Dr. Raymond Bruce Iglay

Dr. Raymond Bruce Iglay


  • Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-5933
Rm #217, Thompson Hall



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Forest Resources
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (MS), Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • University of Delaware, Bachelor of Science (BS), Wildlife Ecology

Research Interests

Wildlife Damage Mitigation
Conservation of Biodiversity in Managed Landscapes
Habitat Management and Restoration
Plant Succession
Bird Conservation
Innovative Technologies for Wildlife Research


Year Publications

Gurung, U., Iglay, R. B., Woodrey, M. S., Darrah, A. J. 2024. Effects of research activity on plover nest survival depends on predator context. Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology 46(2-4):121-131.


Macke, E., Jones, L. R., Iglay, R. B., Elmore, J. A. 2024. Drone noise differs by flight maneuver and model: implications for animal surveys. Drone Systems and Applications 12:1-5.


Evans, T. S., Hileman, E., Boudreau, M., Strickland, B. K., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Can hair snares provide a reliable method for estimating abundance of an exotic ungulate? . Biological Invasions


Evans, T. S., Ellison, N., Boudreau, M., Strickland, B. K., Street, G. M., Iglay, R. B. 2024. What drives wild pig (Sus scrofa) movement in bottomland and upland forests? . Movement Ecology 12:32.


Lappin, O., Elmore, J., Jones, L., Schultz, E., Iglay, R. B., McConnell, M. D. 2024. Using drones equipped with thermal cameras to locate and count quail coveys: a case study using Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus in Mississippi, USA. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5(1):e12306.


Iglay, R. B., Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Evans, K., Samiappan, S., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F. 2024. Wildlife monitoring with drones: a survey of users. Wildlife Society Bulletin


Ripa, G. N., Demarais, S., Granger, J., Hamrisk, R. G., Iglay, R. B. 2023. 20-year effects of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on vegetation composition and structure. Forest Ecology and Management 528:120644.


Elmore, J. A., Schultz, E. A., Jones, L. R., Evans, K. O., Samiappan, S., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Evidence on the efficacy of small unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) as a survey tool for North American terrestrial, vertebrate animals: a systematic map. Environmental Evidence 12:3.


Resop, L., Demarais, S., Strickland, B. K., Iglay, R. B., Nichols, R., Lashley, M. A. 2023. Plant species-specific responses and community associations with fire season. Forest Ecology and Management 529(120724).


Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Krishnan, B. S., Samiappan, S., Evans, K. O., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Controllable factors affecting accuracy and precision of human identification of animals from drone imagery. Ecosphere 14(9):e4657.


Sklarczyk, C., Evans, K., Greene, D. U., Morin, D. J., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Effects of spatial patterning within working pine forests on priority avian species in Mississippi. Landscape Ecology 38:2019-2034.


Ripa, G. N., Demarais, S., Granger, J., Hamrick, R. G., Iglay, R. B. 2023. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) nutritional carrying capacity over two decades after exclusion. Forest Ecology and Management 535:120899.


Boudreau, M. R., Gantchoff, M. G., Conlee, L., Anderson, C., Bowerstock, N. R., Belant, J. L., Iglay, R. B. 2023. A harvest framework for a recovering American black bear population. Journal of Wildlife Management 88(1):e22508.


Krishnan, S. B., Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Samiappan, S., Evans, K., Pfeiffer, M., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Fusion of visible and thermal drone images for improving automated wildlife classification. Scientific Reports 13:10385.


Lappin, O., Evans, K., Iglay, R. B., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) breeding season roost site selection in a agricultural landscape in Clay County, Mississippi. Journal of Field Ornithology 64(4):4.


Boudreau, M., Gantchoff, M. G., Ramirez-Reyes, C., Conlee, L., Belant, J. L., Iglay, R. B. 2022. Using habitat suitability and landscape connectivity in the spatial prioritization of public outreach and management during carnivore recolonization. Journal of Applied Ecology 59(3):757-767.


Gamblin, A. E., Darrah, A. J., Woodrey, M. S., Iglay, R. B. 2022. Coastal bird community response to dredge-spoil tidal marsh restoration at New Round Island, Mississippi, USA. Restoration Ecology


Gantchoff, M. G., Conlee, L., Boudreau, M., Iglay, R. B., Anderson, C., Belant, J. L. 2022. Spatially-explicit population modeling to predict large carnivore recovery and expansion. Ecological Modelling 470(110033).


Kitaif, J. C., Holiman, H., Woodrey, M. S., Fournier, A. M., Iglay, R. B. 2022. Trends in rail migration arrival and departure times using long-term citizen science data from Mississippi, USA. Waterbirds 45(1):108-112.


Holiman, H., Kitaif, J. C., Iglay, R. B., Woodrey, M. S., Fournier, A. M. 2022. Using autonomous recording units to detect individual marsh birds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 43:2022002.


Elmore, J. A., Curran, M. F., Evans, K. O., Samiappan, S., Zhou, M., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2021. Evidence on the effectiveness of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) as a survey tool for North American terrestrial, vertebrate animals: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence 10:15.


Weitzel, S., Feura, J. M., Rush, S. A., Iglay, R. B., Woodrey, M. S. 2021. Availability and assessment of microplastic ingestion by marsh birds in Mississippi Gulf Coast tidal marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 166:112187.


Weitzel, S. L., Feura, J. M., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K. O., Rush, S. A., Woodrey, M. S. 2021. Distribution, abundance, and vegetation associations of birds in Mississippi tidal marshes during the non-breeding season. Journal of Field Ornithology 92(3):231-245.


Zhou, M., Elmore, J. A., Samiappan, S., Evans, K., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2021. Improving wildlife monitoring using small, unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) and deep learning networks. Sensors 21(17):5697.


Pfeiffer, M., Iglay, R. B., Seamans, T., Blackwell, B. F., DeVault, T. L. 2020. Deciphering interactions between white-tailed deer and approaching vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 79:102251.


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture: Winter flooding in rice fields increases bird use, fecal matter and soil health, reducing fertilizer requirements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 300.


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Investigation of Pathogenic Bacterial Transport by Waterbirds: A Case Study of Flooded and Non-Flooded Rice Systems in Mississippi. Water 12(6).


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Gibbs, M., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Using cameras to index waterfowl abundance in winter-flooded rice fields. MethodsX 7:101036.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K., Wigley, T. B., Miller, D. A. 2019. Estimating capacity of managed pine forests in the southeastern U.S. to provide open pine woodland condition and gopher tortoise habitat. Forest Ecology and Management 432:200-208.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K. 2019. Providing open forest structural characteristics for high conservation priority wildlife species in southeastern U.S. pine plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 453.


Iglay, R. B., Conkling, T. J., DeVault, T. L., Belant, J. L., Martin, J. A. 2019. Forage or biofuel: assessing native warm season grass production among seed mixes and harvest frequencies. Southeastern Naturalist 18(1):1-18.


Iglay, R. B., Greene, R. E., Leopold, B. D., Miller, D. A. 2018. Bird conservation potential of fire and herbicide treatments in thinned pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management 409:267-275.


Iglay, R. B., Schwarz, K. B., Belant, J. L., Martin, J. L., Wang, G., DeVault, T. L. 2018. Large mammal use of seminatural grasslands and implications for aviation strike risk. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9(1):222-227.


Iglay, R. B., Buckingham, B. N., Seamans, T. W., Martin, J. A., Blackwell, B. F., Belant, J. L., DeVault, T. L. 2017. Bird use of grain fields and implications for habitat management at airports. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242:34-42.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K., Miller, D. A., Wigley, T. B., Riffell, S. K. 2016. A meta-analysis of biodiversity to management of southeastern pine forests-opportunities for open pine conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 360:30-39.


Iglay, R. B., Miller, D. A., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2015. Soil N and C response to mid-rotation vegetation management in intensively managed pine stands. Soil Science 180:33–38.


Grodsky, S. M., Iglay, R. B., Sorenson, C. E., Moorman, C. E. 2015. Should invertebrates receive greater inclusion in wildlife research journals?. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:529-536.


Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Millter, D. A. 2014. Vegetation responses to fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine. Forest Ecology and Management 325:69-78.


Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Miller, D. A. 2013. Summer herpetofaunal response to prescribed fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine stands in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1):33-42.


Iglay, R. B., Demarais, S., Wigley, T. B., Miller, D. A. 2012. Bird community dynamics and vegetation relationships among stand establishment practices in intensively managed pine of Mississippi. Forest Ecology and Management 283:1-9.


Iglay, R. B., Miller, D. A., Leopold, B. D., Wang, G. 2012. Carabid beetle response to prescribed fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine stands in Mississippi. Forest Ecology and Management 281:41-47.


Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Miller, D. A., Burger, L. W. 2010. Effect of plant community composition on plant response to fire and herbicide treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 260:543-548.


Hou, Y. J., Wan, X. R., Wolff, J. O., Wang, G., Thomas, S., Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Liu, W. 2010. Multiple paternities increase genetic diversity of offspring in Brandt’s voles. Bahavioral Processes 84(3):745-749.


Iglay, R. B., Jones, P. D., Miller, D. A., Demarais, S., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W. 2010. Deer carrying capacity in mid-rotation pine plantations of Mississippi. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1003-1012.


Iglay, R. B., Bowman, J. L., Nazdrowicz, N. H. 2007. Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) movements in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Herpetology 41(1):101-105.


Iglay, R. B., Bowman, J. L., Nazdrowicz, N. H. 2006. From the field: A comparison of two methods for studying box turtle movements. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(1):208-210.


Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Miller, D. A. 2005. Food availability versus preference of wild turkey poults in intensively-managed pine stands of Mississippi. . Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:100-113.


Park, S., Epifanio, C., Iglay, R. B. 2005. Patterns of larval release by the Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus (de Haan): Periodicity at diel and tidal frequencies. Journal of Shellfish Research 24:591-596.


Iglay, R. B., Leopold, B. D., Burger, L. W., Miller, D. A. 2005. Food availability versus preference of wild turkey poults in intensively-managed pine stands in Mississippi. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:100-113.


Tallamy, D. R., Iglay, R. B. 2004. Maternal care in Compseuta picta, and African lace bug (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 17(2):247-249.

Graduate Students

  • Jacob Wessels
  • Simone Danisi
  • Emma Schultz

Awards & Honors

  • Publication Award
    Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • Fellow of The Wildlife Society
    The Wildlife Society
  • Early Career Achievement Award
    College of Forest Resources

Society Memberships

  • Ducks Unlimited
  • Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • National Wild Pig Task Force
  • Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
  • Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society
  • The Wildlife Society's College and University Education Working Group
  • The Wildlife Society