Dr. Mark McConnell

Dr. Mark  McConnell


  • Assistant Professor
    Coordinator of the James Kennedy and Bryan Endowed Program for Upland Birds and Prairie Conservation

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-2144
Thompson Hall, Rm #A209



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Forest Resources
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (MS), Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • Louisiana State University and A&M College, Bachelor of Science (BS), Wildlife and Fisheries Science


Year Publications

Lappin, O., Elmore, J., Jones, L., Schultz, E., Iglay, R. B., McConnell, M. D. 2024. Using drones equipped with thermal cameras to locate and count quail coveys: a case study using Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus in Mississippi, USA. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5(1):e12306.


Todaro, H., Rush, S. A., McConnell, M. D., Evans, K. 2023. Home range establishment and microhabitat selection of Bachman’s sparrows in southern open pine forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 87(e22422).


Pruitt, H. P., Boley, B., D'Angelo, G. K., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Deer management cooperative members’ likelihood of engaging in conservation initiatives: an importance-likelihood analysis. Human Dimensions of Wildlife


Pruitt, H. P., Boley, B., D'Angelo, G. K., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Impact of deer management cooperative implementation on white‐tailed deer harvest behaviors. Wildlife Society Bulletin


Lappin, O., Evans, K., Iglay, R. B., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) breeding season roost site selection in a agricultural landscape in Clay County, Mississippi. Journal of Field Ornithology 64(4):4.


Tiwari, P., Poudel, K. P., Yang, J., Silva, B., Yang, Y., McConnell, M. D. 2023. Marginal agricultural land identification in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley based on remote sensing and machine learning model. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 125:103568.


Mezebish, T. D., Chandler, R. B., Olsen, G. H., Goodman, M., Rohwer, F., Meng, N., McConnell, M. D. 2022. Wetland Selection by Female Ring-Necked Ducks (Aythya collaris) in the Southern Atlantic Flyway. Wetlands 41(84).


Lewis, W. B., Chandler, R. B., Delancey, C. D., Rushton, E., Wann, G. T., McConnell, M. D., Martin, J. A. 2022. Abundance and distribution of ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) at the southern periphery of the range: Implications for harvest management. Wildlife Biology 5:e01017.


Pruitt, H. P., Boley, B. B., D'Angelo, G. J., Murphy, B., McConnell, M. D. 2021. Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of deer management cooperative members. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(1):85-96.


Mezebish, T. D., Olsen, G. H., Goodman, M., Rohwer, F. C., McConnell, M. D. 2020. Winter Survival of Female Ring-Necked Ducks in the Southern Atlantic Flyway. Journal of Wildlife Management 84(8):1527-1535.


McConnell, M. D. 2019. Bridging the Gap between Conservation Delivery and Economics with Precision Agriculture. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(3):391-397.


McConnell, M. D., Monroe, A. P., Chandler, R., Palmer, W. E., Wellendorf, S., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2018. Factors influencing Northern Bobwhite recruitment with implications for population growth. Auk 135(4):1087-1099.


McConnell, M. D., Monroe, A. P., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2017. Timing of nest vegetation measurement affects its influence in nest survival studies: a simulation study. Ecology and Evolution 7(4):1259-1270.


McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W., Martin, J. A. 2017. The law of interspersion and the principle of edge: Old arguments and a new synthesis. National Quail Symposium 8:137.


McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W. 2011. Precision conservation: A geospatial decision support tool for optimizing conservation and profitability in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66(6):347–354.


McConnell, M. D., Burger, L. W., Givens, W. 2010. Precision conservation: Using precision agriculture technology to optimize conservation and profitability in agricultural landscapes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Precision Agriculture


Graduate Students

  • Frank Ongondo
  • Trey Wall
  • Caleb Blake
  • Jeffrey Grayum
  • Michael Warren
  • Olivia Lappin