Dr. Loren W. Burger
- University of Missouri, Columbia, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Wildlife & Fisheries
- University of Missouri, Columbia, Master of Science (MS), Wildlife & Fisheries
- Murray State University, Bachelor of Science (BS), Biology and Mathematics
Research Interests
Measuring environmental benefits and services produced by conservation practices in working agricultural and forested landscapes.
Strategic delivery of targeted conservation practices in working landscapes.
Year | Publications |
2024 | McCrary, A., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R. K., Burger, L. M., Lucore, A., Ramirez Avila, J., Schauwecker, T. J., Czarnecki, J., Burger, L. W., Baker, B. 2024. Short-Term Contribution of Conservation Practice Implementation to Water Quality Impairments in Small Streams. Water 16(2):16. Download |
2024 | Ogawa, R., Wang, G., Burger, L. W., Strickland, B. K., Davis, J. B., Cunningham, F. 2024. Bayesian integrated species distribution models for hierarchical resource selection by a soaring bird. Ecological Informatics 82:102787. |
2023 | Burger, I. D., Burger, L. M., Burger, L. W. 2023. Student Perceptions of Impacts of Undergraduate Research on Professional Development Abstract. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 68(4):305-312. |
2022 | Ogawa, R., Davis, J. B., King, D. T., Burger, L. W., Strickland, B. K., Sovada, M. A., Wang, G., Cunningham, F. 2022. Migratory movements and home ranges of geographically distinct wintering populations of a soaring bird. Diversity 14:(12):1109. |
2022 | Samiappan, S., Shamaskin, A., Liu, J., Liang, Y., Roberts, J., Sesser, A. L., Westlake, S. M., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K., Tirpak, J., Hopkins, T. E., Ashby, S. L., Burger, L. W. 2022. Evidence-based land conservation framework using multi-criteria acceptability analysis: A geospatial tool for strategic land conservation in the Gulf coast of the United States. Environmental Modelling & Software 156(105493). |
2021 | Baker, B., Burger, L. M., Czarnecki, J., Schauwecker, T. J., Ramirez Avila, J., McCrary, A., Lucore, A., Burger, L. W. 2021. Watershed conservation: A case study on the Redbud-Catalpa Creek watershed. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Research Bulletin 1238:20. Download |
2019 | Adams, H. L., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. 2019. Influence of disturbance on avian communities in agricultural conservation buffers in Mississippi, USA. The Open Ornithology Journal 12:16-29. |
2019 | Monroe, A. P., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2019. Pasture-scale vegetation predicts Dickcissel nest-site selection and success in native and exotic grass pastures. The Condor 121(3). |
2018 | McConnell, M. D., Monroe, A. P., Chandler, R., Palmer, W. E., Wellendorf, S., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2018. Factors influencing Northern Bobwhite recruitment with implications for population growth. Auk 135(4):1087-1099. |
2018 | Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Burger, L. W., Rajasekaran, K., Bhatnagar, D. 2018. Recent development of optical methods in rapid and non-destructive detection of aflatoxin and fungal contamination in agricultural products. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 100:65-81. |
2017 | Burger, L. W., Dailey, T. V., Ryan, M. R., Kurzejeski, E. 2017. Effect of temperature and wind on metabolism of Northern Bobwhite in winter. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8:300-307. Download |
2017 | Miller, R. S., Palmer, W. E., Wellendorf, S. D., Burger, L. W. 2017. Foraging behavior of Northern Bobwhites in relation to resource availability. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 8:207-214. Download |
2017 | Monroe, A. P., Burger, L. W., Bolland, H. T., Martin, J. A. 2017. Economic and conservation implications of converting exotic forages to native warm-season grass. Global Ecology and Conservation 11:23-32. |
2017 | McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2017. The law of interspersion and the principle of edge: Old arguments and a new synthesis. National Quail Symposium 8:137. Download |
2017 | McConnell, M. D., Monroe, A. P., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2017. Timing of nest vegetation measurement affects its influence in nest survival studies: a simulation study. Ecology and Evolution 7(4):1259-1270. |
2016 | Monroe, A. P., Chandler, R. B., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2016. Converting exotic forages to native warm-season grass can increase avian productivity in beef production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233:85-93. |
2016 | Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., King, R., Evans, K., Burger, L. W. 2016. Using hierarchical centering to facilitate a reversible jump MCMC algorithm for random effects models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 98:79-90. |
2015 | Adams, H. L., Wes Burger, L., Riffell, S. 2015. Edge effects on avian diversity and density of native grass conservation buffers. Open Ornithology Journal 8(1):1-9. Download |
2015 | St. James, E. A., Schummer, M. L., Kaminski, R. M., Penny, E. J., Burger, L. W. 2015. Effect of weekly hunting frequency on rate of ducks harvested. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6(1):247-254. |
2015 | Riffell, S. K., Monroe, A. P., Martin, J. A., Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Smith, M. D. 2015. Response of non-grassland avian guilds to adjacent herbaceous field buffers: testing the configuration of targeted conservation practices in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 52(2):303–309. |
2015 | Iglay, R. B., Miller, D. A., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2015. Soil N and C response to mid-rotation vegetation management in intensively managed pine stands. Soil Science 180:33–38. |
2014 | St. James, E. A., Schummer, M. L., Kaminski, R. M., Penny, E. J., Burger, L. W. 2014. Effect of weekly hunting frequency on duck abundances in Mississippi Wildlife Management Areas. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4(1):144–150. |
2014 | Conover, R. R., Dinsmore, S. J., Burger, L. W. 2014. Effects of conservation practices on bird community structure within an intensive agricultural landscape. American Midland Naturalist 172:61-75. |
2014 | Monroe, A. P., Martin, J. A., Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W. 2014. Effects of measuring nestling condition on nest success in the Dickcissel (Spiza americana). Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):401-406. |
2014 | Dollar, J. G., Riffell, S., Adams, H. L., Burger, L. W. 2014. Evaluating butterflies as surrogates for birds and plants in semi-natural grassland buffers. Journal of Insect Conservation 18(2):171–178. |
2014 | Wood, D. R., Burger, L. W., Vilella, F. J. 2014. Red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis microhabitat characteristics and reproductive success in a loblolly-shortleaf pine forest. Open Ornithology Journal 7:49–54. |
2014 | Temu, V. W., Baldwin, B. S., Reddy, K. R., Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W. 2014. Wildlife habitat quality (sward structure and ground cover) response of mixed native warm-season grasses to harvesting. Environments 1(1):75–91. |
2014 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D. 2014. Assessing multiregion avian benefits from strategically targeted buffers. Conservation Biology 28(4):892 - 901. |
2014 | Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., King, R., Evans, K., Burger, L. W. 2014. Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 19(2):219-239. |
2014 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D., Twedt, D. J., Wilson, R. R., Vorisek, S., Rideout, C., Heyden, K. 2014. Avian response to conservation buffers in agricultural landscapes during winter. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):257-264. |
2013 | Singleton, L. C., Sladek, B. G., Burger, L. W., Munn, I. A. 2013. Bird community response to mid-rotation nanagement in Conservation Reserve Program pine plantations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:189-197. |
2013 | Adams, H. L., Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W. 2013. Disturbance and landscape effects on avian nests in agricultural conservation buffers. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1213-1220. |
2013 | Dollar, J. G., Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W. 2013. Effects of managing semi-natural grassland buffers on butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:577-590. |
2013 | Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W. 2013. Improving distance sampling: accounting for covariates and non-independency between sampled sites. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:786-793. |
2013 | Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Devictor, V. 2013. Improving distance sampling: accounting for covariates and non-independency between sampled sites. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(3):786 - 793. |
2013 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Oedekoven, C. S., Smith, M. D., Riffell, S. K., Martin, J. A., Buckland, S. T. 2013. Multi-region response to conservation buffers targeted for northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4):716-725. |
2012 | DeVault, T. L., Belant, J. L., Blackwell, B. F., Martin, J. A., Schmidt, J. A., Burger, L. W., Patterson, Jr, J. W. 2012. Airports offer unrealized potential for alternative energy production. Environmental Management 49(3):517–522. |
2012 | Holt, R. D., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D., Godwin, K. D. 2012. Annual variation in Northern Bobwhite survival and raptor migration. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium 7:265-270. Download |
2012 | Dorr, B. S., Burger, L. W., Barras, S. C., Godwin, K. C. 2012. Double-crested cormorant distribution on catfish aquaculture in the Yazoo River Basin of Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36(1):70–77. |
2012 | Dorr, B. S., Burger, L. W., Barras, S. C., Godwin, K. C. 2012. Economic impact of double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) eepredation on channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) aquaculture in Mississippi, USA. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 43(4):502–513. |
2012 | Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Dailey, T. V., Emmerich, B., Wellendorf, S., Seiler, T., Palmer, W. E. 2012. Expanding predictive assessment of northern bobwhite covey calling rates to incorporate regional effects. Quail VII National Symposium 7:134. |
2012 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Palmer, W. 2012. Genetic structure of Northern Bobwhites in northeast Mississippi and southwest Tennessee. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium Download |
2012 | Mitchell, K. L., Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W., Vilella, F. J. 2012. Provisioning of nestling Dickcissels in native warm-season grass field buffers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(2):298–309. |
2011 | Conover, R. R., Dinsmore, S. J., Burger, L. W. 2011. Effects of conservation practices on bird nest density and survival in intensive agriculture. Agriculture Ecosystem Environment 141:126-132. |
2011 | Hale, S. L., Riffell, S., Burger, L. W., Adams, H. L., Dollar, J. G. 2011. Fire ant response to management of native grass conservation buffers. American Midland Naturalist 166(2):283–291. Download |
2011 | Conover, R. R., Burger, L. W., Linder, E. T. 2011. Grassland bird nest ecology and survival in upland habitat buffers near wooded edges. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35(4):353-361. |
2011 | McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2011. Precision conservation: A geospatial decision support tool for optimizing conservation and profitability in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66(6):347–354. |
2011 | Martin, J. A., Belant, J. L., DeVault, T. L., Blackwell, B. F., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Wang, G. 2011. Wildlife risk to aviation: S multi-scale issue requires a multi-scale solution. Human-Wildlife Interactions 5(2):198-203. Download |
2010 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D. 2010. Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds. NRCS Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Insight Download |
2010 | Riffell, S. K., Scognamillo, D. G., Burger, L. W., Bucholtz, S. 2010. Broad-scale relations between Conservation Reserve Program and grassland birds: Do cover type, configuration and contract age matter. Open Ornithology Journal 3:112-123. |
2010 | Iglay, R. B., Jones, P. D., Miller, D. A., Demarias, S., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2010. Deer carrying capacity in mid-rotation pine plantations of Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1003-1012. |
2010 | Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Miller, D. A., Burger, L. W. 2010. Effect of plant community composition on plant response to fire and herbicide treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 260:543-548. |
2010 | Burger, L. W., Barbour, P. J., Smith, M. D. 2010. Grassland Bird Population Responses to Upland Habitat Buffer Establishment. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Download |
2010 | Jones, P. D., Burger, L. W., Demarais, S. 2010. Habitat value of intensively established pine plantations for Northern Bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(3):449-458. |
2010 | Singleton, L. C., Burger, L. W., Evans, K. O., Hamrick, R., Godwin, D. 2010. Mississippi CRP CP33 Bird Monitoring Summary 2006-2008. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Note Download |
2010 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K. 2010. National CP33 Bird Monitoring Executive Summary 3-year Report. Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Research Note Download |
2010 | Singleton, L. C., Burger, L. W., Hamrick, R. 2010. Northern bobwhite management on private lands: Clay County, Mississippi property management. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Note Download |
2010 | Singleton, L. C., Burger, L. W., Hamrick, R. 2010. Northern bobwhite management on private lands: Coahoma County, Mississippi property management. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Note Download |
2010 | Singleton, L. C., Burger, L. W., Hamrick, R. 2010. Northern bobwhite management on private lands: Panola County, Mississippi property management. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Note Download |
2010 | McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W., Givens, W. 2010. Precision conservation: Using precision agriculture technology to optimize conservation and profitability in agricultural landscapes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision Agriculture Download |
2010 | Iglay, R. B., Jones, P. D., Miller, D. A., Demarais, S., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2010. Deer carrying capacity in mid-rotation pine plantations of Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1003-1012. |
2010 | Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Miller, D. A., Burger, L. W. 2010. Effect of plant community composition on plant response to fire and herbicide treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 260:543-548. |
2009 | Conover, R. R., Burger, L. W., Linder, E. T. 2009. Breeding bird response to field border presence and width. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121(3):548–555. |
2009 | Holt, D. R., Burger, L. W., Dinsmore, S. J., Smith, M. D., Skukaitis, S. J., Godwin, K. D. 2009. Effects of radio-marking on early post-release survival of Northern Bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:989-995. |
2009 | Evans, K. O., Burger, L. W., Faircloth, B. C., Palmer, W. E., Carroll, J. P. 2009. Effects of tissue sampling methods on morphometrics and survival of captive neonatal northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1241-1244. |
2009 | Smith, M., Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Carroll, J. 2009. Estimating sample sizes for distance sampling of autumn Northern Bobwhite calling coveys. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 6:46-53. Download |
2009 | Riffell, S. K., Burger, L. W., Watkins, T. B. 2009. Evaluating pre-emergence herbicides for establishing native grasses and forbs. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Advances 12(2):4. Download |
2009 | Holt, R., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B., Godwin, D. 2009. Over-winter survival of Northern Bobwhite in relation to landscape composition and structure. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 6:432-446. Download |
2009 | Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2009. Population response of Northern Bobwhite to field border management practices in Mississippi. . National Quail Symposium Proceedings 6:220-231. Download |
2009 | Evans, K. O., Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W., Chambers, R. J., Houston, A. E., Carlisle, R. 2009. Release of pen-reared bobwhites: Potential consequences to the genetic integrity of resident wild populations. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 6:121-133. Download |
2009 | Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Faircloth, B. C., Palmer, W. E., Carroll, J. P. 2009. Effects of tissue collection methods on morphometrics and survival of captive neonatal Northern Bobwhite. The Journal of Wildlife Management 73(7):1241. |
2008 | Sladek, B. G., Burger, L. W., Munn, I. A. 2008. Avian community response to mid-rotation herbicide release and prescribed burning in Conservation Reserve Program plantations. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 32(3):111-119. |
2008 | Barbour, P. J., Martin, S. W., Burger, L. W. 2008. Economic impact of conservation field borders on farm operations. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1167. Download |
2008 | Seckinger, E. M., Burger, L. W., Whittington, R., Houston, A., Carlisle, R. 2008. Effects of landscape composition on winter survival of Northern Bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management 72(4):959–969. |
2008 | Riffell, S. K., Scognamillo, D., Burger, L. W. 2008. Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on Northern Bobwhite and grassland birds. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 146(1):309-323. |
2008 | Dorr, B. S., Burger, L. W., Barras, S. C. 2008. Evaluation of aerial cluster sampling of double-crested cormorants on aquaculture ponds in Mississippi. The Journal of Wildlife Management 72(7):1634–1640. |
2008 | Wood, D. R., Vilella, F. J., Burger, L. W. 2008. Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) home range dynamics and macrohabitat selection in a loblolly-shortleaf pine forest. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(4):793–800. |
2007 | Chamberlain, M. J., Austin, J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2007. Effects of landscape composition and structure on core use areas of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in a prairie landscape. The American Midland Naturalist 158(1):113–122. |
2007 | Chamberlain, M. J., Burger, L. W., Godwin, D., Watkins, B. 2007. Efficacy of spring herbicide applications for fescue control: a comparison of three products. Proceedings Annual Conference of the Southeastern Associations of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 61:69-83. Download |
2007 | Barbour, P. J., Martin, S. W., Burger, L. W. 2007. Estimating economic impact of conservation field borders on farm revenue. Crop Management |
2007 | Conover, R. R., Burger, L. W., Linder, E. T. 2007. Winter avian community and sparrow response to field border width. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1917-1923. |
2006 | Plowman, B. W., Conner, L. M., Chamberlain, M. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2006. Annual dynamics of bobcat (Lynx rufus) home range and core areas in Mississippi. American Midland Naturalist 156(2):386–393. |
2006 | Burger, L. W., Hamrick, R., Brasher, K. 2006. Conservation Buffers: Wildlife Benefits in Southeastern Agricultural Systems. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Advance 9(2):1-4. Download |
2006 | Burger, L. W. 2006. Creating Early Successional Wildlife Habitat through Federal Farm Programs: An Objective-Driven Approach with Case Studies. USDA-NRCS-AWCC Technical Note Download |
2006 | Burger, L. W. 2006. Creating wildlife habitat through federal farm programs: An objective-driven approach. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):994–999. |
2006 | Conover, R. R., Linder, E., Burger, L. W. 2006. Effects of Herbaceous Field Borders on Farmland Birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. USDA-NRCS-AWCC Technical Note no. 190-51 |
2006 | Sladek, B. G., Munn, I. A., Burger, L. W., Roberts, S. D. 2006. Financial returns of wildlife habitat improvement programs in mid-rotation CRP loblolly pine plantations. Proceedings of the 2005 Southern Forest Economics Workshop Download |
2006 | Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Brasher, K. 2006. Pine forestland habitat management for wildlife. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Download |
2006 | Sladek, B. G., Munn, I. A., Burger, L. W., Roberts, S. D. 2006. Response of timber growth and avian communities to quality vegetation management in mid-rotation CRP pine plantations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station Download |
2006 | Bond, B. T., Bowman, J. L., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Godwin, K. D., Class, C. M. 2006. Swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) demographics, morphometrics, and reproductive characteristics in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 51:123–128. |
2006 | Burger, L. W., McKenzie, D., Thackston, R., DeMaso, S. J. 2006. The role of farm policy in achieving large-scale conservation: Bobwhite and buffers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):986-993. Download |
2005 | Conner, L. M., Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2005. A comparison of distance-based and classification-based analyses of habitat use: Reply. Ecology 86(11):3125–3129. Download |
2005 | Smith, M. D., Barbour, P. J., Burger, L. W., Dinsmore, S. J. 2005. Breeding bird abundance and diversity in agricultural field borders in the Black Belt Prairie of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:43–56. Download |
2005 | Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Brasher, K. 2005. Conservation Reserve Program Mid-contract Management: Practices for Wildlife Habitat Improvement. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Download |
2005 | Smith, M. D., Barbour, P. J., Burger, L. W., Dinsmore, S. J. 2005. Density and diversity of overwintering birds in managed field borders in Mississippi. The Wilson Bulletin 117(3):258–269. |
2005 | Burger, L. W. 2005. Disking to enhance early successional wildlife habitat in grasslands and old-fields: wildlife benefits and erosion potential. USDA-NRCS-AWCC Technical Note no. 190-32 Download |
2005 | Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Brasher, K. 2005. Farm-level habitat management for bobwhite quail and other farm wildlife. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Download |
2005 | Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Miller, D. A. 2005. Food availability versus preference of wild turkey poults in intensively-managed pine stands in Mississippi. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:100-113. Download |
2005 | Burger, L. W., Hamrick, R., Smith, M. D., Barbour, P., Brasher, K. 2005. Grassland bird response to agricultural field borders. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Research Advance 8(2). Download |
2005 | Chamberlain, M. J., Burger, L. W. 2005. Landscape Level Effects of Red-cockaded Woodpecker Management on Bobwhite Abundance and Distribution. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:10-16. Download |
2005 | Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Brasher, K. 2005. Planning and prioritization of northern bobwhite habitat restoration in Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Download |
2005 | Hamrick, R., Burger, L. W., Brasher, K. 2005. Planning and prioritization of northern bobwhite habitat restoration in Mississippi. Forest and Wildlife Research Center Download |
2005 | Wood, D. R., Burger, L. W., Vilella, F. J. 2005. Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) behavioral patterns in a Mississippi loblolly-shortleaf pine forest. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 50:168–176. |
2005 | Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2005. Use of imprinted Northern Bobwhite chicks to assess habitat-specific arthropod availability. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(2):596–605. |
2005 | Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Miller, D. A. 2005. Food availability versus preference of wild turkey poults in intensively-managed pine stands of Mississippi. . Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:100-113. |
2004 | Henner, C. M., Chamberlain, M. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2004. A multi-resolution assessment of raccoon den selection. Journal of Wildlife Management 68(1):179–187. |
2004 | Austin, J. M., Chamberlain, M. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2004. An evaluation of EGG and wire cage traps for capturing racoons. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:351-356. |
2004 | Wood, D. R., Burger, L. W., Bowman, J. L., Hardy, C. L. 2004. Avian community response to intensive red-cockaded woodpecker habitat management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:819-824. |
2004 | Bond, B. T., Bowman, J. L., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Godwin, K. D., Class, C. M. 2004. Demographics, morphometrics, and reproductive characteristics of eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 49:220–224. |
2004 | Schable, N. A., Faircloth, B. C., Palmer, W. E., Carroll, J. P., Burger, L. W., Brennan, L. A., Hagen, C., Glenn, T. C. 2004. Tetranucleotide and dinucleotide microsatellite loci from the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Molecular Ecology Notes 4(3):415–419. |
2003 | Conner, L. M., Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2003. A comparison of distance-based and classification-based analyses of habitat use. Ecology 84(2):526–531. |
2003 | Smith, M. D., Hammond, A. D., Burger, L. W., Palmer, W. E., Carver, A. V., Wellendorf, S. D. 2003. A technique for capturing northern bobwhite chicks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31(4):1054–1060. Download |
2003 | Nuttle, T., Leidolf, A., Burger, L. W. 2003. Assessing conservation value of bird communities with Partners in Flight-based ranks. The Auk 120(2):541–549. |
2003 | Greenfield, K. C., Chamberlain, M. J., Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E. W. 2003. Effects of burning and discing Conservation Reserve Program fields to improve habitat quality for Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). American Midland Naturalist 149(2):344–353. |
2003 | Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2003. Multi-resolution approach to wildlife habitat modeling using remotely sensed imagery. Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 48th Annual Meeting 5153:34–43. |
2003 | Conner, L. M., Smith, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2003. Using Euclidean distances to assess habitat selection. Ecology 84:526-531. Download |
2002 | Williamson, S., Burger, L. W., Demarais, S., Chamberlain, M. 2002. Effects of Northern Bobwhite habitat management practices on red imported fire ants. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 5:136-140. Download |
2002 | Brasher, M. G., Kaminski, R. M., Burger, L. W. 2002. Evaluation of indicated breeding pair criteria to estimate mallard breeding populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(4):985–992. |
2002 | Bond, B. T., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D., Jones, J. C., Godwin, K. D. 2002. Habitat use by cottontail rabbits across multiple spatial scales in Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 99(4):1171–1178. |
2002 | Burger, L. W. 2002. Quail management: Issues, concerns, and solutions for public and private lands - A Southeastern perspective. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 5:20-34. Download |
2002 | Bond, B. T., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D., Godwin, K. D., Jones, J. C. 2002. Short-term response of eastern cottontail to prescribed fire in east-central Mississippi. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 56:187–197. Download |
2002 | Hood, S. A., Miller, D. A., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2002. Small mammal and herpetile response to mid-rotation pine management in Mississippi. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 56:171-186. Download |
2002 | Greenfield, K. C., Burger, L. W., Chamberlain, M. J., Kurzejeski, E. W. 2002. Vegetation management practices on Conservation Reserve Program fields to improve northern bobwhite habitat quality. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30(2):527–538. Download |
2001 | McCoy, T. D., Kurzejeski, E. W., Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R. 2001. Effects of conservation practice, mowing, and temporal changes on vegetation structure on CRP Fields in Northern Missouri. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(3):979–987. Download |
2001 | McCoy, T. D., Kurzejeski, E. W., Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R. 2001. Effects of conservation practice, mowing, and temporal changes on vegetation structure on CRP fields in northern Missouri. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:979–987. Download |
2001 | McCoy, T. D., Ryan, M. R., Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E. W. 2001. Grassland bird conservation: CP1 vs. CP2 plantings in Conservation Reserve Program fields in Missouri. American Midland Naturalist 145(1):1–17. |
2001 | Greenfield, K. C., Burger, L. W., Chamberlain, M. J. 2001. Herbicide and prescribed fire as habitat management tools for northern bobwhite in Conservation Reserve Program fields. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 55:445-455. Download |
2001 | Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D. 2001. Integrating mathematics and statistics into undergraduate wildlife programs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:1024-1030. |
2001 | Bond, B. T., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Godwin, K. D. 2001. Movements and home range dynamics of cottontail rabbits in Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:1004–1013. |
2001 | Wood, D. R., Vilella, F. J., Burger, L. W. 2001. Red-cockaded woodpecker banding at Bienville National Forest, Mississippi. North American Bird Bander 26(1):16-19. |
2001 | Wood, D. R., Vilella, F. J., Burger, L. W., Armacost, J. W. 2001. Surveying nocturnal bird communities of the Southeast with silent and playback methods. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 55:528-533. Download |
2001 | Bond, B. T., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D., Godwin, K. D. 2001. Survival of cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Mississippi and an examination of latitudinal variation. American Midland Naturalist 145(1):127–136. |
2001 | Heard, L. P., Allen, A. W., Best, L. B., Brady, S. J., Burger, L. W., Esser, A. J., Hackett, E., Helinski, R. R., Hohman, W. L., Johnson, D. H., Pederson, R. L., Reynolds, R. E., Rewa, C., Ryan, M. R. 2001. The history, status and future needs of fish and wildlife management on private lands as related to USDA agricultural programs. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 66:54–67. |
2001 | Carver, A. V., Burger, L. W., Palmer, W. E., Brennan, L. A. 2001. Vegetation characteristics in seasonal-disked fields and at Bobwhite brood locations. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association Fish and Wild Agencies, Louisville, KY, USA 55:436–444. Download |
2000 | Bond, B. T., Bowman, J. L., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Kochanny, C. O. 2000. An improved radiocollar for eastern cottontail rabbits. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:565–569. Download |
2000 | Chamberlain, M. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2000. Characteristics of roost sites of adult wild turkey females. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:1025-1032. |
2000 | Bond, B. T., Bowman, J. L., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Godwin, K. D. 2000. Delineating age and speices of harvested rabbits. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 54:330–336. Download |
2000 | Taylor, J. D., Burger, L. W. 2000. Habitat use of breeding Northern Bobwhite in managed old-field habitats in Mississippi. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 4:7-15. Download |
2000 | Wood, D. R., Burger, L. W., Vilella, F. J., Raulston, B. E. 2000. Long-term effects of red-cockaded woodpecker cavity-entrance restrictors. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:105–109. Download |
2000 | Taylor, J. D., Burger, L. W., Manley, S. W., Brennan, L. A. 2000. Seasonal survival and cause-specific mortality of Northern Bobwhites in Mississippi. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 4:103-107. Download |
2000 | Henner, C. M., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D. 2000. Survival and cause-specific mortality of raccoons on a Northern Bobwhite Management Area. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 54:341-349. Download |
1999 | McCoy, T. D., Ryan, M. R., Kurzejeski, E. W., Burger, L. W. 1999. Conservation Reserve Program: Source or sink habitat for grassland birds in Missouri?. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(2):530–538. |
1999 | Burger, L. W., Miller, D. A., Southwick, R. I. 1999. Economic impact of Northern Bobwhite hunting in the southeastern United States. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:1010–1018. Download |
1999 | Bowman, J. L., Wood, D. R., Vilella, F. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Godwin, K. D. 1999. Effects of red-cockaded woodpecker management on vegetative composition and structure and subsequent impacts on game species. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 53:220–234. Download |
1999 | Carver, A. V., Burger, L. W., Brennan, L. A. 1999. Passive integrated transponders and patagial tag markers for northern bobwhite chicks. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:162–166. |
1999 | Chamberlain, M. J., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Plowman, B. W., Conner, L. M. 1999. Survival and cause-specific mortality of adult bobcats in central Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:613–620. |
1999 | Frawley, B. J., Osborne, D. A., Weeks, Jr, H. P., Burger, L. W., Dailey, T. V. 1999. Use of total body electrical conductivity to predict northern bobwhite lipid mass. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(2):695–704. |
1998 | Ryan, M. R., Burger, L. W., Jones, D. P., Wywialowski, A. P. 1998. Breeding ecology of greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) in relation to prairie landscape configuration. American Midland Naturalist 140(1):111–121. |
1998 | Burger, L. W., Hardy, C., Bein, J. 1998. Effects of prescribed fire and midstory removal on breeding bird communities in mixed pine-hardwood ecosystems of southern Mississippi. Fire in ecosystem management: shifting the paradigm from suppression to prescription. Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceedings |
1998 | Burger, L. W., Hardy, C., Bien, J. 1998. Effects of prescribed fire regime on breeding bird communities in mixed pine/hardwood ecosystems in Southwest Mississippi. Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference Proceedings 20:107-113. |
1998 | Burger, L. W., Sisson, D. C., Stribling, H. L., Speake, D. W. 1998. Northern Bobwhite survival and cause-specific mortality on an intensively-managed plantation in Georgia. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 52:174–190. Download |
1998 | Samano, S., Wood, D. R., Cole, J., Vilella, F. J., Burger, L. W. 1998. Red-cockaded woodpeckers ensnared in mesh snake traps. The Wilson Bulletin 110:564–566. Download |
1998 | Miller, D. A., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D., Hurst, G. A. 1998. Survival and cause-specific mortality of wild turkey hens in Central Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:306–313. |
1998 | Ryan, M. R., Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E. W. 1998. The impact of CRP on avian wildlife: A review. Journal of Production Agriculture 11(1):61–66. |
1998 | Brennan, L. A., Engstrom, R. T., Palmer, W. E., Hermann, S. M., Hurst, G. A., Burger, L. W., Hardy, C. L. 1998. Whither wildlife without fire?. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 63:402–414. |
1998 | Taylor, J. D., Burger, L. W. 1998. Wildlife habitat evaluation and planning using GIS. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry 1:215-219. |
1997 | Taylor, J., Burger, L. W. 1997. Reproductive effort and success of Northern Bobwhite in Mississippi. Proc. Annual Conference Southeast Association Fish and Wildlife 51:329–341. Download |
1996 | Engstrom, R., McNair, D., Brennan, L., Hardy, C., Burger, L. W. 1996. Influence on birds of dormant versus lightning-season prescribed fire in longleaf pine forests: Experimental design and preliminary results. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference |
1996 | Hurst, G. A., Burger, L. W., Leopold, B. D. 1996. Predation and galliforms: An old issue revisited. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 61:61-66. |
1996 | Nuttle, T., Burger, L. W. 1996. Response of breeding bird communities to restoration of hardwood bottomlands. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50:228–236. Download |
1995 | Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R., Dailey, T. V., Kurzejeski, E. W. 1995. Reproductive strategies, success, and mating systems of Northern Bobwhite in Missouri. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:417–426. |
1995 | Burger, L. W., Dailey, T. V., Kurzejeski, E. W., Ryan, M. R. 1995. Survival and cause-specific mortality of Northern Bobwhite in Missouri. Journal of Wildlife Management 59(2):401–410. |
1994 | Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E. W., Vangilder, L. D., Dailey, T. V., Shultz, J. H. 1994. Effects of harvest on population dynamics of upland birds: Are Bobwhite the model?. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 59:466-476. |
1994 | Burger, L. M., Burger, L. W., Faaborg, J. 1994. Effects of prairie fragmentation on predation on artificial nests. Journal of Wildlife Management 58(2):249–254. Download |
1994 | Burger, L. M., Burger, L. W., Faaborg, J. R. 1994. Effects of prairie fragmentation on predation on artificial nests. Journal of Wildlife Management 58:249-254. |
1994 | Burger, L. W., Ryan, M., Kurzejeski, E., Dailey, T. 1994. Factors affecting the habitat value of conservation reserve program lands for northern bobwhite in northern Missouri. Proceedings of the NCT-163 Post Conservation Reserve Land Use Conference, Denver, CO, USA |
1994 | Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R., Dailey, T. V., Kurzejeski, E. W. 1994. Temporal patterns in cause-specific mortality of Northern Bobwhite in Northern Missouri. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 48:208–219. Download |
1993 | Capel, S., Crawford, J. A., Robel, R. J., Burger, L. W., Sotherton, N. W. 1993. Appendix A: Agricultural Practices and Pesticides. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 3. Download |
1993 | Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R., Kurzejeski, E. W., Dailey, T. V. 1993. Conservation Reserve Program: Fields as Bobwhite habitat in Northern Missouri. Proceedings of Mid-Continent CRP Conference: "Will there be a Lasting Conservation Legacy?" |
1993 | Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E., Dailey, T., Ryan, M. 1993. Relative invertebrate abundance and biomass in Conservation Reserve Program plantings in northern Missouri. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 3:102–108. Download |
1993 | Dailey, T. V., Vangilder, T. M., Burger, L. W. 1993. Swamp rabbit distribution in Missouri. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 47:251–256. Download |
1992 | Kurzejeski, E. W., Burger, L. W., Monson, M., Lenkner, R. 1992. Wildlife conservation attitudes and land use intentions of Conservation Reserve Program participants in Missouri. Wildlife Society Bulletin 20(3):253–259. |
1991 | Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E., Dailey, T., Ryan, M. 1991. Evaluation of select CRP lands as bobwhite quail habitat. Proceedings of the Forage and Grassland Conference (USA) |
1991 | Burger, L. W., Ryan, M. R., Jones, D. P., Wywialowski, A. P. 1991. Radio transmitters bias estimation of movements and survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 55:693–697. |
1990 | Burger, L. W., Kurzejeski, E. W., Dailey, T. V., Ryan, M. R. 1990. Structural characteristics of vegetation in CRP fields in northern Missouri and their suitability as bobwhite habitat. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 55:74–83. |
Graduate Students
Awards & Honors
- William L. Giles Distinguished Professor
Mississippi State University - Rosalind and Rodney Foil Teamwork Award
Mississippi State University Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine - National Quail Symposium Award of Excellence
National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative and Bobwhite Technical Committee - Ralph E. Powe Excellence in Research Award
Mississippi State University - Conservation Education Award, for contributing Author/Technical Editor Book: Fish & Wildlife Management: A handbook for Mississippi landowners
The Wildlife Society - Sam K. Riffell Award for Conservation Excellence
Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society - Outstanding Peer-reviewed Paper Award
Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society - Fellow
The Wildlife Society - Faculty Service Award
College of Forest Resources - Outstanding Technical Publication
Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society - Best Student Paper Award, Kristine Evans, Ph.D. Student
Southeastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symp. - Best Student Paper Award, Mark McConnell MS Student
Southeastern Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Best Student Poster Award, Ray Iglay Ph.D. MS Student
Southeastern Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies - Best Popular Article Award
Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society - Dale H. Arner Distinguished Professorship
Forest and Wildlife Research Center/College of Forest Resources - Annual Award for Excellence
Southeast Quail Study Group - Faculty Research Award
College of Forest Resources/Forest Wildlife Research Center - Outstanding Wildlife Conservationist
Mississippi Wildlife Federation - Best Conference Paper Award, Wildlife Sessions- Nongame, SE Section
The Wildlife Society - Recognition for Significant and Sustained Extramural Funding
MSU Sponsored Programs - Faculty/Research Scientist/Engineer Award
Offices of the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine - Outstanding Teaching Award
College of Forest Resources - Grisham Master Teacher Award
Mississippi State University - Exemplary Continuing Education Programming
LERN International - Outstanding Research Award
College of Forest Resources/Forest Wildlife Research Center - Recognition for Significant and Sustained Extramural Funding
MSU Sponsored Programs - Best Conference Paper Award
Southeastern Section The Wildlife Society - Outstanding Teaching Award
MSU College of Forest Resources - Best Student Paper Award
The Wildlife Society National Meeting - Best Conference Paper Award
Southeastern Section The Wildlife Society - Best Professional Paper Award: Midwest Fish and Wildl. Conf. North Cent. Section
The Wildlife Society - Forestry Honor Society
Xi Sigma Pi - Doctoral Marshall, August graduation ceremony
University of Missouri - Charles P. Bell Graduate Scholarship Award
Conservation Federation of Missouri - Best Paper
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference North central Section, The Wildlife Society - Superior Graduate Achievement Award
Wildlife and Fisheries, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia - Graduate Fellowship Award
Missouri Wildlife Society - Magna Cum Laude Graduate
Murray State - Alpha Chi Honor Society
Murray State - Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
Murray State - John Wesley Carr Scholar
Murray State - Outstanding Wildlife Student
Murray State - Outstanding Wildlife Student
Murray State
Society Memberships
- Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Southeast Quail Study Group
- The Wildlife Society