Dr. Scott A. Rush

Dr. Scott A. Rush


  • Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-0762
Thompson Hall, Rm #231



  • University of Georgia, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Forest Resources
  • York University, Master of Science (M.S.), Biology
  • University of Rhode Island, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Wildlife Biology & Management

Research Interests

Ecology and conservation of tidal systems
Community ecology in large lakes
Fire ecology
Urban wildlife ecology


Year Publications

Murphy, N. K., Boudreau, M. R., Dorr, B. S., Slankard, K., Rush, S. A. 2024. Identifying priority mitigation areas for human-Osprey conflict. Journal of Wildlife Management


Rush, S. A., Weitzel, S. L., Trent, J. A., Soehren, E. C. 2024. Will a changing climate affect hatching success in cavity-nesting birds: A case study with Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis)?. Science Progress 107(2).


Aldridge, C. A., Rush, S. A. 2024. Eastern Black Kingsnake (Lampropeltis nigra) dorsal scale coloration is optimized for thermoregulation. . Herpetological Journal


Meyer, R. T., Rush, S. A., Wang, G. 2024. Southern flying squirrel use of forests managed for red‐cockaded woodpeckers in East‐Central Mississippi. Wildlife Letters 2(3):131-139.


Murphy, N. K., Elmore, J. A., Boudreau, M. R., Dorr, B. S., Rush, S. A. 2024. Monitoring active osprey nests with drones is more time efficient and less disturbing than conventional methods. Wildlife Biology


Rush, S. A., Rovery, T. R., Naveda-Rodríguez, A. 2024. American Robin (Turdus migratorius) feeding young at night in an area of artificial light. Journal of Ornithology


Meyer, R. T., Rush, S. A. 2024. Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) diet composition in red-cockaded woodpecker (Dryobates borealis) groups in Mississippi and Alabama. Food Webs 39:e00346.


Saavedra, N. E., Rush, S. A., Olin, J. A., Paterson, G. 2023. Combined tracers reveal the multi‐dimensionality of resource partitioning among sympatric forage fish. Freshwater Biology 68(2):288-300.


Justyn, N. M., Powers, M. J., Hill, G. E., Alexander, K., Naveda-Rodríguez, A., Rush, S. A. 2023. The mechanisms of color production in black skin versus red skin on the heads of New World vultures. Avian Research 14:100071.


Todaro, H., Rush, S. A., McConnell, M. D., Evans, K. 2023. Home range establishment and microhabitat selection of Bachman’s sparrows in southern open pine forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 87(e22422).


Goddard, J., Catanach, T. A., Rush, S. A. 2023. Colpocephalum sp. chewing lice (Psocodea: Menoponidae) collected from bald eagles in Mississippi. Journal of Entomological Science 58(3):375–376.


Bracken, R. D., Olsen, T. W., Rush, S. A. 2023. A modified target-netting method for optimizing capture success of chuck-will’s-widow. Bird Banding


Rush, S. A., Naveda-Rodriguez, A. 2023. Conspecific nest destruction by black vulture (Coragyps atratus). . Ornithological Research


Rush, S. A., Naveda-Rodriguez, A. J., Hamrick, E. B. 2023. New overwintering location of the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in Tennessee, USA with diet assess through pellets. . Check List 19(6):863-868.


Naveda-Rodriguez, A. J., Bildstein, K. L., Barber, D. R., Therrien, J., Avery, M. L., Kluever, B. M., Rush, S. A., Vilella, F. J. 2023. Turkey vulture survival is reduced in areas of greater road density. . Ornithological Applications 125:1-9.


Rush, S. A., Buckley, N. J., Zolner, P. A., Kluever, B. M., McWherter, B. L., Burcham, G. N., Ma, Z., Wahl, M. L., Naveda-Rodriguez, A. 2023. Science-driven guidelines needed to better manage and conserve black vultures in North America. . Wildlife Letters 1:79-82.


Naveda-Rodriguez, A. J., Stilwell, N., Rush, S. A. 2023. Avian pox in New World vultures: An unnoticeable or overlooked infectious disease? . EcoHealth 20:165-166.


Naveda-Rodríguez, A., Rush, S. A. 2023. Navigating Storms: Examining Vultures’ Behavior in Response to Extreme Weather Events. Diversity 15(3):441.


Moran, L. L., Dorr, B. S., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Moore, R., Rush, S. A. 2023. Space use and movements of southeastern breeding double-crested cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) in the United States. Diversity 15(3):453.


Dunn, P. O., Ahmed, I., Armstrong, E., Barlow, N., Barnard, M. A., Belisle, M., Benson, T. J., Berzins, L. L., Boynton, C. K., Brown, T. A., Cady, M., Cameron, K., Chen, X., Clark, R. G., Clotfelter, E. D., Cromwell, K., Dawson, R. D., Denton, E., Forbes, A., Fowler, K., Fraser, K. C., Gandhi, K. J., Garant, D., Hiebert, M., Houchen, C., Houtz, J., Imlay, T. L., Inouye, B. D., Inouye, D. W., Jackson, M., Jacobson, A. P., Jayd, K., Juteau, C., Kautz, A., Killian, C., Kinnear, E., Komatsu, K. J., Larsen, K., Laughlin, A., Levesque-Beaudin, V., Leys, R., Long, E., Lougheed, S. C., Mackenzie, S., Marangelo, J., Miller, C., Molano-Flores, B., Morrissey, C. A., Nicholls, E., Orlofske, J. M. 2023. Extensive regional variation in the phenology of insects and their response to temperature across North America. Ecology 104(5):e4036.


Rush, S. A., Naveda-Rodriguez, A. 2023. A call for science-based evaluation when considering the impacts and management of black vulture (Coragyps atratus) in Alabama. . Alabama Birdlife 68(2):3-7.


Rush, S. A., Koczur, L. 2023. The chimney swift in the southeastern United States: historic banding and future research. Bird Bander 48(1):21-24.


Fitzsimons, J. D., Lantry, B., Honeyfield, D. C., O'Gorman, R., Rush, S. A., Sitar, S. P. 2022. Thiamine status of lake trout in lake Ontario and its relation to diet after the colonization of round goby, 2005-2006. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48(1):195-206.


Moran, L. L., Dorr, B. S., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Moore, R., Rush, S. A. 2022. Using stable isotopes to examine movement and prey usage of cormorants breeding in the southeastern United States. Food Webs 31:e00220.


Taylor, J., Francis, R., Rush, S. A., Strickland, B. K., Wang, G. 2022. Individual trophic niche specialization in American beaver (Castor canadensis). Food Webs 32:e00235 .


Patrick, C. J., Kominoski, J. S., McDowell, W. H., Branoff, B., Lagomasino, D., Leon, M., Hensel, E., Hensel, M. J., Strickland, B. A., Aide, T. M., Armitage, A., Campos-Cerqueira, M., Congdon, V. M., Crowl, T. A., Devlin, D. J., Douglas, S., Erisman, B. E., Feagin, R. A., Geist, S. J., Hall, N. S., Hardison, A. K., Heithaus, M. R., Hogan, J. A., Hogan, J. D., Kinard, S., Kiszka, J. J., Lin, T., Lu, K., Madden, C. J., Montagna, P. A., O'Connell, C. S., Proffitt, C. E., Reese, B. K., Reustle, J. W., Robinson, K. L., Rush, S. A., Santos, R. O., Schnetzer, A., Smee, D. L., Smith, R. S., Starr, G., Stauffer, B. A., Walker, L. M., Weaver, C. A., Wetz, M. S., Whitman, E. R., Wilson, S. S., Xue, J., Zou, X. 2022. A general pattern of trade-offs between ecosystem resistance and resilience to tropical cyclones. Science Advances 8(9).


Sheehan, K. L., Dorr, B. S., Clements, S. A., Christie, T. W., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Rush, S. A., Davis, J. B. 2022. Predicting consistent foraging ecologies of migrating waterbirds: Using stable isotope and parasite measurements as indicators of landscape use. Ecological Indicators 1(40 10903).


Ruppert, K. M., Rush, S. A. 2022. Natural history note: Lithobates capito (Gopher Frog). Survival. . Herpetological Review 53:653.


Bracken, R. D., Rush, S. A. 2022. An old orange-crowned warbler. North American Bird Bander 47(3):158-159..


Sheehan, K. L., Dorr, B. S., Clements, S. A., Christie, T. W., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Rush, S. A., Brian Davis, J. 2022. Predicting consistent foraging ecologies of migrating waterbirds: Using stable isotope and parasite measurements as indicators of landscape use. Ecological Indicators 140:109038.


Weitzel, S. L., Feura, J. M., Rush, S. A., Iglay, R. B., Woodrey, M. S. 2021. Availability and assessment of microplastic ingestion by marsh birds in Mississippi Gulf Coast tidal marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 166:112187.


Weitzel, S. L., Feura, J. M., Iglay, R. B., Evans, K. O., Rush, S. A., Woodrey, M. S. 2021. Distribution, abundance, and vegetation associations of birds in Mississippi tidal marshes during the non-breeding season. Journal of Field Ornithology 92(3):231-245.


Fitzsimons, J. D., Honeyfield, D. C., Rush, S. A. 2021. Ontogenetic Dietary Changes and Thiamine Status of Lake Ontario Chinook Salmon, 2005--2006. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41(5):1499-1513.


Aldridge, C. A., Rogers, T. P., Banks, W. T., Rush, S. A. 2021. Duped by false-negative errors: A case study with the Mediterranean Gecko. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16(3):525-533.


Woodyard, E. T., Rosser, T. G., Rush, S. A., McAllister, C. T., Hnida, J. A., Griffin, M. J. 2021. Eimeria varia Upton, Campbell, Weigel & McKown, 1990 is a junior synonym of Eimeria megabubonis Upton, Campbell, Weigel & McKown, 1990. Acta Parasitologica 66(2):699-705.


Cross, K. P., Starnes, V., Rush, S. A. 2021. Migrating Silver-Haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) in Mississippi. Southeastern Naturalist 20(3):N79.


Duffie, D. R., Ruppert, K., Rush, S. A. 2021. Geographic distribution: Anolis carolinensis (green anole). Herpetological Review 52(3):575.


Rush, S. A., Greene, D. U. 2021. Geographic distribution: Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake). Herpetological Review 52(1):75.


Greene, D. U., Rush, S. A. 2021. Geographic distribution: Notophthalmus viridescens subsp. (eastern newt). Herpetological Review 52(1):86.


Duffie, D. R., Rush, S. A. 2021. Geographic distribution: Scaphiopus holbrookii (eastern spadefoot). Herpetological Review 52:78.


Rush, S. A., Duffie, D. R. 2021. Geographic distribution: Eurycea longicauda (long-tailed salamander). Herpetological Review 52:73.


Duffie, D. R., Rush, S. A., Miller, D. A., Greene, D. U. 2021. Gopherus Polyphemus (Gopher Tortoise). Burrow associates including Eurycea guttolineata (three-lined salamander) and Incilius nebulifer (Gulf Coast Toad). Herpetological Review 52:129 - 130.


Woodyard, E., Baumgartner, W. A., Rush, S. A., Griffin, M. J., Rosser, T. G. 2020. Pathology associated with Odhneriotrema incommodum infection in wild-caught American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis and potential immediate snail hosts. Acta Parasitologica 65(144-150).


Hogan, J. A., Feagin, R. A., Starr, G., Ross, M., Lin, T., O’connell, C., Huff, T. P., Stauffer, B. A., Robinson, K. L., Lara, M. C., Xue, J., Reese, B. K., Geist, S. J., Whitman, E. R., Douglas, S., Congdon, V. M., Reustle, J. W., Smith, R. S., Lagamasino, D., Strickland, B. A., Wilson, S. S., Proffitt, C. E., Hogan, J. D., Branoff, B. L., Armitage, A. R., Rush, S. A., Santos, R. O., Campos-Cerqueira, M., Montagna, P. A., Erisman, B., Walker, L., Silver, W. L., Crowl, T. A., Wetz, M., Hall, N., Zou, X., Pennings, S. C., Wang, L., Chang, C., Leon, M., Mcdowell, W. H., Kominoski, J. S., Patrick, C. J. 2020. A Research Framework to Integrate Cross-Ecosystem Responses to Tropical Cyclones. BioScience 70(6):477-489.


Fuller-Morris, M., Miller, D. A., Greene, D. U., Rush, S. A. 2020. Biofuel management has limited effects on forest nutrients and avian resource assimilation. Food Webs 22:e00135.


Marty, J. R., Davis, J. B., Kaminski, R. M., Brasher, M. G., Rush, S. A. 2020. Gulf Coast riceland seed biomass estimates for waterfowl habitat conservation. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84(7):1315-1325.


Klaus, N. A., Rush, S. A., Weitzel, S. L., Holdrege, M. C. 2020. Changes in Tree Canopy, Groundcover, and Avian Community Following Restoration of a Montane Longleaf Pine Woodland. The American Midland Naturalist 184(2):163-176.


Rush, S. A., Miller, D. 2020. Pseudotriton ruber (Red salamander). Herpetological Review 51(2):268.


Morris, K. M., Soehren, E. C., Woodrey, M. S., Rush, S. A. 2020. Habitat-Suitability Model for the Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) in the Northern Gulf Coast of Alabama and Mississippi, USA. Remote Sensing 12(5):848.


Faust, D. R., Kröger, R., Baker, B. H., Brooks, J. P., Cox, M. S., Rush, S. A. 2020. Investigating the role of organic carbon amendments and microbial denitrification gene abundance in nitrogen removal from experimental agricultural drainage ditches with low‐grade weirs. Water Environment Research 92(6):899-910.


Miles, T. P., Rush, S. A., Rosser, T. G. 2019. Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic characterisation of Eimeria macyi Wheat, 1975 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in the eastern red bat Lasiurus borealis (Müller) from Mississippi, USA. Systematic Parasitology 96(2):245-255.


Soehren, E. S., Moore, F., Wilson, M., Trent, J., Rush, S. A. 2019. Occurrence of northern saw-whet owls (Aegolius acadicus) in Alabama from targeted banding efforts. Journal of Raptor Research 53(2):150–163.


Moran Veum, L., Rush, S. A., Dorr, B. S., Moore, R., Hanson-Dorr, K. 2019. Double-crested Cormorant colony effects on soil chemistry, vegetation structure and avian diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 453(1):117588.


Farrell, A., Wang, G., Rush, S. A., Martin, J. A., Belant, J. L., Butler, A., Godwin, D. 2019. Machine learning of large-scale spatial distributions of wild turkeys with high dimensions of habitat data. Ecology and Evolution 9:5938–5949.


Faust, D. R., Kroger, R., Baker, B. H., Brooks, J. P., Cox, M. S., Rush, S. A. 2019. Investigating the role of organic carbon amendments and microbial denitrification gene abundance in nitrogen removal from experimental agricultural drainage ditches with low‐grade weirs. Water Environment Research 92(6):899-910.


Wright, H., Price, J., Trent, J., Soehren, E., Rush, S. A. 2019. Southward breeding expansion of tree swallows in Alabama. Southeastern Naturalist 18(4):548-554.


Rush, S. A., Murphy, N. K. 2019. Confirmation of Mississippi barn owls breeding in October. Mississippi Kite 49(2):38–40.


Woodyard, E., Rush, S. A., Rosser, T. G. 2019. Redescription of Eimeria megabubonis Upton, Campbell, Weigel, & McKown 1990 (Apicomplexa: Emeriidae) from the Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus (Gmelin, 1788). Systematic Parasitology 96(7):585-594.


Rush, S. A., Rodgers, J. C., Soehren, E. C., Trent, J. A. 2019. Spatial and Temporal Changes in Emergent Marsh and Associated Marsh Birds of the Lower Mobile-Tensaw River Delta in Alabama, USA. Wetlands 39(6):1189-1201.


Miles, T. P., Rush, S. A., Rosser, T. G. 2019. Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic characterisation of Eimeria macyi Wheat, 1975 (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in the eastern red bat Lasiurus borealis (Müller) from Mississippi, USA. Systematic Parasitology 96(2):245-255.


Faust, D. R., Kroger, R., Omer, A. R., Hogue, J. A., Baker, B., Czarnecki, J., Moore, M. T., Rush, S. A. 2018. Nitrogen and organic carbon contents of agricultural drainage ditches of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(2):179-188.


Davis, A., Wang, G., Martin, J. A., Belant, J. L., Butler, A., Rush, S. A., Godwin, D. 2018. Landscape-abundance relationships of male Eastern Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) in Mississippi, USA. Acta Ornithologica 52(2):127-139.


Faust, D. R., Kroger, R., Moore, M., Rush, S. A. 2018. Management practices used in agricultural drainage ditches to reduce Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 100:32-40.


Loman, Z., Monroe, A., Riffell, S. K., Miller, D., Vilella, F. J., Wheat, B., Rush, S. A., Martin, J. A. 2018. Nest survival modeling using a multi-species approach in forests managed for timber and biofuel feedstock. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(2):937-946.


Soehren, E. C., Hereford, S. G., Morris, K. M., Trent, J. A., Walker, J., Woodrey, M. S., Rush, S. A. 2018. Winter use of wet pine savannas by Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) along coastal Alabama and Mississippi. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(3):615-625.


Foggia, J., Rush, S. A., Wigley, T. B., Miller, D. A., Martin, J. A. 2018. Effects of forest stand structure and edge proximity on predation risk. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 42(3):237-245.


Gilliland, C., Colvin, M., Rush, S. A., Reagan, S. 2018. American alligators are predators of Paddlefish: An undocumented predator-prey linkage affecting Paddlefish population dynamics. Food Webs 16:e00087.


Gilliland, C. R., Colvin, M. E., Rush, S. A., Reagan, S. 2018. American alligators are predators of Paddlefish: An undocumented predator-prey linkage affecting Paddlefish population dynamics. Food Webs 16:e00087.


Marshall, C., Riffell, S. K., Miller, D., Hill, J., Evans, K., Rush, S. A. 2017. Bird response to intercropping switchgrass within loblolly pine plantations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(4):659-665.


Marshall, C., Riffell, S. K., Rush, S. A., Hill, J., Evans, K. 2017. Switchgrass cultivation within loblolly pine plantations influences invertebrate community composition and resource use. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 143(2):189-197.


Woodyard, E. T., Rosser, T. G., Rush, S. A. 2017. Alligator wrestling: morphological, molecular, and phylogenetic data on Odhneriotrema incommodum (Leidy, 1856) (Digenea: Clinostomidae) from Alligator mississippiensis Daudin, 1801 in Mississippi, USA. Parasitology Research 116(11):2981-2993.


Loman , Z. G., Greene, E. J., Wheat, B., Demarais, S., Miller, D., Rush, S. A., Riffell, S. K. 2017. White-tailed deer carrying capacity response to intercropping switchgrass in loblolly pine plantations. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(6):999–1008 .


Morris, K. M., Woodrey, M. S., Hereford, S. G., Soehren, E. C., Conkling, T. J., Rush, S. A. 2017. Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) Occupancy in the Context of Fire in Mississippi and Alabama, USA. Waterbirds 40(2):95-104.


Marshall, C., Riffell, S. K., Miller, D. A., Hill, J. G., Evans, K. O., Rush, S. A. 2017. Bird response to intercropping switchgrass within a loblolly pine plantation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(4):659-665.


Rush, S. A. 2016. Sistrurus miliarius streckeri (western pygmy rattlesnake): Geographic record. Herpetological Review 47(2):265-266.


Rush, S. A. 2016. Terrapene carolina carolina (eastern box turtle). High elevation record. Herpetological Review 47(1):129.


Faust, D. R., Moore, M. T., Emison, G. A., Rush, S. A. 2016. Potential Implications of Approaches to Climate Change on the Clean Water Rule Definition of “Waters of the United States”. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 96(5):565-572.


Hackemack, T. F., Loman, Z. G., Riffell, S. K., Rush, S. A. 2016. Do nest size and shape characteristics affect nest parasitism rates?. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(4):722-726.


Faust, D. R., Kröger, R., Miranda, L. E., Rush, S. A. 2016. Nitrate Removal from Agricultural Drainage Ditch Sediments with Amendments of Organic Carbon: Potential for an Innovative Best Management Practice. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227(10).


Hannah, T. I., Tirpak, J. M., Wathen, G., Loman, Z. G., Evans, D. L., Rush, S. A. 2016. Influence of landscape-and stand-scale factors on avian communities to aid in open pine restoration. Forest Ecology and Management 384:389-399.


Colborne, S. F., Rush, S. A., Paterson, G., Johnson, T. B., Lantry, B. F., Fisk, A. T. 2016. Estimates of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diet in Lake Ontario using two and three isotope mixing models. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42(3):695-702.


Rush, S. A., Pekarik, C., Weseloh, D. V., Cuthbert, F., Moore, D., Wires, L. 2015. Changes in heron and egret populations on the Laurentian Great Lakes and connecting channels, 1977-2009. Avian Conservation and Ecology 10(1):7.


Olin, J. A., Stevens, P. W., Rush, S. A., Hussey, N. E., Fisk, A. T. 2015. Loss of seasonal variability in nekton community structure in a tidal river: Evidence for homogenization in a flow-altered system. Hydrobiologia 744(1):271–286.


Rush, S. A., Sash, K., Carroll, J., Palmer, B., Fisk, A. T. 2014. Feeding Ecology of the Snake Community of the Red Hills Region Relative to Management for Northern Bobwhite: Assessing the Diet of Snakes Using Stable Isotopes. Copeia 2014(2):288–296.


Paterson, G., Rush, S. A., Arts, M. T., Drouillard, K. G., Haffner, G. D., Johnson, T. B., Lantry, B. F., Hebert, C. E., McGoldrick, D. J., Backus, S. M., Fisk, A. T. 2014. Ecological tracers reveal resource convergence among prey fish species in a large lake ecosystem. Freshwater Biology 59(10):2150–2161.


Rush, S. A., Soehren, E. C., Miller, M. 2014. Stopover Duration and Habitat Use by Tennessee Warblers (Oreothlypis peregrina) at a High-Elevation Bald. Southeastern Naturalist 13(1):92–100.


Rush, S. A., Romito, T., Robison, T. L. 2014. Avian diversity in a suburban park system: Current conditions and strategies for dealing with anticipated change. Urban Ecosystems 17(1):45–60.


Fitzsimons, J. D., Brown, S. B., Brown, L. R., Verreault, G., Tardif, R., Drouillard, K. G., Rush, S. A., Lantry, J. R. 2013. Impacts of diet on thiamine status of Lake Ontario American eels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(5):1358–1369.


Olin, J. A., Hussey, N. E., Rush, S. A., Poulakis, G. R., Simpfendorfer, C. A., Heupel, M. R., Fisk, A. T. 2013. Seasonal variability in stable isotopes of estuarine consumers under different freshwater flow regimes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 487:55–69.


Rush, S. A., Dobbie, T., Fisk, A. T. 2013. Quantification of cormorant litter and nutrient deposition to Great Lakes island ecosystems. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39(2):303–307.


Guzzo, M. M., Haffner, G. D., Legler, N. D., Rush, S. A., Fisk, A. T. 2013. Fifty years later: trophic ecology and niche overlap of a native and non-indigenous fish species in the western basin of Lake Erie. Biological invasions 15(8):1695–1711.


Rush, S. A., Paterson, G., Johnson, T. B., Drouillard, K. G., Haffner, G. D., Hebert, C. E., Arts, M. T., McGoldrick, D. J., Backus, S. M., Lantry, B. F., Lantry, J. R., Schaner, T., Fisk, A. T. 2012. Long-term impacts of invasive species on a native top predator in a large lake system. Freshwater Biology 57(11):2342–2355.


Olin, J. A., Rush, S. A., MacNeil, M. A., Fisk, A. T. 2012. Isotopic Ratios Reveal Mixed Seasonal Variation Among Fishes from Two Subtropical Estuarine Systems. Estuaries and Coasts 35(3):811-820.


McMeans, B. C., Arts, M. T., Rush, S. A., Fisk, A. T. 2012. Seasonal patterns in fatty acids of Calanus hyperboreus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Marine Biology 159(5):1095-1105.


Guzzo, M. M., Haffner, G. D., Sorge, S., Rush, S. A., Fisk, A. T. 2011. Spatial and temporal variabilities of δ13C and δ15N within lower trophic levels of a large lake: implications for estimating trophic relationships of consumers. Hydrobiologia 675(1):41-53.


Elgee, K. E., Evans, J. P., Ramnarine, I. W., Rush, S. A., Pitcher, T. E. 2010. Geographic variation in sperm traits reflects predation risk and natural rates of multiple paternity in the guppy. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23(6):1331-1338.


Klaus, N. A., Rush, S. A., Keyes, T. S., Petrick, J., Cooper, R. J. 2010. Short-term effects of fire on breeding birds in southern Appalachian upland forests. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122(3):518–531.


Rush, S. A., Maddox, T., Fisk, A. T., Woodrey, M. S., Cooper, R. J. 2009. A precise water displacement method for estimating egg volume. Journal of Field Ornithology 80(2):193-197.


Schmidt, K. A., Rush, S. A., Ostfeld, R. S. 2008. Wood thrush nest success and post-fledging survival across a temporal pulse of small mammal abundance in an oak forest. The Journal of Animal Ecology 77(4):830-837.


Rush, S. A., Borgå, K., Dietz, R., Born, E. W., Sonne, C., Evans, T., Muir, D. C., Letcher, R. J., Norstrom, R. J., Fisk, A. T. 2008. Geographic distribution of selected elements in the livers of polar bears from Greenland, Canada and the United States. Environmental Pollution 153(3):618-626.




Graduate Students

  • Krista Ruppert
  • Natasha Murphy
  • Rebecca Bracken

Awards & Honors

  • Recognition for Contributions to Conservation
    Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Outstanding Peer-reviewed Publication (2017)
    Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society
  • Early Career Achievement Award
    Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources
  • Outstanding Peer-reviewed Publication
    Mississippi Chapter of the Wildlife Society
  • Early Career Achievement Award
    Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources

Society Memberships

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • American Ornithological Society
  • Association of Field Ornithologists
  • Inland Bird Banding Association
  • Raptor Research Foundation
  • Wilson Ornithological Society