Dr. J. Brian Davis

Dr. J.  Brian Davis


  • James C. Kennedy Endowed Professor in Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-4790
Thompson Hall Rm 249



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Forest Resources
  • Mississippi State University, Master of Science (MS), Wildlife and Fisheries Science
  • University of Missouri, Columbia, Bachelor of Science (BS), Wildlife Management

Research Interests

Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation


Year Publications

Boudreau, M., Lancaster, J. D., Adjaye, D. A., Dentinger, J. E., Dolan, L. A., Ripa, G. N., Ramirez-Reyes, C., Sklarczyk, C. A., Thornton, B. S., Todaro, H. M., Kaminski, R. M., Davis, J. B. 2024. An alternative for evaluating the energetic landscape for Mallards Anas platyrhynchos in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA. Wildfowl 74:113-131.


Ogawa, R., Wang, G., Burger, L. W., Strickland, B. K., Davis, J. B., Cunningham, F. 2024. Bayesian integrated species distribution models for hierarchical resource selection by a soaring bird. Ecological Informatics 82:102787.


Aslam, R. W., Naz, I., Shu, H., Yan, . J., Quddoos, A., Tariq, A., Davis, J. B., Al-Saif, A. M., Soufan, W. 2024. Multi-temporal image analysis of wetland dynamics using machine learning algorithms. Journal of Environmental Management 371(December 2024, 123123).


Bakner, D. L., Ringelman, K. M., Reynolds, L. A., Kaminski, R. M., Stephens, S. E., Davis, J. B. 2024. Wood ducks and hooded mergansers as interspecific brood parasites: An evaluation of parasitic egg survival. Ecology & Evolution


Fatima, B., Rachid, H., Khalil, E. K., Abdeldalil, O., Mohamed, B., Tariq, A., Davis, J. B., Soufan, W. 2024. Modelling, quantification and estimation of the soil water erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation with Sediment Delivery Ratio and the analytic hierarchy process models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 49(10):3158-3176.


Lancaster, J. D., Boudreau, M., Kaminski, R. M., Street, G. M., Mini, A. E., Nelms, K. D., Davis, J. B. 2024. Mallard winter use of conservation program and nonprogram lands in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 48: e1545(3).


Mustafa, H., Tariq, A., Shu, H., ul Hassan, S. N., Khan, G., Davis, J. B., Almutairi, K. F., Soufan, W. 2024. Integrating multisource data and machine learning for supraglacial lake detection: Implications for environmental management and sustainable development goals in high mountainous regions. Journal of Environmental Management


Ogawa, R., Burger, L. W., Strickland, B. K., Davis, J. B., Cunningham, F. L. 2024. Bayesian integrated species distribution models for hierarchical resource selection by a soaring bird. Ecological Informatics


Rehman, A., Islam, F., Tariq, A., Islam, I. U., Davis, J. B., Bibi, T., Ahmad, W., Waseem, L. A., Karuppannan, S., Al-Ahmadi, S. 2024. Groundwater potential zone mapping using GIS and remote sensing based models for sustainable groundwater management. Geocarto International 39(1)(1):2306275.


Straub, J. N., Kaminski, R. M., Leach, A. G., Ezell, A. W., Leininger, T., Foth, J., Davis, J. B. 2023. Acorn and aquatic invertebrate biomass in Mississippi Alluvial Valley hardwood bottomlands. Journal of Wildlife Management. Journal of Wildlife Management 88(2):e22534.


Ogawa, R., Davis, J. B., King, D. T., Burger, L. W., Strickland, B. K., Sovada, M. A., Wang, G., Cunningham, F. 2022. Migratory movements and home ranges of geographically distinct wintering populations of a soaring bird. Diversity 14:(12):1109.


Davis, J. B., Boudreau, M. R., Kaminski, R. M., Monroe, K. C. 2022. Resource Use Overlap by Sympatric Wintering American Black Ducks and Mallards in Tennessee. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management


Davis, J. B., Boudreau, M. R., Peterson, T. G., Kaminski, R. M. 2022. Wintering waterfowl use of bottomland forested wetlands in the Delta National Forest, Mississippi. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9:96-104.


Sheehan, K. L., Dorr, B. S., Clements, S. A., Christie, T. W., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Rush, S. A., Davis, J. B. 2022. Predicting consistent foraging ecologies of migrating waterbirds: Using stable isotope and parasite measurements as indicators of landscape use. Ecological Indicators 1(40 10903).


Davis, J. B. 2022. Mottled Duck introductions to South Carolina: The ugly, the bad, and the good?. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8850.


McLanahan, M. D., Osborn, J. M., Hagy, H. M., Davis, J. B., Wheat, R. M., Gray, M. J. 2022. Effects of Alligatorweed Control in Seasonal Wetlands Managed for Waterfowl. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9:105-113.


Parys, K. A., Davis, K. A., James, S. A., Davis, J. B., Tyler, H., Griswold, T. 2022. First report of a gynandromorph of Florilegus condignus (Cresson, 1878) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), with notes on phenology and abundance. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 89:233-244.


Lavretsky, P., Hernandez, F., Davis, J. B. 2022. Ovarian degeneration resulting in the phenotypic masculinisation of a wild female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos. Wildfowl 72:174-181.


Davis, J. B., Outlaw, D. C., Ringelman, K. M., Kaminski, R. M., Lavretsky, P. 2022. Low levels of hybridization between domestic and wild Mallards wintering in the lower Mississippi Flyway. Ornithology 139:1-11.


Evans, K., Davis, J. B., Wang, G. 2022. Assessing long-term dynamics of non-breeding brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) populations using Christmas Bird Count data. IBIS 165(1):55-68.


Engle, C. E., Christie, T. W., Dorr, B. S., Karunakaran, G., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Kelly, A. M. 2021. Principal economic effects of cormorant predation on catfish farms. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52:41-56.


Monroe, K. C., Davis, J. B., Monroe, A. P., Kaminski, R. M., Gray, M. J., Evans, D. L. 2021. Winter habitat selection of a declining American Black Duck population. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(1):16-26.


Osborn, J. M., Hagy, H. M., McLanahan, M. M., Davis, J. B., Gray, M. J. 2021. Habitat selection and foraging strategy of American Black Ducks Anas rubripes wintering in Tennessee, USA. Wildfowl 71:120-146.


Christie, T. W., Dorr, B. S., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Engle, C. R., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Kelly, A. M. 2021. Food habits of wintering double-crested cormorants in the Mississippi Delta. Food Webs 26(e00185).


Clements, S. A., Dorr, B. S., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Engle, C. R., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Kelly, A. M. 2021. Scaup depredation on Arkansas baitfish and sportfish aquaculture. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(3):517-528.


Clements, S. A., Dorr, B. S., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Engle, C. R., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Kelly, A. M. 2021. Distribution and abundance of scaup using baitfish and sportfish farms in eastern Arkansas. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52(2):347-361.


Engle, C. R., Clements, S. A., Dorr, B. S., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Kelly, A. M. 2021. Economic effects of predation by scaup on baitfish and sportfish farms. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society 52(2):329-346.


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture: Winter flooding in rice fields increases bird use, fecal matter and soil health, reducing fertilizer requirements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 300.


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Investigation of Pathogenic Bacterial Transport by Waterbirds: A Case Study of Flooded and Non-Flooded Rice Systems in Mississippi. Water 12(6).


Vilella, F. J., Cruz-Burgos, J. A., Kaminski, R. M., Murkin, H. R., Davis, J. B., Weitzel, S. L., Vizcarra, F. 2020. Avian community response to vegetation and water level management in restored wetlands at the Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 72:1-21.


Marty, J. R., Davis, J. B., Kaminski, R. M., Brasher, M. G., Rush, S. A. 2020. Gulf Coast riceland seed biomass estimates for waterfowl habitat conservation. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84(7):1315-1325.


Firth, A. G., Baker, B., Gibbs, M., Brooks, J. P., Smith, R., Iglay, R. B., Davis, J. B. 2020. Using cameras to index waterfowl abundance in winter-flooded rice fields. MethodsX 7:101036.


Clements, S. A., Dorr, B. S., Davis, J. B., Roy, L. A., Engle, C. E., Hanson-Dorr, K. C., Kelly, A. M. 2020. Diets of scaup occupying baitfish and sportfish farms in eastern Arkansas. Food Webs 23(e00141).


Gross, M. C., McClain, S. E., Lancaster, J. D., Jacques, C. N., Davis, J. B., Simpson, J. W., Yetter, A. P., Hagy, H. M. 2020. Variation in True Metabolizable Energy Among Aquatic Vegetation and Ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 84(4):749-758.


Gross, M. C., Lancaster, J. D., Simpson, J. W., Shirkey, B. T., McClain, S. E., Jacques, C. N., Davis, J. B., Hagy, H. M. 2020. Energetic Carrying Capacity of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Semi-Permanent Wetlands Important to Waterfowl in the Upper Midwest. Wetlands 40:491-501.


Schummer, M. L., Simpson, J., Davis, J. B., Shirkey, B., Wallen, K. E. 2020. Balancing waterfowl hunting opportunity and quality to recruit, retain, and reactivate. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44(2):391-395.


Harrigal, D. E., Davis, J. B., Lancaster, J. D., Kneece, M. R. 2020. Survival and Recovery of Mottled Ducks in Coastal South Carolina, 2008–2018. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7:189-194.


Foth, J. R., Kaminski, R. M., Davis, J. B., Leininger, T. D. 2018. Aquatic invertebrate community composition, diversity, and biomass from sweep-net samples in non-impounded bottomland hardwood forests and greentree reservoirs. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies


Tapp, J. L., Weegman, M. W., Webb, E. B., Kaminski, R. M., Davis, J. B. 2018. Waterbird communities and seed biomass in managed and non-managed restored wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Restoration Ecology 26(3):591-599.


Osborn, J. M., Hagy, H. M., Mcclanahan, M. D., Davis, J. B., Gray, M. J. 2017. Habitat selection and activities of dabbling ducks during non-breeding periods. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:1482-1493.


Marty, J. R., Davis, J. B., Kaminski, R. M., Brasher, M. G., Brinkman, E. L. 2017. Density of lead and non-toxic shotshell pellets in Gulf Coast prairie ricelands. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8(1):173-180.


Davis, J. B., Vilella, F. J., Lancaster, J. D., Flores, M. L., Kaminski, R. M., Cruz-Burgos, J. A. 2017. White-cheeked Pintail duckling and brood survival across wetland types at Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico. Condor 119(2):308-320.


Newcomb, K. C., Davis, J. B., Kaminski, R. M., Gray, M. J. 2016. Winter survival of female American black ducks in Tennessee, USA. The Condor 118(1):33-45.


Feaga, J. S., Vilella, F. J., Kaminski, R. M., Davis, J. B. 2015. Winter waterbird use of catfish ponds and Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative wetlands in Mississippi. Waterbirds 38(3):269-281.


Davis, J. B., Straub, J. N., Wang, G., Kaminski, R. M., Leopold, B. D. 2015. Simulations of wood duck recruitment from nest boxes in Mississippi and Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(6):907-916.


Davis, J. B., Webb, E., Kaminski, R. M., Barbour, P. J., Vilella, F. J. 2014. Comprehensive framework for ecological assessment of the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Southeastern Naturalist 13(4):G66-G81.


López-Flores, M., Davis, B. D., Vilella, F. J., Kaminski, R. M., Cruz-Burgos, J. A., Lancaster, J. D. 2014. Survival of female White-cheeked Pintails during brood rearing in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 10:1-12.


Graduate Students

  • Avery Wissmueller
  • Sharilyn Taylor-James
  • Haley Hughes
  • Avery Willmueller
  • Haley Hughes
  • Kara Hall
  • Hunter Mentges
  • Riley Porter
  • Stephen Clements
  • Madelyn McFarland
  • Sharilyn James

Awards & Honors

  • Best Student Presentation; Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
    SEAFWA; Southeastern section TWS
  • SWS Best Student Oral Presentation Award
    Society of Wetlands Scientists
  • Wildlife Section Student Travel Award
    Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)
  • Adjunct Associate Professor
    University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Institute of Agriculture.
  • Principal economic effects of cormorant predation on catfish farms
    Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
  • Three Minute Thesis
    Mississippi State University
  • Best Publication Award
    The Wildlife Society, Mississippi Chapter
  • Best Student Presentation Award
    The Wildlife Society, Mississippi Chapter
  • Editor
    journal, Southeastern Naturalist
  • Delta Waterfowl Foundation 2023 Graduate Waterfowl field Course
    Delta Waterfowl Foundation
  • Featured Research: Waterfowl Diets and Winter Foraging Habitat in South Atlantic Coastal and Inland Wetlands: Improving Inputs for Bioenergetics Modeling for Regional Conservation Planning
    Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center (Georgetown, SC).
  • Best Poster Presentation: Spring 2022 Graduate Research Symposium
    Mississippi State University/CFR/DVM
  • Outstanding Wildlife Technical Paper;
    TWS and Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
  • East Gulf Coastal Plain Waterbird Plan Coordinator
    East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture

Society Memberships

  • Ducks Unlimited
  • Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society
  • Society of Wetland Scientists
  • The Wildlife Society
  • Xi Sigma pi