Dr. Courtney M. Siegert

Dr. Courtney M. Siegert


  • Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-7481
Thompson Hall, Rm 369



  • University of Delaware, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Geography
  • University of Delaware, Master of Science (M.S.), Geography
  • Fairfield University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Mathematics

Research Interests

Forest hydrology and biogeochemistry
Canopy-derived fluxes
Climate variability and forest response


Year Publications

Gosselaar, M., Arick, M. A., Hsu, C., Renninger, H. J., Siegert, C. M., Shafqat, W., Peterson, D. G., Himes, A. 2025. Comparative Transcriptomic and Phenotypic Analysis of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Populus deltoides Genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science 15.


Scavotto, N., Siegert, C. M., Alexander, H., Varner, J. 2025. Leaf Water Storage Capacity Among Eight US Hardwood Tree Species: Differences in Seasonality and Methodology. Hydrology 12(2):40.


Willis, J. L., Bragg, D., Cannon, J., Gandhi, K., Kidd, K., Polinko, A. D., Puhlick, J., Saenz, D., Sayer, M., Schalk, C., Self, A. B., Siegert, C. M., Varner, J. M. 2024. Assessing the potential impact of retaining native off-site tree species in woodland restoration. Restoration Ecology


Scavotto, N., Siegert, C. M., Alexander, H. D., Varner, J. 2024. Bark and crown morphology drive differences in rainwater distribution in an upland oak forest. Forest Ecology and Management 553:121642.


Siegert, C. M., Clay, N., Vissa, S., Pace, K., Hofstetter, R., Leveron, O., Riggins, J. J. 2024. Bark beetle-driven community and biogeochemical impacts in forest ecosystems: a review. Annals of the Entomological Society of America


Ilek, A., Plachta, A., Siegert, C. M., Dias Campos, S., Szostek, M., Tonello, K. 2024. Vertical variation in swelling properties of Norway spruce bark depending on tree age and bark moisture content. European Journal of Forest Research


Gaseka, M., Ilek, A., Magdziak, Z., Saitanis, C., Siegert, C. M. 2024. Seasonality but Not Tree Age Determines Secondary Plant Metabolite Composition in Scots Pine Needles. Plants 13:1293.


Martinez, C., Siegert, C. M., Granger, J., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Seasonal comparison of household vinegar and glyphosate treatments on Microstegium vimineum removal in the North Carolina, United States piedmont. Restoration Ecology


Renninger, H. J., Kyaw, T., Siegert, C. M., Rousseau, R. J. 2024. Water use efficiency, leaf physiology and productivity of black willow (Salix nigra Marshall) for short rotation bioenergy production in the southern US. Biomass and Bioenergy 183.


Goldsmith, C., Alexander, H., Granger, J., Siegert, C. M. 2023. Invasive Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass) hinders growth and biomass of hardwood seedlings regardless of light and moisture treatment. Forest Ecology and Management 539:120984.


Clay, N., Tang, J., Siegert, C. M., Thomason, J. M., Benedetto, N., Day, D., Pace, K., Leveron, O., Hofstetter, R., Riggins, J. J. 2023. Decomposition of bark beetle-attacked trees after mortality varies across forests. Forest Ecology and Management 553:121636.


Hale, C., Granger, J., Correa, S., Siegert, C., DuBien, J. 2022. Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) Response Post- Hurricane Disturbance. Forest Science 68:270-282.


Hale, C., Granger, J., Siegert, C., Correa, S., DuBien, J., Goldsmith, C., Kruckeberg, W. 2022. Microsite Habitat, Species Associations, and Habitat Suitability Model of a Globally Imperiled Shrub. Natural Areas 42(3):206-217.


Babl-Plauche, E., Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C. M., Willis, J. L., Berry, A. I. 2022. Mesophication of upland oak forests: Implications of species-specific differences in leaf litter decomposition rates and fuelbed composition. Forest Ecology and Management 512:120141.


Kyaw, T., Siegert, C. M., Dash, P., Poudel, K. P., Pitts, J. J., Renninger, H. J. 2022. Using hyperspectral leaf reflectance to estimate photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen content across eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar taxa. PLOS One 17:e0264780.


Siegert, C. M., Ilek, A., Wade, A., Schweitzer, C. 2022. Changes in bark properties and hydrology following prescribed fire in Pinus taeda and Quercus montana. Hydrological Processes 37:e14799.


Hale, C. W., Granger, J. J., Correa, S. B., DuBien, J. L., Siegert, C. M. 2022. Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides[L.] B.S.P.) Response Post-Hurricane Disturbance. Forest Science 68(3):270-282.


Hale, C. W., Granger, J. J., Siegert, C. M., Correa, S. B., DuBien, J. L., Goldsmith, C. D., Kruckeberg, W. 2022. Microsite Habitat, Species Associations, and Habitat Suitability Model of a Globally Imperiled Shrub. Natural Areas Journal 42(3).


Clay, N. A., Siegert, C. M., Tang, J. D., Little, N. S., Eckhardt, L. G., Riggins, J. J. 2021. Termite presence and feeding on loblolly pine wood differs among four root-infecting bluestain (ophiostomatoid) fungi species. Environmental Entomology 50(5):1118-1126.


Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C. M., Brewer, S., Kreye, J., Lashley, M. A., McDaniel, J., Paulson, A., Renninger, H. J., Varner, J. M. 2021. Mesophication of oak landscapes: evidence, knowledge gaps, and future research. BioScience 71(5):531-542.


McDaniel, J., Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C. M., Lashley, M. A. 2021. Shifting tree species composition of upland oak forests alters leaf litter structure, moisture, and flammability. Forest Ecology and Management 482:118860.


Ilek, A., Siegert, C. M., Wade, A. 2021. Hygroscopic contributions to bark water storage and controls exerted by internal bark structure over water vapor absorption. Trees 35(3):831-843.


Siegert, C. M., Suriano, Z., Leathers, D., Gold, A., Addy, K., Schroth, A., Seybold, E., Inamdar, S., Levia, D. 2021. Effects of atmospheric circulation on stream chemistry in forested watersheds across the northeastern United States: Part 1. Synoptic-scale forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 126(13):e2020JD033413.


Suriano, Z. J., Siegert, C. M., Leathers, D. J., Gold, A. J., Addy, K., Schroth, A., Seybold, E., Inamdar, S., Levia, D. F. 2021. Effects of atmospheric circulation on stream chemistry in forested watersheds across the northeastern United States: Part 2. Interannual weather type variability. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 126(13):e2021JD034546.


Linhoss, A. C., Siegert, C. M. 2020. Calibration reveals limitations in modeling rainfall interception at the storm scale. Journal of Hydrology 584:124624.


Babl, E., Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C. M., Willis, J. L. 2020. Could canopy, bark, and leaf litter traits of encroaching non-oak species influence future flammability of upland oak forests?. Forest Ecology and Management 458:117731.


Dowtin, A. L., Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F. 2020. Comparisons of flux-based stemflow enrichment ratios for two Quercus spp. within the megalopolis of the eastern USA. Urban Ecosystems 24(4):675-960.


Ni, X., Parajuli, P. B., Ouyang, Y., Dash, P., Siegert, C. M. 2020. Assessing land use change impact on stream discharge and stream water quality in an agricultural watershed. Catena 198:105055.


Siegert, C. M., Drotar, N. A., Alexander, H. D. 2019. Spatial and temporal variability of throughfall among oak and co-occurring non-oak tree species in an upland hardwood forest. Geosciences 9(10):405.


Limpert, K., Siegert, C. M. 2019. Interspecific Differences in Canopy-Derived Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen in Upland Oak-Hickory Forest. Forests 10(12):1121.


Hornslein, N. J., Siegert, C. M., Renninger, H. J. 2019. Changes in Physiological Functioning in Loblolly Pine Trees Undergoing Bark Beetle Simulated Mortality. Forest Science 65(3):312-323.


Karwan, D. L., Pizzuto, J. E., Aalto, R., Marquard, J., Harpold, A., Skalak, K., Bentham, A., Levia, D. F., Siegert, C. M., Aufdenkampe, A. 2018. Direct channel precipitation and storm characteristics influence short-term fallout radionuclide assessment of sediment sources. Water Resources Research 54(7):4579-4594.


Siegert, C. M., Clay, N., Tang, J., Garrigues, L. G., Riggins, J. J. 2018. Indirect effects of bark beetle generated coarse woody debris impacts to biogeochemical properties of forest floor substrates following one year of decomposition. Oecologia 188(4):1209-1226.


Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F., Leathers, D. J., Van Stan, J. T., Mitchell, M. J. 2017. Do storm synoptic patterns affect biogeochemical fluxes from temperate deciduous forest canopies?. Biogeochemistry 132(3):273-292.


Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F., Hudson, S. A., Dowtin, A. L., Zhang, F., Mitchell, M. J. 2016. Small-scale topographic variability influences tree species distribution and canopy throughfall partitioning in a temperate deciduous forest. Forest Ecology and Management 359:109-117.


Siegert, C. M., Leathers, D. J., Levia, D. F. 2016. Synoptic typing: interdisciplinary application methods with three practical hydroclimatological examples. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 128:603-621.


Linhoss, A. C., Siegert, C. M. 2016. A comparison of five forest interception models using global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Journal of Hydrology 538:109-116.


Karwan, D. L., Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F., Pizzuto, J., Marquard, J., Aalto, R., Aufdenkampe, A. K. 2015. Beryllium-7 wet deposition variation with storm height, synoptic classification, and tree canopy state in the mid-Atlantic USA. Hydrological Processes 30(1):75-89.


Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F. 2014. Seasonal and meteorological effects on differential stemflow funneling ratios for two deciduous tree species. Journal of Hydrology 519:446-454.


Siegert, C. M., Levia, D. F. 2011. Stomatal conductance and transpiration of co-occurring seedlings with varying shade tolerance. Trees 25(6):1091-1102.


Graduate Students

  • David Jiorle
  • Max Arnold
  • Anthony Umeojiakor
  • David Everson
  • Jianing Liang

Awards & Honors

  • Faculty Advising Award
    MSU College of Forest Resources
  • Faculty Research Award
    MSU College of Forest Resources
  • Faculty Research Award
    MSU College of Forest Resources
  • Superior Faculty Teaching Award
    Regions Bank - MSU Division of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
  • Faculty Teaching Award
    MSU College of Forest Resources
  • Communication Award: Learning Module National Finalist
    National Association of County Agricultural Agents

Society Memberships

  • American Geophysical Union
  • Ecological Society of America
  • Forest Stewards Guild
  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • Short Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group
  • Society of American Foresters
  • Xi Sigma Pi