Dr. R. Daniel Seale

Dr. R. Daniel  Seale


  • Warren S. Thompson Professor of Wood Science and Technology
    James R. Moreton Fellow in Sustainable Bioproducts

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-3072
Rm #218, Franklin Center



  • Clemson University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Applied Economics
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (M.S.), Ag Economics
  • Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Ag Economics

Research Interests

Manufacturing economics
Composite wood products development
Lumber Testing
Product Commercialization


Year Publications

Pradhan, S., Mohammadabadi, M., Seale, R. D., Thati, M., Entsminger, E. D., Nkeuwa, W. N. 2024. Optimizing Lumber Densification for Mitigating Rolling Shear Failure in Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT). Construction Materials 4(2):342-352.


Khademibami, L., Shmulsky, R., Senalik, C., Seale, R. D., Ross, R., Mohammadabadi, M., Ward, K., Williamson, T. 2023. Flexural testing of structural insulated panels before and after creep testing. Bioresources 18(2):3319-3327.


Khademibami, L., Ward, K., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R., Ratcliff, J. 2023. Flexural properties of 3-ply bolt laminated pine mats. Forest Products Journal 73(2):171-174.


Pradhan, S., Entsminger, E. D., Mohammadabadi, M., Seale, R. D., Ragon, K. 2023. Evaluation of Rice Husk Composite Boards Prepared Using Different Adhesives and Processing Methods. BioResources 19(1):595-604.


Amorim, T., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2023. Impact of Growth Characteristics on Properties of 2 by 8 Southern Yellow Pine Structural Lumber. Forest Products Society 73(4):312–319.


Khademibami, L., Shmulsky, R., Senalik, C. A., Seale, R. D., Ross, R. J., Mohammadabadi, M., Williamson, T. 2023. The Influence of Foam Density on the Flexural Properties of Structural Insulated Panels. Forest Products Journal 74(4):357–361.


Shmulsky, R., Senalik, C. A., Khademibami, L., Mohammadabadi, M., Seale, R. D., Williamson, T., Ross, R. J. 2023. Investigation of the Role of Shear Deflection in the Flexural Performance of Structural Insulated Panels. Forest Products Journal 73(4):378–383.


Carmona, M., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Senalik, C., Ross, R. 2023. Nondestructive Evaluation of 2 by 10 Southern Pine Lumber. Forest Products Journal 73(3):186-193.


Carmona, M., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Ross, R., Senalik, C. 2023. Assessing 2 by 6 Southern Pine Lumber Flexural and Tensile Properties with Nondestructive Techniques. Forest Products Journal 73(1):75-81.


Shmulsky, R., Khademibami, L., Senalik, C., Seale, R., Ross, R. 2022. The influence of foam discontinuity in the shear zone of structural insulated panel beams. Wood and Fiber Science 54(3):187-195.


Cole, J., Street, J. T., Seale, R. D. 2022. Mechanical Properties of Concrete Composites Consisting of Southern Pine Wood Chips and Micronized Rubber Powder. Journal of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 65(1):437-451.


Amorim, T., Franca, F., Seale, D., Shmulsky, R. 2022. Flexural properties of visually graded southern pine 2×4 and 2×6 structural lumber. BioResources 17(1):1855-1867.


Lee, Y., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Winandy, J. E., Senalik, C. A. 2022. Correlation Analysis of Ultrasonic Stress Wave Characteristics and the Destructive Strength Measurements in Cylindrical Wooden Structure. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 69(1):350-358.


Franca, F., Spinelli Correa, L., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R., Ross, R. J., Senalik, C. A. 2022. Evaluation of Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rupture of Cross-Laminated Timber with Longitudinal Vibration NDE Techniques. USDA


Carmona Uzcategui, M., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Senalik, C., Ross, R. J. 2022. Flexural and tensile properties of 2 × 6 and 2 × 10 southern pine lumber. . Wood and Fiber Science 54(4):257-269.


Lee, Y., Nistal Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Winandy, J. E., Senalik, C. A. 2021. Correlation Analysis of Ultrasonic Stress Wave Characteristics and the Destructive Strength Measurements in Cylindrical Wooden Structure. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 69(1):350-358.


Franca, F., Shmulsky, R., Ratcliff, J. T., Farber, B., Senalik, C., Ross, R. J., Seale, R. D. 2021. Yellow Pine Small Clear Flexural Properties across Five Decades. Forest Products Journal 71(3):233-239.


Shmulsky, R., Franca, F., Ratcliff, J. T., Farber, B., Senalik, C. A., Ross, R. J., Seale, R. D. 2021. Compression Properties of Small Clear Southern Yellow Pine Specimens Tested across Five Decades. Forest Products Journal 71(3):240-245.


Franca, F., Shmulsky, R., Ratcliff, T., Farber, B., Senalik, C. A., Ross, R. J., Seale, R. D. 2021. Interrelationships of specific gravity, stiffness, and strength of yellow pine across five decades. Bioresources 16(2):3815-3826.


Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R., Franca, F. 2021. Non-Destructive Lumber and Engineered Pine Products Research in the Gulf South U.S. 2005–2020. Forests 12(1):91.


Entsminger, E. D., Brashaw, B. K., Seale, R. D., Ross, R. J. 2020. Machine grading of lumber—Practical concerns for lumber producers. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL–GTR–279 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory


Owens, F. C., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Strength and stiffness of 8-inch deep mixed hardwood composite timber mats. BioResources 15(2):2495-2500.


Turkot, C. G., Seale, R. D., Entsminger, E. D., Franca, F., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Nondestructive Evaluation of Red Oak and White Oak Species. Forest Products Journal 70(3):370-377.


Irby, N., Franca, F., Barnes, H., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Effect of growth rings per inch and specific gravity on compression perpendicular to grain in no. 2: 2 by 8 and 2 by 10 Southern pine lumber. Forest Products Journal 70(2):213-220.


Irby, N., Franca, F., Barnes, H., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Effect of growth rings per inch and density on compression parallel to grain in Southern pine lumber. BioResources 15(2):2310-2325.


Carmona Uzcategui, M., Seale, R. D., Franca, F. 2020. Physical and mechanical properties of clear wood from red oak (Quercus spp.) and white oak (Quercus spp.). Bioresources 15(3):4960-4971.


Franca, F., Amorim, T., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Nondestructive evaluation of 2 by 8 and 2 by 10 southern pine dimensional lumber. Forest Products Journal 70(1):79-87.


Griffin, J. W., Seale, R. D., Owens, F. C., Grace, L. A. 2020. Construction of an economic model for prospective forest products manufacturing facilities. Bioresources 15(2):3874-3887.


Senalik, C., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Ross, R. J., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Grading lumber with acoustic-based technologies Part 1: modeling acoustic (stress) wave behavior in clear wood and lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 52(4):380-389.


Senalik, C., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Ross, R. J., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Grading lumber with acoustic-based technologies Part 2: ultimate tension stress estimation from time- and frequency-domain parameters. Wood and Fiber Science 52(4):390-399.


Franca, F., Amorim, T., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2020. Use of longitudinal vibration and visual characteristics to predict mechanical properties of No. 2 Southern pine 2x8 and 2x10 Lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 52(3):280-291.


Carmona Uzcartegui, M., Seale, R. D., Franca, F. 2020. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hard Maple (Acer saccharum) and Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Forest Products Journal 70(3):326-334.


Franca, F., Amorim, T., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2019. Modeling mechanical properties of 2 by 4 and 2 by 6 Southern pine lumber using longitudinal vibration and visual characteristics. Forest Products Journal 68(3):286-294.


Franca, F., Amorim, T., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2019. Assessing Southern pine 2x4 and 2x6 lumber quality: Longitudinal and transverse vibration. Wood and Fiber Science 51(1):2-15.


Junaid, O., Owens, F. C., Entsminger, E. D., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2018. Strength and stiffness properties of small clear specimens taken from commercially procured No.2 2x8 and 2x10 southern pine dimension lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 50(3):363-369.


Cao, Y., Street, J. T., Mitchell, B., To, S. D., DuBien, J. L., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2018. Effect of Knots on Horizontal Shear Strength in Southern Yellow Pine. BioResources 13(2):4509-4520.


Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Ross, R. J., Shmulsky, R., Amorim, T. 2018. Using Transverse Vibration Nondestructive Testing Techniques to Estimate Stiffness and Strength of Southern Pine Lumber. USDA FS FPL Research Paper FPL-RP-695.


Amorim, T., Franca, F., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2018. Bending strength and stiffness of no. 2 grade southern pine lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 50(2):205-219.


Yang, B. Z., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R., Dahlen, J., Wang, X. 2017. Comparison of nondestructive testing methods for evaluating No. 2 southern pine lumber: Part B, modulus of rupture. Wood and Fiber Science 49(2):134-145.


Catchot, T., Owens, F. C., Shmulsky, R., Seale, R. D. 2017. Technical note: Using nondestructive testing to identify premium grades in southern pine and Douglas-fir utility crossarms. Wood and Fiber Science 49(1):105-112.


Han, S., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2017. An exploratory study of smartphone and smartphone application use in the U.S. forest products industry. BioResources 13(1):869-880.


Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R., Entsminger, E. D., Bartuli, A., Belalami, S. 2016. Field Test of a Novel Nondestructive Testing Device on Wood Distribution Poles. Wood and Fiber Science 48(3):156-161.


Kitchens, S. C., Amburgey, T. L., Barnes, M. H., Seale, R. D. 2016. Mechanical and durability properties of steam-pressed scrim lumber. BioResources 11(2):5343-5357.


Kraszewska, K., Borazjani, A., Baldwin, B. S., Seale, R. D., Jeremic Nikolic, D. 2016. Treatment of bio-oil refinery storm water by a simulated constructed wetland: A sustainable management alternative. Forest Products Journal 66(5-6):338-342.


Shmulsky, R., Seale, R. D., Dahlen, J., Wang, X., Yang, B. 2015. Comparison of Nondestructive Testing Methods for Evaluating No. 2 Southern Pine Lumber: Part A, Modulus of Elasticity. Wood and Fiber Science 47(4):375-384.


Seale, R. D., Dahlen, J., Jones, P. D., Shmulsky, R. 2014. Bending strength and stiffness of wide dimension southern pine No. 2 lumber. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 72:759-768.


Seale, R. D., Zhang, J., Yu, X., Tor, O., Quin, F. 2014. Screwdriving torques in particleboards. Wood and Fiber Science 47(1):1-14.


Jones, P. D., Dahlen, J., Seale, R. D., Shmulsky, R. 2014. Sorting Lumber By Pith and Its Effect On Stiffness and Strength In Southern Pine No. 2 2X4 Lumber. Wood and Fiber Science 46(2):186-194.


Graduate Students

  • Keith Ward

Society Memberships

  • Forest Products Society, Mid-South Section
  • Forest Products Society, Mid-South Section
  • Forest Products Society, Mid-South Section
  • Lumber Education Foundation