Dr. Andrew Joseph Kouba
- Head
Dale H. Arner Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management
Contact Information
Office: 662-325-2378
Thompson Hall, Rm A205
- University of Florida, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Animal Science
- Clemson University, Master of Science (M.S.), Animal Physiology
- Northwest Missouri State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
- Northwest Missouri State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Zoology
Research Interests
Conservation Biology
Reproductive and Nutritional Ecology
Conservation Physiology
Animal Behavior
Human-Wildlife Interactions
Amphibian Conservation
Year | Publications |
2024 | Sheng, Q., Santos-Rivera, M., Kouba, A. J., Wang, G., Vance, C. K. 2024. Near infrared spectroscopy as a field-based methodology for sex identification from feces of the Giant Panda . Conservation Biology |
2024 | Chen, L., Caprio, M. A., Chen, D. M., Kouba, A. J., Vance, C. K. 2024. Enhancing predictive performance for spectroscopic studies in wildlife science through a multi-model approach: A case study for species classification of live amphibians. Plos Computational Biology 20(2):24. |
2024 | Saylor, E. M., Kouba, A. J., Boudreau, M. R., Songassen, N., Vance, C. 2024. Efficacy of Salmon GnRH, Ovaprim®, and hCG for Hormonal Stimulation of Spermiation in Amphibians. Conservation Physiology 12(1):coae056. |
2024 | Chen, D. m., Chen, L., Vance, C. K., Songsasen, N., Roth, T. L., Kouba, A. J. 2024. Oral administration of GnRH via a cricket vehicle stimulates spermiation in tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum). . Plos One 19(7):1-15. |
2024 | Chen, D. M., Vance, C. K., Songsasen, N., Roth, T. L., Allen, P. J., Kouba, A. J. 2024. Comparing novel sperm extenders for the internally-fertilizing tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). . Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science 1(e1320803):12. |
2024 | Wang, M., Wang, G., Huang, G., Kouba, A. J., Swaisgood, R. R., Zhou, W., Hu, Y., Nie, Y., Wei, F. 2024. Habitat connectivity drives panda recovery. Current Biology |
2023 | Julien, A. R., Counsell, K. R., Burger, I. J., Kouba, A. J., Barber, D., Cobos, C., Jennings, R. D., Christman, B. L., Vance, C. K. 2023. Effects of wild, semi-captive, and captive management on male Chiricahua leopard frog sperm quality withimplications for conservation breeding programs. Conservation Science and Practice 5(5):1-10. |
2023 | Marcec-Greaves, R., Vance, C., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J. 2023. Ovarian ultrasound analysis for developing temporal and spatially explicit hormone regimens for induced ovulation and egg deposition in the tiger salamander. Theriogenology Wild |
2023 | Burger, I. J., Chen, L., Lampert, S. S., Vance, C., Barber, D., Cobos, C., Kouba, A. J. 2023. Applying sperm collection and cryopreservation protocols developed in a model amphibian to three threatened anuran species targeted for biobanking management. Biological Conservation 277(109850). |
2022 | Sheng, Q., Santos-Rivera, M., Ouyang, X., Kouba, A. J., Vance, C. K. 2022. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Mode Cloning (NIR-MC) for in-situ analysis of crude protein in bamboo. Remote Sensing 14(6):1302. |
2022 | Burger, I., Lampert, S., Vance, C. K., Morin, D., Kouba, A. J. 2022. Development of an amphibian sperm biobanking model for genetic management and population sustainability. Conservation Physiology 10(1):1-16. |
2022 | Chen, D. M., Moore, M., Willis, E., Kouba, A. J., Vance, C. K. 2022. The impact of time and environmental factors on the mitochondrial vesicle and subsequent motility of amphibian sperm. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 268(111119):1-8. |
2022 | Lampert, S. S., Burger, I. J., Julien, A. R., Gillis, A. B., Kouba, A. J., Barber, D., Vance, C. K. 2022. Sperm Cryopreservation as a Tool for Amphibian Conservation: Production of F2 Generation Offspring from Cryo-Produced F1 Progeny. Animals 13(53):1-10. |
2021 | Langhorne, C. J., Calatayud, N., Vance, C. K., Willard, S. T., Smith, T., Ryan, P. L., Kouba, A. J. 2021. Efficacy of hormone stimulation on sperm production in an alpine amphibian (Anaxyrus boreas boreas) and the impact of short-term storage on sperm quality. Zoology 146:125912. |
2021 | Gillis, A. B., Guy, E. L., Kouba, A. J., Allen, P. J., Marcec-Greaves, R. M., Vance, C. 2021. Short-term storage of tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) spermatozoa: The effect of collection type, temperature and time. PLOS ONE 16(1):e0245047. |
2021 | Bronson, E., Guy, E., Murphy, K., Barrett, K., Kouba, A., Poole, V., Vance, C. 2021. Influence of oviposition-inducing hormone on spawning and mortality in the endangered Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki). BMC Zoology 6(17):1-14. |
2021 | Arrugei, L., Kouba, A., Germano, J., Barrios, L., Moore, M., Vance, C. 2021. Fertilization potential of cold-stored Fowler’s toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) spermatozoa: temporal changes in sperm motility based on temperature and osmolality. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 34(5):461-469. |
2021 | Kouba, A., Langhorne, C. J., Willard, S., Smith, T., Vance, C. 2021. Spermiation response to exogenous hormone therapy in hibernated and non-hibernated boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). Reproduction Fertility and Development. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 34(5):453-460. |
2021 | Burger, I., Julien, A. R., Kouba, A., Counsell, K. R., Barber, D., Vance, C. 2021. Linking in-situ and ex-situ populations of the endangered Puerto Rican crested toad (Peltophryne lemur) through biobanking of hormonally induced sperm. Conservation Science and Practice 3(11):e525. |
2021 | Chen, L., Santos-Rivera, M., Burger, I. J., Kouba, A., Barber, D., Vance, C. 2021. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) as a Method for Biological Sex Discrimination in the Endangered Houston Toad (Anaxyrus houstonensis). Methods and Protocols 5(1):4-16. |
2021 | Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Zhao, H., Zhao, Q., Deng, J., Kong, F., Jiang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, H., Kouba, A. J. 2021. Abiotic and Biotic Influences on the Movement of Reintroduced Chinese Giant Salamanders (Andrias davidianus) in Two Montane Rivers. Animals 11:1480. |
2020 | Guy, E. L., Martin, M. W., Kouba, A. J., Cole, J. A., Vance, C. 2020. Evaluation of different temporal periods between hormone-induced ovulation attempts in the female Fowler’s toad Anaxyrus fowleri. Conservation Physiology 8(1):8. Download |
2020 | Guy, E. L., Gillis, A. B., Kouba, A. J., Barber, D., Poole, V., Marcec-Greaves, R., Vance, C. 2020. Sperm Collection and Cryopreservation for Threatened Newt Species. Cryobiology 94:80-88. |
2020 | Arregui, L., Boveda, P., Gosalvez, J., Kouba, A. J. 2020. Effect of seasonality on amphibian sperm production, storage and cryopreservation. Aquaculture 159(735677). |
2019 | Julien, A. R., Kouba, A. J., Kabelic, D., Nguekam Feugang, J., Willard, S. T., Vance, C. K. 2019. Nasal administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) elicits sperm production in Fowler’s toads (Anaxyrus fowleri). BMC Zoology 4(3). |
2019 | Arregui, L., Diaz-Diaz, S., Alonso-López, E., Kouba, A. J. 2019. Hormonal induction of spermiation in a Eurasian bufonid (Epidalea calamita). Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 17(1):92. |
2019 | Zhang, L., Zhao, H., Willard, S. T., Wang, Q., Jiang, W., Zhang, H., Kouba, A. J. 2019. Spatial distribution and seasonal movement patterns of reintroduced Chinese giant salamanders. BMC Zoology 4(7). |
2018 | Williams, C. L., Dill-McFarland, K., Sparks, D. L., Kouba, A. J., Willard, S. T., Suen, G., Brown, A. E. 2018. Dietary changes during weaning shape the gut microbiota of red pandas (Ailurus fulgens). Conservation Physiology 6(1). Download |
2018 | Wilson, A. E., Sparks, D. L., Knott, K., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J., Brown Johnson, A. E. 2018. Behavioral, Semiochemical and Androgen Responses by Male Giant Pandas to the Olfactory Sexual Receptivity Cues of Females. Theriogenology 114:330-337. |
2018 | Roberts, B. M., Brown, J. L., Kersey, D. C., Snyder, R. J., Durrant, B. S., Kouba, A. J. 2018. Use of urinary 13,14, dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2α (PGFM) concentrations to diagnose pregnancy and predict parturition in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanolecua). PloS One 13(5):e0195599. |
2018 | Gocinski, B. L., Knott, K. K., Roberts, B. M., Brown, J. L., Vance, C., Kouba, A. J. 2018. Changes in urinary androgen concentration indicate that male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) respond to impending female oestrus during and outside the typical spring breeding season. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development 30(2):399-408. |
2018 | Graham, K. M., Langhorne, C. J., Vance, C., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J. 2018. Ultrasound imaging improves hormone therapy strategies for induction of ovulation and in vitro fertilization in the endangered dusky gopher frog (Lithobates sevosa). Conservation Physiology 6(1):coy020. |
2017 | Knott, K. K., Mastromonaco, G. F., Owen, M. A., Kouba, A. J. 2017. Urinary profiles of progestin and androgen metabolites in female polar bears during parturient and non-parturient cycles. Conservation Physiology 5(1). |
2017 | Gocinski, B., Knott, K., Roberts, B., Brown, J., Vance, C., Kouba, A. J. 2017. Changes in urinary androgen concentration indicate that male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanolueca) respond to impending female estrus during and outside of typical spring breeding season. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 30(2):399-408. |
2017 | Knott, K., Christian, A., Falcone, J. F., Vance, C., Bauer, L. L., Fahey Jr., G. C., Kouba, A. J. 2017. Phenological changes in bamboo carbohydrates explain the preference for culm over leaves by giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) during spring. Plos One 12(6). |
2016 | Williams, C. L., Dill-McFarland, K. A., Vandewege, M. W., Sparks, D. L., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J., Suen, G., Brown, A. E. 2016. Dietary shifts may trigger dysbiosis and mucous stools in giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Frontiers in Microbiology 7. |
2016 | Graham, K. M., Kouba, A. J., Langhorne, C. J., Marcec, R. M., Willard, S. T. 2016. Biological sex identification in the endangered dusky gopher frog (Lithobates sevosa): a comparison of body size measurements, secondary sex characteristics, ultrasound imaging, and urinary hormone analysis methods. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 14(1):41. |
2016 | Earl, J. E., Chaney, J. C., Sutton, W. B., Lillard, C. E., Kouba, A. J., Langhorne, C., Krebs, J., Wilkes, R. P., Hill, R. D., Miller, D. L., Gray, M. J. 2016. Ranavirus could facilitate local extinction of rare amphibian species. Oecologia 182(2):611-23. |
2016 | Zhang, L., Jiang, W., Wang, Q. J., Zhao, H., Zhang, H. X., Marcec, R. M., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J. 2016. Reintroduction and Post-Release Survival of a Living Fossil: The Chinese Giant Salamander. PloS One 11(6):e0156715. |
2016 | Marcec, R., Kouba, A. J., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Wang, Q., Zhao, H., Jiang, W., Willard, S. T. 2016. Surgical implantation of coelomic radiotransmitters and postoperative survival of Chinese Giant Salamanders (Andrias davidianus) following reintroduction. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47(1):187-195. |
2016 | Wang, Y. Z., Dong, W. Y., Kouba, A. J. 2016. Fast discrimination of bamboo species using VIS/NIR spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 83(5):826-831. |
2016 | McDonough, C. E., Martin, M. W., Vance, C., Cole, J. A., Kouba, A. J. 2016. Frequency of exogenous hormone therapy impacts spermiation in male Fowler's toad (Bufo fowleri). Reproduction, Fertility, and Development 28(7):995-1003. |
2015 | Vance, C. K., Kouba, A. J., Zhang, H. X., Zhou, H., Wang, Q., Willard, S. T. 2015. Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy studies of Chinese giant salamanders in aquaculture production. NIR News/IM Publications 26(2):4-7. |
2015 | Calatayud, N. E., Langhorne, C. J., Mullen, A. C., Williams, C., Smith, T., Bullock, L., Kouba, A. J., Willard, S. T. 2015. A hormone priming regimen and hibernation affect oviposition in the boreal toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). Theriogenology 84(4):600-607. |
2015 | Boyle, S. A., Roberts, B., Pope, B. M., Blake, M. R., Leavelle, S. E., Marshall, J. J., Smith, A., Hadicke, A., Falcone, J. F., Knott, K., Kouba, A. J. 2015. Assessment of Flooring Renovations on African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) Behavior and Glucocorticoid Response. PloS One 10(11):e0141009. |
2015 | Christian, A. L., Knott, K. K., Vance, C., Falcone, J. F., Bauer, L. L., Fahey, Jr, G. C., Willard, S. T., Kouba, A. J. 2015. Nutrient and mineral composition during shoot growth in seven species of Phyllostachys and Pseudosasa bamboo consumed by giant panda. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 99(6):1172-83. |
2014 | Clulow, J., Trudeau, V. L., Kouba, A. J. 2014. Amphibian declines in the twenty-first century: why we need assisted reproductive technologies. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 753:275-316. |
2014 | Sutton, W. B., Gray, M. J., Hardman, R. H., Wilkes, R. P., Kouba, A. J., Miller, D. L. 2014. High susceptibility of the endangered dusky gopher frog to ranavirus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 112(1):9-16. |
2013 | Knott, K. K., Roberts, B. M., Maly, M. A., Vance, C., Debeachaump, J., Majors, J., Riger, P., Decaluwe, H., Kouba, A. J. 2013. Fecal estrogen, progestagen and glucocorticoid metabolites during the estrous cycle and pregnancy in the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): Evidence for delayed implantation. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 11:83. |
2012 | Kouba, A. J., delBarco-Trillo, J., Vance, C., Milam, C., Carr, M. 2012. A comparison of human chorionic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone on the induction of spermiation and amplexus in the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 10:59. |
2012 | Wiedower, E. E., Kouba, A. J., Vance, C., Hansen, R. L., Stuth, J. W., Tolleson, D. R. 2012. Fecal near infrared spectroscopy to discriminate physiological status in giant pandas. PloS One 7(6):e38908. |
2011 | Swaisgood, R. R., Wei, F., McShea, W. J., Wildt, D. E., Kouba, A. J., Zhang, Z. 2011. Can science save the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)? Unifying science and policy in an adaptive management paradigm. Integrative Zoology 6(3):290-6. |
2011 | Willis, E. L., Kersey, D. C., Durrant, B. S., Kouba, A. J. 2011. The acute phase protein ceruloplasmin as a non-invasive marker of pseudopregnancy, pregnancy, and pregnancy loss in the giant panda. PloS One 6(7):e21159. |
2010 | Swaisgood, R. R., Wei, F., Wildt, D. E., Kouba, A. J., Zhang, Z. 2010. Giant panda conservation science: How far we have come. Biology Letters 6(2):143-5. |
2010 | Hansen, R. L., Carr, M. M., Apanavicius, C. J., Jiang, P., Bissell, H. A., Gocinski, B. L., Maury, F., Himmelreich, M., Beard, S., Ouellette, J. R., Kouba, A. J. 2010. Seasonal shifts in giant panda feeding behavior: Relationships to bamboo plant part consumption. Zoo Biology 29(4):470-483. |
2009 | Kouba, A. J., Vance, C. 2009. Applied reproductive technologies and genetic resource banking for amphibian conservation. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development 21(6):719-737. |
2009 | Kouba, A. J., Vance, C., Willis, E. L. 2009. Artificial fertilization for amphibian conservation: Current knowledge and future considerations. Theriogenology 71(1):214-27. |
2006 | Browne, R. K., Seratt, J., Vance, C., Kouba, A. J. 2006. Hormonal priming, induction of ovulation and in-vitro fertilization of the endangered Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri). Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 4:34. |
2003 | Kouba, A. J., Vance, C., Frommeyer, M. A., Roth, T. L. 2003. Structural and functional aspects of Bufo americanus spermatozoa: Effects of inactivation and reactivation. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology 295(2):172-182. |
2001 | Kouba, A. J., Atkinson, M. W., Gandolf, A. R., Roth, T. L. 2001. Species-specific sperm-egg interaction affects the utility of a heterologous bovine in vitro fertilization system for evaluating antelope sperm. Biology of Reproduction 65(4):1246-1251. |
2000 | Kouba, A. J., Abeydeera, L. R., Alvarez, I. M., Day, B. N., Buhi, W. C. 2000. Effects of the porcine oviduct-specific glycoprotein on fertilization, polyspermy, and embryonic development in vitro. Biology of Reproduction 63(1):242-250. |
2000 | Kouba, A. J., Alvarez, I. M., Buhi, W. C. 2000. Identification and localization of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 within the porcine oviduct. Biology of Reproduction 62(3):501-510. |
2000 | Kouba, A. J., Burkhardt, B. R., Alvarez, I. M., Goodenow, M. M., Buhi, W. C. 2000. Oviductal plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1): mRNA, protein, and hormonal regulation during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy in the pig. Molecular Reproduction and Development 56(3):378-386. |
2000 | Buhi, W. C., Alvarez, I. M., Kouba, A. J. 2000. Secreted proteins of the oviduct. Cells Tissues Organs 166(2):165-179. |
1998 | Henricks, D. M., Kouba, A. J., Lackey, B. R., Boone, W. R., Gray, S. L. 1998. Identification of insulin-like growth factor I in bovine seminal plasma and its receptor on spermatozoa: Influence on sperm motility. Biology of Reproduction 59(2):330-337. |
1997 | Buhi, W. C., Alvarez, I. M., Pickard, A. R., McIntush, E. W., Kouba, A. J., Ashworth, C. J., Smith, M. F. 1997. Expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 protein and messenger ribonucleic acid by the oviduct of cyclic, early-pregnant, and ovariectomized steroid-treated gilts. Biology of Reproduction 57(1):7-15. |
1997 | Buhi, W. C., Alvarez, I. M., Kouba, A. J. 1997. Oviductal regulation of fertilization and early embryonic development. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Supplement 52:285-300. Download |
Graduate Students
- Devin Chen
- Namia Stevenson