


Daystar, J., Handfield, R., Golden, J., McConnell, E. 2021. An economic impact analysis of the US biobased products industry. Industrial Biotechnology 17(5):259-270.


VanderSchaaf, C., McConnell, E., Tanger, S. M. 2021. Estimated impacts of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) on ash timber supply in Texas. Journal of Forestry 119:45-61.


McConnell, E., Crosby, M. K., Holderieath, J. J., VanderSchaaf, C. L. 2020. Financial assessment of future stand conditions required to recover the opportunity costs of a north Louisiana streamside management zone. Forest Products Journal 70(1):39-49.


McConnell, E., 2020. Unit costs and trends within Louisiana's logging contract rate. Forest Products Journal 70(1):50-59.


Scouse, A., Vendiiti, R., Kelley, S., McConnell, E. 2020. Evaluating sustainable product alternatives by combining life cycle assessment with full-cost accounting: A highway guardrail case study. BioResources 15(4):9103-9127.


Crosby, M., Holderieath, J., McConnell, E. 2020. Forest Canopy Benefits in Small Urban Areas of Louisiana. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences 12(2):79-91.


Gay, C., Crosby, M., Holderieath, J., McConnell, E. 2020. A simulation approach to using Landsat 8 imagery to determine a threshold for detecting changes along a streamside management zone: A case study in Louisiana. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural Resource Sciences 12(2):74-78.


McConnell, E., Crosby, M. K., Holderieath, J. J., VanderSchaaf, C. 2020. Financial assessment of future stand conditions required to recover the opportunity costs of a north Louisiana streamside management zone. Forest Products Journal 70(1):39-49.


McConnell, E., Vanderschaaf, C. L., Holderieath, J. J., Crosby, M. K. 2019. Adequacy of Timber Trespass Civil Awards: A Louisiana Case Study. Journal of Forestry 117(6):533-542.


McConnell, E., Altizer, C. B. 2019. Economic Contributions of North Carolina, United States, Forest-Sector Foreign Exports: An Export-Chain Perspective. Forest Science 65(6):734-742.


McConnell, E., Tanger, S. M., Henderson, J. E. 2019. International trade's contributions to the United States forest sector and its import-export chain. Journal of Forestry 117(3):210-225.


McConnell, E., VanderSchaaf, C., Tanger, S. M. 2019. Potential Changes to Louisiana Hardwood Timber Industry Economic Contributions Following Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Invasion: An Input-Output Approach. Journal of Economic Entomology 112(6):2751-2760.


Parajuli, R., McConnell, E., Tanger, S. M., Henderson, J. E. 2019. Interpreting forestry economic contribution reports: A user’s guide. Journal of Extension 57(4).


VanderSchaaf, C., Huang, S., McConnell, E., Trincado, G. 2019. Mixed-effects height-diameter models for pine plantations in northern Florida and Georgia. Florida Scientist 81:157-169.


McConnell, E., VanderSchaaf, C., Holderieath, J. J., Crosby, M. K. 2019. Adequacy of timber trespass civil awards: A Louisiana case study. Journal of Forestry 117(6):533-542.


Scouse, A., McConnell, E., Kelley, S., Venditti, R. 2018. Analysis of North Carolina forest industry earnings: Adapting household level data from the American Community Survey to a social accounting matrix. Journal of Forestry 116(2):101-108.


VanderSchaaf, C., Blazier, M., McConnell, E., Adams, J. P. 2018. Determining unthinned shortleaf pine plantation economic rotation ages in the Western Gulf. Forestry Research and Engineering: International Journal 2(3):132-138.


VanderSchaaf, C., Huang, S., McConnell, E., Trincado, G., Yang, Y. 2018. Mixed-effects height-diameter models for pine plantations in northern Florida and Georgia. Florida Scientist 81:157-169.


McConnell, E., VanderSchaaf, C., Tanger, S. M. 2018. Potential losses in Louisiana hardwood sawtimber economic contributions after Emerald Ash Borer invasion. Louisiana Agriculture


Henderson, J. E., Joshi, O., Tanger, S. M., Boby, L., Hubbard, W., Pelkki, M., Hughes, D. W., McConnell, E., Miller, W., Nowak, J., Becker, C., Adams, T., Altizer, C., Cantrell, R., Daystar, J., Jackson, B., Jeuck, J., Mehmood, S., Tappe, P. 2017. Standard Procedures and Methods for Economic Impact and Contribution Analysis in the Forest Products Sector. Journal of Forestry 155(2):112-116.


Scouse, A., McConnell, E., Venditti, R. 2017. Estimating the economic impacts generated by small-scale wood pellet manufacturing in Western North Carolina. Forest Products Journal 67(3-4):196-204.


McConnell, E., 2017. Quality indexes for oak sawlogs based on green lumber grade yields. Forest Products Journal 67(3-4):245-249.


Gerber, N., McConnell, E. 2017. Qualitative input-output analysis of North Carolina forest sector supply chains. Bioproducts Business 2(3):23-28.


McConnell, E., Graham, G. W. 2016. History of northeastern US maple syrup price trends. Forest Products Journal 66(1-2):106-112.


McConnell, E., 2016. On-farm forest income in the United States, 2003-2012: Thoughts for Extension programming. Journal of Extension 54(3).


Golden, J. S., Handfield, R. B., Daystar, J., McConnell, E. 2015. An Economic Impact Analysis of the US Biobased Products Industry: A Report to the Congress of the United States of America. Industrial Biotechnology 11(4):201-209.


Coronado, C. J., McConnell, E., Matthews, S. N. 2015. Forestry and forest products in Ohio: 2011 economic impacts with comparisons to 2001 values. Wood and Fiber Science 47(2):160-170.


Duval, R. P., McConnell, E., Hix, D. M. 2014. Annual change in Ohio hardwood stumpage prices, 1960 to 2011. Forest Products Journal 64(1-2):19-25.


Starr, S. E., McConnell, E. 2014. Changes in Ohio tree farmers' forest management strategies and outreach needs. Forest Science 60(4):811-816.


McConnell, E., Shi, S. Q., Chen, H., Wang, G. 2014. Differences observed in data analysis techniques: An example using natural fibers' diameters and absorption times. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30(1):55-58.


Coronado, C. J., McConnell, E., Matthews, S. N. 2014. Economic impacts of timber product outputs in Ohio across timber market regions. BioResources 9(4):7579-7592.


Luppold, W., Bumgardner, M., McConnell, E. 2014. Impacts of changing hardwood lumber consumption and price on stumpage and sawlog prices in Ohio. Forest Science 60(5):994-999.


Duval, R. P., McConnell, E., Hix, D. M., Matthews, S. N., Williams, R. A. 2014. Ohio hardwood sawlog price trends. Wood and Fiber Science 46(1):85-96.


Starr, S. E., McConnell, E., Bruskotter, J. S., Williams, R. A. 2014. Typology of Ohio, USA, Tree Farmers Based Upon Forestry Outreach Needs. Environmental Management 55(2):308-320.


McConnell, E., 2013. Segmentation of Ohio's logging industry based on productivity and cost variables. Forest Products Journal 63(5-6):174-181.


Little, N. S., McConnell, E., Irby, N. E., Shi, S. Q., Riggins, J. J. 2013. Surface free energy of blue-stained southern pine sapwood from bark beetle-attacked trees. Wood and Fiber Science 45(2):206-214.


McConnell, E., 2013. Using impact analysis to document a forest products sector's contributions to Ohio's economy. Journal of Extension 51(2).


McConnell, E., Shi, S. Q. 2013. Wettability of hydrothermally-treated hardwood surfaces in PMDI adhesive at elevated temperatures. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 29(2):281-285.


Little, N. S., Blount, N. A., Londo, A. J., Kitchens, S. C., Schultz, T. P., McConnell, E., Riggins, J. J. 2012. Preference of formosan subterranean termites for blue-stained Southern yellow pine sapwood. Journal of Economic Entomology 105(5):1640-1644.


McConnell, E., Shi, S. Q. 2011. Surface energy characterization of three partially hydrolyzed southern hardwood species determined by dynamic contact angle analysis. The Journal of Adhesion 87(4):353-365.


McConnell, E., Little, N. S., Shi, S. Q., Schultz, T. P. 2010. Technical note: The susceptibility of chemically treated Southern hardwoods to subterranean termite attack. Wood and Fiber Science 42(2):252-254.


McConnell, E., Shi, S. Q., Shmulsky, R. 2009. Technical note: A preliminary study on the bending stiffness of chemically treated wood material for structural composite lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 41(3):322-324.


McConnell, E., Shmulsky, R. 2009. The effects of hurricane Katrina on the structure, performance, capacity, and future of the lumber industry in the United States gulf states. Journal of Forest Products Research 6(2).


Graduate Students

  • Katherine Abbott
  • Samjhana Panthi
  • James Shannon

Awards & Honors

  • Southern Region Technical Release of the Year
    Forest Resources Association
  • Southern Region Technical Release of the Year
    Forest Resources Association
  • 1st Place Graduate Student Poster
  • College of Applied and Natural Sciences Researcher of the Year
    Louisiana Tech University

Society Memberships

  • American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
  • Council of Forest Engineering
  • Forest Products Society
  • Forest Products Society
  • International Society of Forest Resource Economists
  • Society of American Foresters
  • Society of American Foresters