Dr. Yunsang Kim

Dr. Yunsang  Kim


  • Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-0212
Rm #103, Franklin Center



  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Polymer Science
  • Korea University, Master of Engineering, Polymer Science
  • Korea University, Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering


Year Publications

Olayiwola, H., Entsminger, E. D., Bedics, C. A., Street, J. T., Kundu, S., Kim, Y. 2024. Influence of incorporating beta-cyclodextrin/essential oil-based wood preservative on the bonding strength of wood composite products. Carbohydrates Polymers 348(Part A, 15 January 2025):122820.


Lee, M., Oh, S., Saeed, M. A., Kang, Y., Lee, G., Ahn, H., Kim, Y., Shim, J. 2024. Fine-tuning hole collection via metal pseudo-halogenated thin-film treatment for propelling advancements in versatile platforms. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 71(8):4723–4731.


Elmore, K. S., Mubarak, S. A., Schueneman, G., Kim, Y., Kundu, S. 2024. Incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals into a cottonseed oil-based network polymer: Effect on mechanical properties. ACS Sustainable Resource Management 1(6):1121–1130.


Kim, S., Saeed, M. A., Kim, T., Ham, G., Song, H., Ahn, H., Choi, H., Jo, J., Kim, Y., Cha, H., Shim, J. 2024. Ultra high-performance indoor perovskite quantum dot photovoltaics via ligand-passivation engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal 488:151154.


Sedhain, G., Kim, Y., Mubarak, S. A., Eberhardt, T. L. 2024. Evaluation of weathering resistance of cross-laminated timber treated with TiO2 nanoparticles by liquid-precursor flame spray pyrolysis. Construction and Building Materials 419:135481.


Mohammadabadi, M., Miller, J., Street, J. T., Kim, Y., Ragon, K. 2023. Wood-based Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels Manufactured Using a Wooden Mold. BioResources 18(2):3033-3043.


Neupane, K., Tang, J., Lim, H., Street, J. T., Kim, Y., Gasparrii, E. 2023. Field evaluation of physical barriers against subterranean termites and ambrosia beetles in a CLT wall envelope system. Wood and Fiber Science 55(2):116-130.


Mubarak, S., Kim, Y., Elsayed, I., Hassan, E. M. 2023. Cellulose Nanofibril Stabilized Pickering Emulsion Templated Aerogel with High Oil Absorption Capacity. ACS omega 8(40):36856-36867.


Karunaratne, T. N., Nayanathara, R. M., Navarathna, C. M., Rodrigo, P. M., Thirumalai, R. V., Pittman, C. U., Kim, Y., Mlsna, T., Zhang, X., Zhang, J. 2022. Pyrolytic synthesis of graphene-encapsulated zero-valent iron nanoparticles supported on biochar for heavy metal removal. Biochar


Kaya, G. B., Kim, Y., Callahan, K., Kundu, S. 2022. Microencapsulated phase change material via Pickering emulsion stabilized by cellulose nanofibrils for thermal energy storage. Carbohydrate Polymers 276:118745.


Kim, Y., McCoy, L. T., Feit, C., Mubarak, S., Sharma, S., Minko, S. 2021. Carboxymethyl cellulose enhanced production of cellulose nanofibrils. Fibers 9(9):57.


Zhang, X., Navarathna, C. M., Leng, W., Karunaratne, T., Thirumalai, R. V., Kim, Y., Pittman, C. U., Mlsna, T. E., Cai, Z., Zhang, J. 2021. Lignin-based few-layered graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles for water remediation. Chemical Engineering Journal 417:129199.


Zhang, X., Navarathna, C. M., Leng, W., Karunaratne, T., Thirumalai, R. V., Kim, Y., Pittman, C. U., Mlsna, T. E., Cai, Z., Zhang, J. 2021. Lignin-based few-layered graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles for water remediation. Chemical Engineering Journal 417:129199.


Zhang, X., Kim, Y., Kim, D., Liu, M., Erramuspe, I. B., Kaya, G. B., Wang, X., Kim, T., Via, B. K., Cho, H. 2021. Shape-Stabilized Phase Change Material by a Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Composite Foam with Cell-Wall Pores. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4(1):416-424.


Kathaperumal, M., Kim, Y., Johnstone, L. R., Tillotson, J. P., Park, Y., Pan, M., Perry, J. W. 2020. Enhanced energy density and extraction efficiency of polar sol-gel dielectric films with reduced residual ions. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8:17395-17402.


Cai, L., Lim, H., Kim, Y., Jeremic Nikolic, D. 2020. β-Cyclodextrin-allyl isothiocyanate complex as a natural preservative for strand-based wood composites. Composites Part B: Engineering 193.


Cai, L., Lim, H., Nicholas, D. D., Kim, Y. 2020. Bio-based preservative using methyl-β-cyclodextrin-essential oil complexes for wood protection. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 147:420-427.


Zhang, X., Kim, Y., Elsayed, I., Taylor, M., Eberhardt, T., Hassan, E. M., Shmulsky, R. 2019. Rigid Polyurethane Foams containing Lignin Oxyalkylated with Ethylene Carbonate and Polyethylene Glycol. Industrial Crops and Products 141:9.


Cai, L., Jeremic Nikolic, D., Lim, H., Kim, Y. 2019. β-Cyclodextrins as sustained-release carriers for natural wood preservatives. Industrial Crops & Products 130:42-48.


Zhang, X., Kim, Y., Eberhardt, T. L., Shmulsky, R. 2019. Lab-scale structural insulated panels with lignin-incorporated rigid polyurethane foams as core. Industrial Crops and Products 132:292-300.


Zhang, X., Jeremic Nikolic, D., Kim, Y., Street, J. T., Shmulsky, R. 2018. Effect of Surface Functionalization of Lignin on Synthesis and Properties of Rigid Bio-Based Polyurethanes Foams. Polymers 10(706):15.

Graduate Students

  • Dikshya Pokhrel
  • Aleria Story
  • Hamed Olayiwola
  • Shuaib Mubarak

Society Memberships

  • American Chemical Society
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers