Dr. Heidi J. Renninger
- Associate Professor
Contact Information
Office: 662-325-0792
Thompson Hall, Rm 313
- Boston University , Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Geography
- Oregon State University , Master of Science (M.S.), Forest Science
- Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology
Research Interests
Environmental controls on physiological plant function
Structure/function relationships in plants
Tree and forest water use
Short rotation bioenergy crops
Year | Publications |
2025 | Gosselaar, M., Arick, M. A., Hsu, C., Renninger, H. J., Siegert, C. M., Shafqat, W., Peterson, D. G., Himes, A. 2025. Comparative Transcriptomic and Phenotypic Analysis of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Populus deltoides Genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science 15. |
2024 | Adhikari, S., Ma, Q., Poudel, K. P., Renninger, H. J. 2024. Aboveground woody biomass estimation of young bioenergy plantations of Populus and its hybrids using mobile (backpack) LiDAR remote sensing. Trees, Forests and People 18:100665. Download |
2024 | Renninger, H. J., Pitts, J. J., Wang, J. 2024. Leaf-level physiological strategies related to productivity and plasticity of Populus in the Southeastern United States. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7. Download |
2024 | Renninger, H. J., Kyaw, T., Siegert, C. M., Rousseau, R. J. 2024. Water use efficiency, leaf physiology and productivity of black willow (Salix nigra Marshall) for short rotation bioenergy production in the southern US. Biomass and Bioenergy 183. |
2024 | Wang, J., Renninger, H. J., Ma, Q., Jin, S. 2024. Measuring stomatal and guard cell metrics for plant physiology and growth using StoManager1. Plant Physiology 195(1):378-394. Download |
2024 | Wang, J., Renninger, H. J., Ma, Q. 2024. Labeled temperate hardwood tree stomatal image datasets from seven taxa of Populus and 17 hardwood species. Scientific Data 11(1). Download |
2023 | Renninger, H. J., Frey, B. R., Anderson, M. P., Evans, D. L. 2023. Using LiDAR Data to Estimate Biomass in Afforested Bottomland Oak Sites in the Southern United States. Forest Science 69(5):551-562. Download |
2023 | Renninger, H. J., Pitts, J. J., Rousseau, R. J. 2023. Comparisons of biomass, water use efficiency and water use strategies across five genomic groups ofPopulusand its hybrids. GCB Bioenergy 15(1):99-112. Download |
2023 | Willis, J. L., Renninger, H. J., Schnake, D. K., Alexander, H. D. 2023. Xerophytic hardwood retention promotes competition over facilitation in longleaf pine woodlands in the absence of fire. Forest Ecology and Management 531. |
2022 | Dahal, B., Poudel, K. P., Renninger, H. J., Granger, J. J., Leininger, T. D., Gardiner, E. S., Souter, R. A., Rousseau, R. J. 2022. Aboveground biomass equations for black willow (Salix nigra Marsh.) and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.). Trees, Forests and People 7:100195. Download |
2022 | Kyaw, T., Siegert, C. M., Dash, P., Poudel, K. P., Pitts, J. J., Renninger, H. J. 2022. Using hyperspectral leaf reflectance to estimate photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen content across eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar taxa. PLOS One 17:e0264780. |
2022 | Kyaw, T. Y., Siegert, C. M., Dash, P., Poudel, K. P., Pitts, J. J., Renninger, H. J. 2022. Using hyperspectral leaf reflectance to estimate photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen content across eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar taxa. PLOS ONE 17(3):e0264780. Download |
2022 | Dahal, B., Poudel, K. P., Renninger, H. J., Granger, J. J., Leininger, T. D., Gardiner, E. S., Souter, R. A., Rousseau, R. J. 2022. Aboveground biomass equations for black willow (Salix nigra Marsh.) and eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.). Trees, Forests and People 7(100195). |
2022 | Renninger, H. J., Stewart, L., Freeman, J., Rousseau, R. J. 2022. Physiological functioning and productivity in eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplars on contrasting sites in the southeastern US. BioEnergy Research |
2021 | Renninger, H. J., Stewart, L. F., Rousseau, R. J. 2021. Water use, efficiency, and stomatal sensitivity in eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar varietals on contrasting sites in the southeastern US. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4(704799). |
2021 | Kassahun, Z., Renninger, H. J. 2021. Effects of drought on water use of seven tree species from four genera growing in a bottomland hardwood forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 301-302:108353. Download |
2021 | Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C., Brewer, J. S., Kreye, J., Lashley, M. A., McDaniel, J. K., Paulson, A. K., Renninger, H. J., Varner, J. M. 2021. Mesophication of Oak Landscapes: Evidence, Knowledge Gaps, and Future Research. BioScience 71(5):531-542. Download |
2021 | Ouyang, Y., Feng, G., Renninger, H. J., Leininger, T., Parajuli, P. B., Grace, J. 2021. A STELLA-based model to simultaneously predict hydrological processes, N uptake and biomass production in a eucalyptus plantation. Forests 12(15). |
2021 | Himes, A., Emerson, P., McClung, R., Renninger, H. J., Rosenstiel, T., Stanton, B. 2021. Leaf traits indicative of drought resistance in hybrid poplar. Agricultural Water Management 246(106676). |
2021 | Alexander, H. D., Siegert, C. M., Brewer, S., Kreye, J., Lashley, M. A., McDaniel, J., Paulson, A., Renninger, H. J., Varner, J. M. 2021. Mesophication of oak landscapes: evidence, knowledge gaps, and future research. BioScience 71(5):531-542. |
2021 | Ouyang, Y., Leininger, T., Renninger, H. J., Gardiner, E., Samuelson, L. 2021. A model to assess Eastern Cottonwood water flow using adjusted vapor pressure deficit associated with a climate change impact application. Climate 9(2). |
2020 | Kassahun, Z., Yow, J. N., Renninger, H. J. 2020. Diversity or Redundancy in Leaf Physiological and Anatomical Parameters in a Species Diverse, Bottomland Hardwood Forest?. Forests 11(5):519. Download |
2020 | Renninger, H. J., Miles, C. H., Ezell, A. W. 2020. Seasonal physiology and growth of planted oaks with implications for bottomland hardwood restoration. New Forests 51(2):191-212. Download |
2020 | Renninger, H. J., Durbin, T., Kassahun, Z., Gentry, A. 2020. Relationships between leaf anatomy and physiological functioning of southern US oak species differing in flood tolerance. Forests 11(1). |
2019 | Hornslein, N. J., Siegert, C. M., Renninger, H. J. 2019. Changes in physiological functioning in loblolly pine trees undergoing bark beetle simulated mortality. Forest Science 65(3):312-323. Download |
2019 | Hornslein, N. J., Siegert, C., Renninger, H. J. 2019. Physiological response of mid-canopy sweetgum trees to overstory loblolly pine mortality. Trees 33(1):139-151. Download |
2018 | Renninger, H. J., Hall, A. T., Hornslein, N., Ezell, A. W. 2018. Seasonal physiology and growth of bottomland oaks of differing planting stocks in afforestation sites on the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain. Restoration Ecology 26(4):702-711. Download |
2018 | Clark, K., Renninger, H. J., Skowronski, N., Gallagher, M., Schafer, K. 2018. Decadal-scale reduction in forest net ecosystem production following insect defoliation contrasts with short-term impacts of prescribed fires. Forests 9(145). |
2016 | Carlo, N. J., Renninger, H. J., Clark, K. L., Schäfer, K. V. 2016. Impacts of prescribed fire onPinus rigidaMill. in upland forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Tree Physiology 36(8):967-982. Download |
2015 | Renninger, H. J., Carlo, N. J., Clark, K. L., Schäfer, K. V. 2015. Resource use and efficiency, and stomatal responses to environmental drivers of oak and pine species in an Atlantic Coastal Plain forest. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:297. Download |
2014 | Clark, K. L., Skowronski, N. S., Gallagher, M. R., Renninger, H. J., Schäfer, K. V. 2014. Contrasting effects of invasive insects and fire on ecosystem water use efficiency. Biogeosciences 11:6509-6523. |
2014 | Schäfer, K. V., Renninger, H. J., Clark, K. L., Medvigy, D. 2014. Hydrological responses to defoliation and drought of an upland oak/pine forest. Hydrological Processes 28:6113-6123. |
2014 | Clark, K. L., Skowronski, N., Renninger, H. J., Scheller, R. 2014. Climate change and fire management in the Mid-Atlantic region. Forest Ecology and Management 327:306-315. |
2014 | Schäfer, K. V., Renninger, H. J., Carlo, N. J., Vanderklein, D. W. 2014. Forest response and recovery following disturbance in upland forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science 5:294. Download |
2014 | Renninger, H. J., Carlo, N., Clark, K. L., Schäfer, K. V. 2014. Modeling respiration from snags and coarse woody debris before and after an invasive gypsy moth disturbance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119(4):630-644. Download |
2014 | Renninger, H. J., Carlo, N., Clark, K. L., Schäfer, K. V. 2014. Physiological strategies of co-occurring oaks in a water- and nutrient-limited ecosystem. Tree Physiology 34(2):159-73. |
2013 | Thomsen, J. E., Bohrer, G., Matheny, A. M., Ivanov, V. Y., He, L., Renninger, H. J., Schäfer, K. V. 2013. Contrasting Hydraulic Strategies during Dry Soil Conditions in Quercus rubra and Acer rubrum in a Sandy Site in Michigan. Forests 4(4):1106–1120. |
2013 | Renninger, H. J., Clark, K. L., Skowronski, N., Schäfer, K. V. 2013. Effects of a prescribed fire on water use and photosynthetic capacity of pitch pines. Trees 27(4):1115-1127. Download |
2013 | Renninger, H. J., Wadhwa, S., Gallagher, F. J., Vanderklein, D., Schäfer, K. V. 2013. Allometry and photosynthetic capacity of poplar (Populus deltoides) along a metal contamination gradient in an urban brownfield. Urban Ecosystems 16(2):247-263. Download |
2013 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N. 2013. Secondary stem lengthening in palms: response to commentary by Tomlinson and Quinn. American Journal of Botany 100(3):465-466. |
2013 | Renninger, H. J., McCulloh, K. A., Phillips, N. 2013. A comparison of the hydraulic efficiency of a palm species (Iriartea deltoidea) with other wood types. Tree Physiology 33(2):152-60. |
2012 | Clark, K. L., Skowronski, N., Gallagher, M., Renninger, H. J., Schäfer, K. 2012. Effects of invasive insects and fire on forest energy exchange and evapotranspiration in the New Jersey pinelands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 166:50–61. |
2012 | Renninger, H. J., Schäfer, K. V. 2012. Comparison of Tissue Heat Balance- and Thermal Dissipation-Derived Sap Flow Measurements in Ring-Porous Oaks and a Pine. Frontiers in Plant Science 3:103. Download |
2012 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N. 2012. "Secondary stem lengthening" in the palm Iriartea deltoidea (Arecaceae) provides an efficient and novel method for height growth in a tree form. American journal of botany 99(4):607-613. |
2011 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N. 2011. Hydraulic properties of fronds from palms of varying height and habitat. Oecologia 167(4):925-35. |
2010 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N. 2010. Intrinsic and extrinsic hydraulic factors in varying sizes of two Amazonian palm species (Iriartea deltoidea and Mauritia flexuosa) differing in development and growing environment. American Journal of Botany 97(12):1926-1936. Download |
2010 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N., Salvucci, G. D. 2010. Wet‐ vs. Dry‐Season Transpiration in an Amazonian Rain Forest Palm Iriartea deltoidea. Biotropica 42(4):470-478. Download |
2009 | Renninger, H. J., Phillips, N., Hodel, D. R. 2009. Comparative hydraulic and anatomic properties in palm trees (Washingtonia robusta) of varying heights: implications for hydraulic limitation to increased height growth. Trees 23(5):911–921. |
2007 | Renninger, H. J., Meinzer, F. C., Gartner, B. L. 2007. Hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic capacity as constraints on release from suppression in Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Tree Physiology 27(1):33-42. |
2006 | Renninger, H. J., Gartner, B. L., Meinzer, F. C. 2006. Effects of release from suppression on wood functional characteristics in young Douglas-fir and western hemlock. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36(8):2038-2046. Download |
2006 | Renninger, H. J., Gartner, B. L., Grotta, A. T. 2006. No Correlation between Latewood Formation and Leader Growth in Douglas-Fir Saplings. IAWA Journal 27(2):183-191. Download |
Graduate Students
- Daniel Bononcini
- Joseph Thomas
- Jiaxin Wang
Awards & Honors
- College of Forest Resources Research Award
College of Forest Resources; Mississippi State University - College of Forest Resources Early Career Achievement Award
College of Forest Resources; Mississippi State University
Society Memberships
- American Geophysical Union
- Ecological Society of America
- Mississippi Forestry Association