Dr. Joshua J. Granger
- Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Office: 662-325-0596
Thompson Hall, Rm 321
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Natural Resources
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Master of Science (M.S.), Statistics
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Master of Science (M.S.), Biology
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), German
Research Interests
Forest ecology
Quantitative silviculture
Hardwood and pine regeneration
Forest ecosystem resilience
Year | Publications |
2024 | Martinez, C., Siegert, C. M., Granger, J., Iglay, R. B. 2024. Seasonal comparison of household vinegar and glyphosate treatments on Microstegium vimineum removal in the North Carolina, United States piedmont. Restoration Ecology |
2023 | Goldsmith, C., Alexander, H., Granger, J., Siegert, C. M. 2023. Invasive Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass) hinders growth and biomass of hardwood seedlings regardless of light and moisture treatment. Forest Ecology and Management 539:120984. |
2023 | Ripa, G. N., Demarais, S., Granger, J., Hamrick, R. G., Iglay, R. B. 2023. White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) nutritional carrying capacity over two decades after exclusion. Forest Ecology and Management 535:120899. |
2023 | Collins, D., Granger, J., Dicke, S., Poudel, K. P., Polinko, A. D., Willis, J. 2023. Crown Lifting of Low-Density Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Plantations on Nonindustrial Private Forest Lands. Forest Science 69(1):94 - 100. |
2023 | Ripa, G. N., Demarais, S., Granger, J., Hamrisk, R. G., Iglay, R. B. 2023. 20-year effects of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on vegetation composition and structure. Forest Ecology and Management 528:120644. |
2022 | Baach, E., Himes, A., Polinko, A., Granger, J. J., Zhou, Q. 2022. Diversity-productivity relationships in forests of the southeastern United States: Leveraging national inventory data and tree functional traits. Forest Ecology and Management 521:120426. |
2022 | Adeyemo, S., Granger, J. 2022. Habitat suitability model and range shift analysis for American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in the United States. . Trees, Forests, and People. |
2022 | Collins, D., Granger, J., Dicke, S., Poudel , K., Polinko, A., Willis, J. 2022. Crown lifting effects on young loblolly pine (P. taeda). . Forest Science |
2022 | Hale, C., Granger, J., Siegert, C., Correa, S., DuBien, J., Goldsmith, C., Kruckeberg, W. 2022. Microsite Habitat, Species Associations, and Habitat Suitability Model of a Globally Imperiled Shrub. Natural Areas 42(3):206-217. |
2022 | Hale, C., Granger, J., Correa, S., Siegert, C., DuBien, J. 2022. Atlantic White-Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) Response Post- Hurricane Disturbance. Forest Science 68:270-282. |
2022 | Dahal, B., Poudel, K. P., Renninger, H. J., Granger, J. J., Leininger, T. D., Gardiner, E. S., Souter, R. A., Rousseau, R. J. 2022. Aboveground biomass equations for black willow (Salix nigra Marsh.) and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.). Trees, Forests and People 7(100195). |
2021 | Poudel, K. P., Avery, S. C., Granger, J. J. 2021. Live Crown Ratio Models for Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) with Beta Regression. Forests 12(10):1409. |
2021 | Granger, J., Buckley, D. S. 2021. Performance of white oak (Quercus alba) and three pine species in novel multi-cropped plantations in eastern Tennessee, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 489(119060). |
2020 | Granger, J. J., Zobel, J. M., Buckley, D. S. 2020. Differential impacts of emerald ash bore (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) on forest communities containing native ash (Fraxinus spp.) species in eastern North America. Forest Science 66(1):38-48. |
2019 | Yang, J., Ren, W., Ouyang, Y., Feng, G., Tao, B., Granger, J., Poudel, K. P. 2019. Projection of 21st century irrigation water requirement across the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Agricultural Water Management 217:60-72. |
2018 | Granger, J. J., Buckley, D. S., Sharik, T. L., Zobel, J. M., DeBord, W. W., Hartman, J. P., Henning, J. G., Keyser, T. L., Marshall, J. M. 2018. Northern red oak regeneration: 25-year results of cutting and prescribed fire in Michigan oak and pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management 429:467-479. |
2018 | Granger, J. J., Buckley, D. S., Zobel, J. M. 2018. Microsites supporting endemic populations of mountain stewartia (Stewartia ovata) in East Tennessee. Castanea 83(1):140-151. |
Graduate Students
- Drew Williams
- Chuck Burdine
- Justin Gleason
- Segun Adeyemo
- T. J. Gatlin
Society Memberships
- American Chestnut Cooperators’ Foundation
- American Chestnut Foundation
- American Conifer Society
- American Poultry Association
- Arbor Day Foundation
- Ecological Society of America
- Golden Key International Honor Society
- International Oak Society
- International Plant Propagators’ Society
- International Society of Arboriculture
- International Society of Forest Resource Economics
- International Waterfowl Breeders Association
- Mississippi Forestry Association
- Mississippi Society of American Foresters
- National Wildlife Federation
- Natural Areas Association
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Professional Arborist Association of Mississippi
- Rhode Island Red Club of America
- Society of American Foresters
- The Ozark Chinquapin Foundation
- Xi Sigma Pi