Dr. Dana Morin

Dr. Dana  Morin


  • Assistant Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-8577
Thompson Hall, Rm #251



  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) , Wildlife Conservation
  • San Diego State University, Master of Science (M.S.), Ecology
  • Louisiana State University, Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S), General Studies

Research Interests

Carnivore Ecology
Quantitative Ecology
Population Modeling
Conservation Genetics
Landscape Ecology
Endangered Species Monitoring


Year Publications

Seveque, A., Lonsinger, R. C., Waits, L. P., Brzeski, K., Komoroske, L., Ott-Conn, C., Mayhew, S., Norton, C., Petroelje, T., Swenson, J., Morin, D. J. 2024. Sources of bias in applying close-kin mark–recapture to terrestrial game species with different demography and life history. Ecology


Jachowski, D., Bergeson, S. M., Cotey, S., Croose, E., Hofmeester, T., MacPherson, J., Wright, P., Calderón-Acevedo, C. A., Durst, A. C., Egloff, G. B., Hamed, M. K., Hapeman, P., Harris, S. N., Hassler, K., Humbert, J., Karp, D., Kays, R., Mausbach, J., Morin, D. J., Mos, J., Allue, S. S., Smith, L., Twining, J. P., Williamson, C. R., Zub, K. 2024. Non-invasive methods for monitoring weasels: Emerging technologies and priorities for future research. Mammal Review


Morin, D. J., Vashon, J. H., O'Neal, M., Hostetter, N. J., Flaherty, E. 2024. No evidence hunting bait increases American black bear population growth in Maine, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management


Kurth, K. A., Watson, E. M., Gerhold, R. W., Metts, D. L., Miller, B. F., Morin, D. J., Eda, S., Yang, S., Muller, L. I. 2023. Elk Mortality, Survival, and Health in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. Journal of Wildlife Disease 59(3):420-431.


Contasti, A. L., Firth, A., Baker, B. H., Brooks, J. P., Locke, M. A., Morin, D. J. 2023. Balancing trade-offs in climate smart-agriculture: can on-farm actions store organic carbon and maximize net utility by selling carbon credits?. Decision Analysis 20(4)(4):252-275.


Firth, A. G., Brooks, J. P., Locke, M. A., Morin, D. J., Brown Johnson, A. E., Baker, B. 2023. Soil bacterial community dynamics in plots managed with cover crops and no-till farming in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA. Journal of Applied Microbiology lxac051.


Sklarczyk, C., Evans, K., Greene, D. U., Morin, D. J., Iglay, R. B. 2023. Effects of spatial patterning within working pine forests on priority avian species in Mississippi. Landscape Ecology 38:2019-2034.


Meier, A., Bourgeois, S., Adams, E., Alberts, S., Bikang, H., Jasper-Sjolander, L., Lewis, M., Masseloux, J., Morin, D. J., Poulsen, J. 2023. Spatiotemporal ecological and anthropogenic factors influencing forest elephant group size. Animal Behavior 203:171-182.


Morin, D. J., Lesmeister, D. B., Nielsen, C. K., Schauber, E. M. 2022. Asymmetrical intraguild interactions with coyotes, red foxes, and domestic dogs may contribute to competitive exclusion of declining gray foxes. Ecology and Evolution 12(7):e9074.


Garshelis, D. L., Pigeon, K., Hwang, M., Proctor, M., McShea, W., Fuller, A., Morin, D. J. 2022. The need to step-up monitoring of Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation


McShea, W. J., Hwang, M., Lui, F., Li, S., Lamb, C., McLellan, B., Morin, D. J., Pigeon, K., Proctor, M., Yanez-Hernandez, H., Freichs, T., Garshelis, D. L. 2022. Is the Delineation of Range Maps Useful for Monitoring Asian Bears?. Global Ecology and Conservation 35(e02068).


Morin, D. J., Boulanger, J., Bischof, R., Lee, D. C., Ngoprasert, D., Fuller, A. K., McLellan, B., Steinmetz, R., Sharma, S., Garshelis, D. L., Gopalaswamy, A., Nawaz, M. A., Karanth, U. 2022. Comparison of methods for estimating density and population trends for low-density Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation 35(e02058).


Fuller, A. K., Augustine, B. C., Morin, D. J., Pigeon, K., Boulanger, J., Lee, D. C., Biisi, F., Garshelis, D. L. 2022. The occupancy-abundance relationship and sampling designs using occupancy to monitor populations of Asian bears. Global Ecolocy and Conservation 35(e02075).


Firth, A. G., Brooks, J. P., Locke, M. A., Morin, D. J., Brown Johnson, A. E., Baker, B. 2022. Dynamics of Soil Organic Carbon and CO2 Flux under Cover Crop and No-Till Management in Soybean Cropping Systems of the Mid-South (USA). Environments lxac051(9(9)):109.


Burger, I., Lampert, S., Vance, C. K., Morin, D., Kouba, A. J. 2022. Development of an amphibian sperm biobanking model for genetic management and population sustainability. Conservation Physiology 10(1):1-16.


Morin, D. J., Schablein, L., Simmons, L. N., Lorber, J. H., Smith, M. K. 2021. Identifying coarse- and fine-scale drivers of avian abundance following prescribed fires. Forest Ecology and Management 485:118940.


Tumendemberel, O., Tebbenkamp, J. M., Zedrosser, A., Proctor, M. F., Blomberg, E. J., Morin, D. J., Rosell, F., Reynolds, H. V., Adams, J. R., Waits, L. P. 2021. Long-term monitoring using DNA sampling reveals the dire demographic status of the critically endangered Gobi bear. Ecosphere 12(8):e03696.


Cassel, K. W., Morin, D. J., Nielsen, C. K., Preuss, T. S., Glowacki, G. A. 2020. Low-intensity monitoring of small-mammal habitat associations and species interactions in an urban forest-preserve network. Wildlife Research 47(2):114-127.


Smith, J., Hunter, J. S., Gaynor, K. M., Keller, C., Palmer, M. S., Suraci, J. P., Atkins, J., Castaneda, I., Cherry, M. J., Garvey, P., Huebner, S., Morin, D. J., Teckentrup, L., Weterings, M., Beaudrot, L. 2020. Zooming in on mechanistic predator-prey ecology: integrating camera traps with experimental methods to reveal the drivers of ecological interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology 89(9):1997-2012.


Morin, D. J., Yackulic, C. B., Diffendorfer, J. E., Lesmeister, D. B., Nielsen, C. K., Reid, J., Schauber, E. M. 2020. Is your ad hoc model selection strategy affecting your multimodel inference?. Ecosphere 11(1):e02997.


Morin, D. J., Higdon, S. D., Lonsinger, R. C., Gosselin, E. N., Kelly, M. J., Waits, L. P. 2019. Comparing methods of estimating carnivore diets with uncertainty and imperfect detection. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(4):651-660.


Monterroso, P., Godinho, R., Oliveira, T., Ferreras, P., Kelly, M. J., Morin, D. J., Waits, L. P., Alves, P. C., Mills, L. S. 2019. Feeding ecological knowledge: The underutilised power of faecal DNA approaches for carnivore diet analysis. Mammal Review 49(2):97-112.


Mastro, L. L., Morin, D. J., Gese, E. M. 2019. Home Range and Habitat Use of West Virginia Canis latrans (Coyote). Northeastern Naturalist 26(3):616-628.


Gupta, A., Dilkina, B., Morin, D. J., Fuller, A. K., Royle, J. A., Sutherland, C., Gomes, C. P. 2019. Reserve design to optimize functional connectivity and animal density. Conservation Biology 33(5):1023-1034.


Carson, H. S., Morin, D. J., Bouma, J. V., Ulrich, M., Sizemore, R. 2019. The survival of hatchery-origin pinto abalone Haliotis kamtschatkana released into Washington waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29(3):424-441.


Bleicher, S., Marko, H., Morin, D. J., Teemu, K., Hannu, Y. 2019. Balancing food, activity and the dangers of a sunlit nights. Behavioural Ecology and Sociology 73:95.

Graduate Students

  • Varsha Shastry
  • Chloe Beall
  • Fabian Jimenez
  • Lindy Gasta
  • Spencer Daniels
  • Daniela Adjaye
  • Lacy Dolan

Awards & Honors

  • College of Forest Resources Early Career Achievement Award
    College of Forest Resources
  • College of Forest Resources Teaching Award
    College of Forest Resources
  • College of Forest Resources 2020 Research Award