Dr. Kristine O. Evans

Dr. Kristine O. Evans


  • Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-3167
Thompson Hall, Rm 223



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Forest Resources
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (MS), Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • Ohio University, Bachelor of Science (BS), Wildlife Biology

Research Interests

Conservation Biology


Year Publications

Dunn, C., Schumann, D., Colvin, M., Jones-Farrand, T., Evans, K., Wagner, M., McRae, S., Rivenbark, E. 2024. Using resiliency, redundancy, and representation in a Bayesian belief network to assess extinction risk of riverine fish. Ecological Applications 15(1):e4738.


Jones, L. R., Mensah, C., Elmore, J. A., Evans, K., Blackwell, B. F., Pfeiffer, M., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Heating decoys to mimic thermal signatures of live animals for drones. MethodsX 13:102933.


Iglay, R. B., Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Evans, K., Samiappan, S., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F. 2024. Wildlife monitoring with drones: a survey of users. Wildlife Society Bulletin


Mullins, L., Cartwright, J. H., Dykstra, S. L., Evans, K., Mareska, J., Matich, P., Sparks, E., Drymon, J. M. 2024. Warming waters lead to increased habitat suitability for juvenile bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) . Scientific Reports 14(4100 (2024)).


Schultz, E., Ellison, N., Boudreau, M., Street, G. M., Jones, L., Evans, K., Iglay, R. B. 2024. On the move: Influence of animal movements on count error during drone surveys. Ecology and Evolution 14(1):e70287.


Samiappan, S., Krishnan, B. S., Dehart, D., Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Evans, K. O., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Aerial Wildlife Image Repository for animal monitoring with drones in the age of artificial intelligence. Database 2024:baae070.


Elmore, J. A., Schultz, E. A., Jones, L. R., Evans, K. O., Samiappan, S., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Evidence on the efficacy of small unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS) as a survey tool for North American terrestrial, vertebrate animals: a systematic map. Environmental Evidence 12:3.


Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Krishnan, B. S., Samiappan, S., Evans, K. O., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Controllable factors affecting accuracy and precision of human identification of animals from drone imagery. Ecosphere 14(9):e4657.


Enwright, N. M., Cheney, W. C., Evans, K., Thurman, H. R., Woodrey, M. S., Fournier, A. M., Gesch, D. B., Pitchford, J. L., Stoker, J. M., Medeiros, S. 2023. Elevation-based probabilistic mapping of irregularly flooded wetlands along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast. Remote Sensing of Environment 287(113451).


Todaro, H., Rush, S. A., McConnell, M. D., Evans, K. 2023. Home range establishment and microhabitat selection of Bachman’s sparrows in southern open pine forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 87(e22422).


Sklarczyk, C., Evans, K., Greene, D. U., Morin, D. J., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Effects of spatial patterning within working pine forests on priority avian species in Mississippi. Landscape Ecology 38:2019-2034.


Ramirez-Reyes, C., Vilella, F. J., Evans, K., Street, G. M., Pacheco, C., Monzon, O., Morales, A. 2023. Geographic distribution of the Puerto Rican Harlequin butterfly (Atlantea tulita): An ensemble modeling approach. Caribbean Journal of Science 53(1):37-44.


Krishnan, S. B., Jones, L. R., Elmore, J. A., Samiappan, S., Evans, K., Pfeiffer, M., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Fusion of visible and thermal drone images for improving automated wildlife classification. Scientific Reports 13:10385.


Lappin, O., Evans, K., Iglay, R. B., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) breeding season roost site selection in a agricultural landscape in Clay County, Mississippi. Journal of Field Ornithology 64(4):4.


Enwright, N. M., Cheney, W. Y., Evans, K., Thurman, H. R., Woodrey, M. S., Fournier, A. M., Moon, J. A., Levy, H., Cox, J., Kappes, P., Nymon, A. J., Pitchford, J. L. 2023. Mapping high marsh and salt pannes/flats along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geocarta International 38(1):2285354.


Samiappan, S., Shamaskin, A., Liu, J., Liang, Y., Roberts, J., Sesser, A. L., Westlake, S. M., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K., Tirpak, J., Hopkins, T. E., Ashby, S. L., Burger, L. W. 2022. Evidence-based land conservation framework using multi-criteria acceptability analysis: A geospatial tool for strategic land conservation in the Gulf coast of the United States. Environmental Modelling & Software 156(105493).


Shamaskin, A. C., Correa, S. B., Street, G. M., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K. 2022. Considering the influence of land-use/land cover on estuarine biotic richness with Bayesian hierarchical models. Ecological Applications 32:e2675.


Parsons, I. L., Boudreau, M., Karisch, B. B., Stone, A. E., Norman, D., Webb, S. L., Evans, K., Street, G. M. 2022. Aiming for the optimum: examining complex relationships between sampling regime, sampling density and landscape complexity to accurately model resource availability. Landscape Ecology 37:2743-2756.


Coronado-Franco, K. V., Tedesco, P. A., Kolmann, M., Bornstein, S., Evans, K., Correa, S. 2022. Feeding habits influence species habitat associations at the landscape scale in a diverse clade of Neotropical fishes. Journal of Biogeography 49(12):2181-2192.


Evans, K., Davis, J. B., Wang, G. 2022. Assessing long-term dynamics of non-breeding brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) populations using Christmas Bird Count data. IBIS 165(1):55-68.


Sesser, A. L., Westlake, S. M., Schafer, C., Roberts, J., Samiappan, S., Allen, Y., Linhoss, A. C., Hopkins, T. E., Liu, J., Shamaskin, A., Tirpak, J., Smith, R. N., Evans, K. 2022. Co-producing decision support tools for strategic conservation of Gulf Coast landscapes. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4:100156.


Barela, I. A., Burger, L. M., Wang, G., Evans, K., Meng, Q., Taylor, J. 2021. Spatial transferability of expert opinion models for American beaver habitat. Ecological Informatics 61:101211.


Elmore, J. A., Curran, M. F., Evans, K. O., Samiappan, S., Zhou, M., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2021. Evidence on the effectiveness of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) as a survey tool for North American terrestrial, vertebrate animals: a systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence 10:15.


Weitzel, S. L., Feura, J. M., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K. O., Rush, S. A., Woodrey, M. S. 2021. Distribution, abundance, and vegetation associations of birds in Mississippi tidal marshes during the non-breeding season. Journal of Field Ornithology 92(3):231-245.


Ramirez-Reyes, C., Street, G. M., Vilella, F. J., Jones-Farrand, D. T., Wiggers, M. S., Evans, K. 2021. Ensemble species distribution model identifies survey opportunities for at-risk bearded beaksedge (Rhynchospora crinipes) in the southeastern United States. Natural Areas Journal 41(1):55-63.


Evans, K., Smith, A. D., Richardson, D. 2021. Statistical power of mobile acoustic monitoring to detect population change in eastern U.S. bat species. Ecological Indicators 125(107524).


Evans, K., Larsen-Gray, ., Miller, D. A., Loehle, C. 2021. Systematic review of bird response to management of private working forests in the southeastern U.S. Forests 12:442.


Zhou, M., Elmore, J. A., Samiappan, S., Evans, K., Pfeiffer, M. B., Blackwell, B. F., Iglay, R. B. 2021. Improving wildlife monitoring using small, unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) and deep learning networks. Sensors 21(17):5697.


Ramirez-Reyes, C., Nazeri, M., Street, G. M., Jones-Farrand, D. T., Vilella, F. J., Evans, K. 2021. Embracing ensemble species distribution models to inform at-risk species status assessments. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12(1):98-111.


Barela, I., Burger, L. M., Taylor, J., Evans, K., Ogawa, R., McClintic, L., Wang, G. 2020. Relationships between survival and habitat suitability of semi-aquatic mammals. Ecology and Evolution 10:4867-4875.


Spurgeon, J., Rhodes, M., Neal, J. W., Evans, K. 2020. Aquatic habitat changes within the channelized and impounded Arkansas River, Arkansas, USA. River Research and Applications 37(3):462-474.


Lazaro-Lobo, A., Evans, K., Ervin, G. N. 2020. Evaluating landscape characteristics of predicted hotspots for plant invasions. Invasive Plant Science and Management 13(3):163-175.


Samiappan, S., Shamaskin, A., Liu, J., Roberts, J., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K. 2019. Land Conservation in the Gulf of Mexico Region: A Comprehensive Review of Plans, Priorities, and Efforts. Land 8(5):84.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K., Wigley, T. B., Miller, D. A. 2019. Estimating capacity of managed pine forests in the southeastern U.S. to provide open pine woodland condition and gopher tortoise habitat. Forest Ecology and Management 432:200-208.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K. 2019. Providing open forest structural characteristics for high conservation priority wildlife species in southeastern U.S. pine plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 453.


Greene, R. E., Evans, K., Gray, T., Jones-Farrand, D. T., Wathen, W. G. 2019. Using a co-production approach to map future forest retention likelihood in the southeastern U.S. Journal of Forestry


Shamaskin, A., Samiappan, S., Liu, J., Roberts, J., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K. 2019. Multi-attribute ecological and socioeconomic geospatial data layer for the Gulf of Mexico coastal region of the United States. Data 5(3).


Bonnot, T. W., Jones-Farrand, T., Thompson, III, F. R., Millspaugh, J. J., Fitzgerald, J. A., Muenks, N., Hanberry, P., Stroh, E., Heggemann, L., Fowler, A., Howery, M., Hammond, S., Evans, K. 2019. Developing a decision-support process for landscape conservation design. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report NRS-190


Marshall, C., Riffell, S. K., Miller, D., Hill, J., Evans, K., Rush, S. A. 2017. Bird response to intercropping switchgrass within loblolly pine plantations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(4):659-665.


Marshall, C., Riffell, S. K., Rush, S. A., Hill, J., Evans, K. 2017. Switchgrass cultivation within loblolly pine plantations influences invertebrate community composition and resource use. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 143(2):189-197.


Pitchford, J. L., Pulis, E., Evans, K., Shelley, J. K., Serafin, B. J., Solangi, M. 2016. Seasonal bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) density estimates in the Mississippi Sound from 2011-2013. Southeastern Naturalist. 15(2):188-206.


Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., King, R., Evans, K., Burger, L. W. 2016. Using hierarchical centering to facilitate a reversible jump MCMC algorithm for random effects models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 98:79-90.


Greene, R. E., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K., Miller, D. A., Wigley, T. B., Riffell, S. K. 2016. A meta-analysis of biodiversity to management of southeastern pine forests-opportunities for open pine conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 360:30-39.


Riffell, S. K., Monroe, A. P., Martin, J. A., Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Smith, M. D. 2015. Response of non-grassland avian guilds to adjacent herbaceous field buffers: testing the configuration of targeted conservation practices in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 52(2):303–309.


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D. 2014. Assessing multiregion avian benefits from strategically targeted buffers. Conservation Biology 28(4):892 - 901.


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D., Twedt, D. J., Wilson, R. R., Vorisek, S., Rideout, C., Heyden, K. 2014. Avian response to conservation buffers in agricultural landscapes during winter. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):257-264.


Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., King, R., Evans, K., Burger, L. W. 2014. Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 19(2):219-239.


Oedekoven, C. S., Buckland, S. T., Mackenzie, M. L., Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Devictor, V. 2013. Improving distance sampling: accounting for covariates and non-independency between sampled sites. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(3):786 - 793.


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Oedekoven, C. S., Smith, M. D., Riffell, S. K., Martin, J. A., Buckland, S. T. 2013. Multi-region response to conservation buffers targeted for northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4):716-725.


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K. 2010. National CP33 Bird Monitoring Executive Summary 3-year Report. Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Research Note


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Riffell, S. K., Smith, M. D. 2010. Bobwhite and Upland Songbird Response to CCRP Practice CP33 Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds. NRCS Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) Insight


Evans, K., Burger, L. W., Faircloth, B. C., Palmer, W. E., Carroll, J. P. 2009. Effects of tissue collection methods on morphometrics and survival of captive neonatal Northern Bobwhite. The Journal of Wildlife Management 73(7):1241.

Graduate Students

  • Zoe Scott
  • Daniel Egerson

Awards & Honors

  • Regina and Glenn Doran Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Collaborative Practice
    Mississippi State University - Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Regional Director’s Honor Award for Conservation Partnership
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region
  • Faculty Advising Award
    College of Forest Resources
  • 2022 National Project Award
    National Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
  • Mississippi State University Faculty Leadership Development Institute
    Mississippi State University
  • 2022 Foil-Wyatt Outstanding New Faculty Advisor Award
    Mississippi State University
  • Partners in Flight Leadership Award (western hemisphere)
    Partners in Flight
  • Outstanding Paper in Invasive Plant Science and Management Award
    Weed Society of America
  • Outstanding peer-reviewed publication
    Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • Early Career Achievement Award
    College of Forest Resources, Mississippi State University
  • Student Poster Award
    The Wildlife Society - Mississippi State Chapter
  • Peer-reviewed Publication Award
    The Wildlife Society - Mississippi State Chapter
  • Graduate Student Research Award
    College of Forest Resources, Mississippi State University
  • Ernest A. Gluesing Memorial Award - Outstanding Graduate Student, Doctoral Level
    Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, College of Forest Resources, Mississippi State University
  • Outstanding Technical Publication
    The Wildlife Society Mississippi State Chapter
  • Best Oral Presentation, 1st Place
    2nd Southeastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium
  • Best Oral Presentation, 2nd Place
    Mississippi State University Graduate Student Association 6th Annual Research Symposium
  • Best Oral Presentation, 2nd Place
    Inaugural Southeastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium
  • U.S. Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation
    U.S. Coast Guard

Society Memberships

  • Gulf of Mexico Alliance
  • Gulf of Mexico Alliance
  • Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • Mississippi Chapter – The Wildlife Society
  • Mississippi State University Women in Natural Resources
  • Society for Conservation Biology
  • Southeast Section of The Wildlife Society
  • Southeast Section of The Wildlife Society
  • The Wildlife Society
  • The Wildlife Society