Dr. Sandra Bibiana Correa
- Associate Professor
Contact Information
Office: 662-325-0158
Thompson Hall, Rm. 255
- Texas A&M University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Wildlife and Fisheries
- University of Florida, Master of Science (M.S.), Zoology
- University of Valle, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Marine Biology
Research Interests
Ecology of Large Rivers
Floodplain Ecology
Fish Ecology
Flooded Forests
Species Interactions
Food Webs
Seed Dispersal by Fish
Tropical Ecology
Conservation Biology
Year | Publications |
2025 | Forero, A., Correa, S. B., Villa Navarro, F. 2025. Effects of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) introduction on Andean stream food webs. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 34:e70000. |
2025 | Liao, C., Neves, M., Correa, S., Qin, X., Xiong, M., Guo, C., Li, W., Yuan, J., Guo, C., Liu, J. 2025. Trophic niche interactions among native and non-native fish species vary spatially in one of the world's largest reservoirs. Aquatic Sciences 87. |
2024 | Beveridge, C., Espinoza, J., Athayde, S., Cuoto, T., Heilpern, S., Jenkins, C., Piland, N., Utsunomiya, R., Wongchuig, S., Correa, S., Anderson, E. 2024. The Andes-Amazon-Atlantic pathway: a foundational hydroclimate system for social-ecological system sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(22):E2306229121. |
2024 | Cuoto, T., Jenkins, C., Beveridge, C., Heilpern, S., Herrera-R., G., Piland, N., Zuanon, J., Doria, C., Montoya, M., Correa, S., Goulding, M., Anderson, E. 2024. Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters. Conservation Science & Practice |
2024 | Herrera-R, G. A., Heilpern, S. A., Cuoto, T. B., Victoria-Lacy, L., Duponchelle, F., Correa, S., Farah-Perez, A., Lopez-Casas, S., Canas-Alva, C. M., Doria, C. R., Anderson, E. P. 2024. The diversity of migratory behaviors in Amazonian fishes: a literature synthesis. Fish and Fisheries 25(1):114-133. |
2023 | Liao, C., Ye, S., Zhai, D., Yu, J., Correa, S., Wen, F., Zhang, T., Fang, L., Guo, C., Liu, J. 2023. Tributaries create habitat heterogeneity and enhance fish assemblage variation in one of the largest reservoirs in the world. Hydrobiologia 850(19):4311-4326. |
2023 | Coffill-Rivera, M., Paez Mendez, Y., Little, L., Graham, P., Franks, J., Correa, S., Neal, J. W., Allen, P. J. 2023. Effects of temperature and salinity on blood chemistry and survival of juvenile Atlantic tarpon Megalops atlanticus. Journal of Fish Biology 103(2):272–279. |
2023 | Liao, C., Wang, J., Correa, S., Yu, J., Yang, R., Yuang, J., Li, W., Ye, S., Guo, C., Liu, J. 2023. Artificial water level fluctuation affects trophic niches of benthic fish assemblage in one of the largest reservoirs in the world. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80(12):1921-1934. |
2023 | Horowitz, L. B., Allen, P. J., Neal, J. W., Correa, S. 2023. Post-release mortality of angled Atlantic Tarpon Megalops atlanticus in Puerto Rico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 15(e10238 (online)). |
2022 | Liao, C., Chen, S., Correa, S. B., Ye, S., Zhang, T., Li, Z. 2022. Longitudinal habitat gradient affects diet and body condition of riverine fish: A case study of Pelteobagrus catfishes in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. River Research and Applications 38:1601-1608. |
2022 | Albuquerque, B. W., Costa, G., Correa, S. B., Zuanon, J., Piedade, M. T. 2022. Does the consumption of pioneer-tree seeds from flooded forests by freshwater sardines affect seed germination?. Acta Oecologica 117:103850. |
2022 | Shamaskin, A. C., Correa, S. B., Street, G. M., Linhoss, A. C., Evans, K. 2022. Considering the influence of land-use/land cover on estuarine biotic richness with Bayesian hierarchical models. Ecological Applications 32:e2675. |
2022 | Prestes, L., Barthem, R., Mello-Filho , A., Anderson, E., Correa, S., Couto, T., Venticinque, E., Forsberg , E., Bentes, B., Goulding, M. 2022. Proactively averting the collapse of Amazon fisheries based on migratory species. PLOS ONE 17(3):e0264490. |
2022 | Hale, C., Granger, J., Correa, S., Siegert, C., DuBien, J. 2022. Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) Response Post- Hurricane Disturbance. Forest Science 68:270-282. |
2022 | Liao, C., Yu, J., Wang, J., Correa, S. B., Xiong, F., Zhai, D., Ye, S., Liu, J. 2022. Trends and mechanisms behind the invasion of Coilia brachygnathus (Actinopterygii, Engraulidae) in one of the world's largest reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 849:2919–2932. |
2022 | Hale, C., Granger, J., Siegert, C., Correa, S., DuBien, J., Goldsmith, C., Kruckeberg, W. 2022. Microsite Habitat, Species Associations, and Habitat Suitability Model of a Globally Imperiled Shrub. Natural Areas 42(3):206-217. |
2022 | Correa, S., van der Sleen, P., Siddiqui, S., Bogota-Gregory, J., Arantes, C., Barnett, A., Couto, T., Goulding, M., Anderson, E. 2022. Biotic indicators for ecological state change in Amazonian floodplains. BioScience 72(8):753-768. |
2022 | Carvalho, L. N., dos Santos Junior, J. B., Correa, S. B. 2022. Fish thieves: an alternative tactic of food capture in a Neotropical frugivorous species (Brycon falcatus). Austral Ecology 47(5):1140–1143. |
2022 | Liao, C., Wang, J., Ye, S., Li, Z., Correa, S. B., Zhang, T., Liu, J. 2022. Multifaceted fish diversities respond differently to impounding age and longitudinal location along a reservoir cascade. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
2022 | Coronado-Franco, K. V., Tedesco, P. A., Kolmann, M., Bornstein, S., Evans, K., Correa, S. 2022. Feeding habits influence species habitat associations at the landscape scale in a diverse clade of Neotropical fishes. Journal of Biogeography 49(12):2181-2192. |
2021 | Araujo, J. M., Correa, S., Penha, J., Anderson, J., Traveset, A. 2021. Implications of overfishing of frugivorous fishes for cryptic function loss in a Neotropical floodplain. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(7):1499–1510. |
2021 | Carvalho, L. N., dos Santos Junior, J. B., Correa, S. B. 2021. Uncovering mechanisms of seed predation by fish. Biotropica 53(6):1460–1464. |
2020 | Araujo, J., Correa, S. B., Anderson, J., Penha, J. 2020. Fruit preferences by fishes in a Neotropical floodplain. Biotropica 52:1131–1141. |
2020 | Santos, J., Correa, S. B., Boudreau, M. R., Carvalho, L. N. 2020. Differential ontogenetic effects of gut passage through fish on seed germination. Acta Oecologica 108(103628). |
2020 | Bogota-Gregory, J. D., Lima, F. C., Correa, S., Silva-Oliveira, C., Jenkins, D. G., Ribeiro, F. R., Lovejoy, N. R., Reis, R. E., Crampton, W. G. 2020. Biogeochemical water type influences community composition, species richness, and biomass in megadiverse Amazonian fish assemblages. Scientific Reports 10(15349). |
2019 | Liao, C., Chen, S., Correa, S. B., Li, W., Zhang, T., Liu, J. 2019. Impoundment led to spatial trophic segregation among three closely related catfish species in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Marine and Freshwater Research 71(7):750-760. |
2019 | Correa, S. B. 2019. Fish frugivory in Neotropical wetlands: past, present and future of a unique interaction. Special issue: Diagnosis and Management of Wetlands in Protected Areas. Biodiversidade Brasileira –BioBrasil (Journal of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation) 9(2):34-44. |
2018 | Costa-Pereira, R., Lucas, C., Crossa, M., Anderson, J. T., Albuquerque, B. W., Dary, E. P., Piedade, M. T., Demarchie, L. O., Rebouçase, E. R., Costa, G. S., Galetti, M., Correa, S. B. 2018. Defaunation shadow on mutualistic interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(12):E2673-E2675. |
2018 | Liao, C., Chen, S., Silva, S. S., Correa, S. B., Yuan, J., Zhang, T., Li, Z., Liu, J. 2018. Spatial changes of fish assemblages in relation to filling stages of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34(6):1293-1303. |
2018 | Correa, S. B., Winemiller, K. 2018. Terrestrial–aquatic trophic linkages support fish production in a tropical oligotrophic river. Oecologia 186(4):1069-1078. |
Graduate Students
Awards & Honors
- Multidisciplinary Expert Scientific Advisory Group of the 7th Edition of the Global Environment Outlook: Action for a Healthy Planet (GEO‐7)
United Nations Environment Programme - Early Career Achievement Award
Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources - DAFVM International Award Nominee
Mississippi State University DAFVM - DAFVM Teaching Award Nominee
Mississippi State University DAFVM - Teaching Award
Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources - Science Panel for the Amazon
United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Travel Award to Graduate Student Karold Coronado
Mississippi State University Graduate School - Grants in Aid of Research to Graduate Student Conner Owens
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society - Student Research Scholarship Award to Graduate Student Conner Owens
The Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society-MSAFS
Society Memberships
- American Fisheries Society, Mississippi State University Student Sub-Unit
- American Fisheries Society
- Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
- Ecological Society of America