Leandro "Steve" Miranda

Leandro "Steve"  Miranda


  • Professor
    Unit Leader, USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Contact Information

Office: 662-325-3217
Thompson Hall Rm 219



  • Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Wildlife Ecology
  • Auburn University, Master of Science (M.S.), Fisheries Management
  • Morehead State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology

Research Interests

Fish population dynamics
Lake and reservoir management


Year Publications

Besson, J. C., Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Dunn, C., Riecke, D. K. 2024. Spatial distribution patterns of invasive silver carp can inform removal efforts in an oxbow lake of the Mississippi River. Management of Biological Invasions 15(505-518).


Ahmad, H., Miranda, L., Dunn, C., Boudreau, M., Colvin, M. 2024. Connectivity patterns between floodplain lakes and neighboring streams in the historical floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River. . Ecological Indicators 169.


Miranda, L., 2024. Fish size structure analysis via ordination: a visualization aid. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:1092-1110.


Killgore, K. J., Hoover, J. J., Slack, W. T., Kirk, J. P., Lewis, B. R., George, S. G., Miranda, L. 2024. Population characteristics of silver carp from the source of their North American introduction in the Lower Mississippi River. Aquatic Invasions 19:329-343.


Miranda, L., Shoemaker, D. J., Krogman, R. M. 2024. Impairment ratings of US reservoirs based on expert opinion. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 12.


Miranda, L., Funk, H. G., Palmieri, M., Stafford, J. D., Nichols, M. E. 2024. Length in assessing status of freshwater fish populations: A review. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:1092-1110.


Miranda, L., Dembkowski, D. J. 2024. Fish size structures in lakes of the Mississippi River floodplain. Freshwater Biology 69:1390-1398.


Killgore, K. J., Hoover, J. J., Miranda, L., Slack, W. T. 2024. Fish conservation in streams of the agrarian Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Conceptual model, management actions, and field verification. Frontiers in Freshwater Science


Miranda, L., 2023. Abundance-occupancy patterns of black bass in an impounded river. Fisheries 48(1):29-37.


Miranda, L., 2023. Fish life-history traits predict abundance-occupancy patterns in artificial lakes. Frontiers in Freshwater Science 1:1270939.


Miranda, L., 2023. Aging, climate, and invasions threaten reservoirs in the Mississippi Basin. Fisheries 48(12):499-514.


VanderBloemen, S., Miranda, L., Sass, G. G., Colvin, M., Faucheux, N. 2023. Influence of invasive bigheaded carps on abundance of Gizzard Shad in the Tennessee River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152(6):809-818.


Faucheux, N. M., Miranda, L., Taylor, J. M., Farris, J. 2023. Impact of dams on stream fish diversity: A different result. Diversity 15(6):728.


Miranda, L., 2023. Facing our freshwater crisis via fluid and agile communication: A grand challenge. Frontiers in Freshwater Science 1:1068115.


Besson, J. C., Neary, J. J., Stafford, J. D., Dunn, C. G., Miranda, L. 2023. Fish functional gradients along a reservoir cascade. Freshwater Biology 68(6):1079-1091.


Shamaskin, A. C., Colvin, M., Miranda, L. 2023. Evaluating regional length limits in freshwater fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80(8).


Miranda, L., Tompkins, J., Dunn, C. G., Morris, J., Combs, M. C. 2023. Patterns of zero and nonzero counts indicate spatiotemporal distributions, aggregation, and dispersion of invasive carp. Management of Biological Invasions 14(2):363-377.


Norris, D. M., Colvin, M., Miranda, L., Lashley, M. A. 2022. Supplemental habitat is reservoir dependent: Identifying optimal planting decision using Bayesian Decision Networks. Journal of Environmental Management 304(114139).


Aldridge, C. A., Norris, D. M., Hatcher, H. R., Coppola, G., Colvin, M., Miranda, L. 2022. Retention and dimensional changes of supplemental evergreen brush piles within a flood control reservoir. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(1):223-235.


Miranda, L., Faucheux, N. M. 2022. Climate change alters aging patterns of reservoir aquatic habitats. Climate Change 174(9).


Faucheux, N. M., Sample, A. R., Aldridge, C. A., Norris, D. M., Owens, C., Starnes, V. R., VanderBloemen, S., Miranda, L. 2022. Reservoir attributes display cascading spatial patterns along river basins. Water Resources Research 58(1).


Miranda, L., Coppola, G., Hatcher, H. R., Jargowsky, M. B., Moran, Z. S., Rhodes, M. C. 2021. A bird’s-eye view of reservoirs in the Mississippi Basin tips a need for large-scale coordination. Fish and Fisheries 22(1):128-140.


Miranda, L., Faucheux, N. M., Lakin, K. M. 2021. Fishing gear performance nearshore is substantiated by spatial analyses. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31:977-987.


Coppola, G., Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Hatcher, H., Lashley, M. A. 2021. Selection of habitat-enhancing plants depends on predator–prey interactions. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12(2):294-307.


Miranda, L., Lakin, K. M., Faucheux, N. M. 2021. Habitat Associations of Three Black Bass Species in a Reservoir System. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150(4):538-547.


Miranda, L., Rhodes, . C., Allen, Y., Killgore, K. J. 2021. An inventory and typology of permanent floodplain lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: a first step to conservation planning. Aquatic Sciences 83(20).


Aldridge, C. A., Miranda, L., Colvin, M. 2021. Themes of contemporary inland fisheries goals. Fisheries 46(1):34-39.


Miranda, L., Norris, D. M., Starnes, V. R., Faucheux, N. M., Holman, T. 2020. Stock-recruitment dynamics of a freshwater clupeid. Fisheries Research 221:105378.


Miranda, L., Kilgore, K. J. 2020. Longitudinal distribution of uncommon fishes in a species‐rich basin. Aquatic Conservation 30(3):577-585.


Norris, D. M., Hatcher, H. R., Colvin, M., Coppola, G., Lashley, M. A., Miranda, L. 2020. Assessing establishment and growth of agricultural plantings on reservoir mudflats. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40(2):394-405.


Schumann, D. A., Colvin, M., Miranda, L., Jones-Farrand, D. T. 2020. Occurrence and co-occurrence patterns of gar in river–floodplain habitats: Methods to leverage species coexistence to benefit distributional models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40(3):622-637.


Celestino, L. F., Sanz-Ronda, F. J., Miranda, L., Makrakis, M. C., Dias, J. H., Makrakis, S. 2020. Bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river: Response to a comment. River Research and Applications 36(7):1377-1381.


Miranda, L., Coppola, G., Boxrucker, J. 2020. Reservoir Fish Habitats: A Perspective on Coping with Climate Change. Reviewe 28(4):478-498.


Whelan, G. E., Day, D., Casselman, J. M., Gephart, L., Hall, C. J., Lichatowich, J., Matylewich, M., Miranda, L., Roulson, L., Shirey, P. D., Mercado-Silva, N., Waldman, J., Winters, D. 2020. Tracking Fisheries Through Time: The American Fisheries Society as a Historical Lens. Fisheries 45(8):392-426.


da Silva, P. S., Miranda, L., Makrakis, S., de Assumpcao, L., Dias, J. H., Makrakis, M. C. 2019. Tributaries as biodiversity preserves: An ichthyoplankton perspective from the severely impounded Upper Paraná River. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29(2):258-269.


Miranda, L., Granzotti, R. V., Dembkowski, D. J. 2019. Gradients in fish feeding guilds along a reservoir cascade. Aquatic Sciences 81(15).


Miranda, L., Killgore, K. J., Slack, W. T. 2019. Spatial organization of fish diversity in a species‐rich basin. River Research and Applications 35(2):188-196.


Hatcher, H. R., Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Coppola, G., Lashley, M. A. 2019. Fish assemblages in a Mississippi reservoir mudflat with low structural complexity. Hydrobiologia 841(1):163-175.


Miranda, L., Killgore, K. J. 2019. Abundance–occupancy patterns in a riverine fish assemblage. Freshwater Biology 64(12):2221-2233.


Miranda, L., Raines, C. D. 2019. Reservoir diel water quality patterns relative to riparian shade. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 35(2):148-155.


Miranda, L., Martínez-Lanfranco, J. A., Killgore, K. J. 2019. Wetlands and development influence fish diversity in a species-rich small river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 102(6):873-886.


Celestino, L. F., Sanz-Ronda, F. J., Miranda, L., Makrakis, M. C., Dias, J. H., Makrakis, S. 2019. Bidirectional connectivity via fish ladders in a large Neotropical river. River Research and Applications 35(3):236-246.


Coppola, G., Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Hatcher, H. R., Lashley, M. A. 2019. Submergence responses of cool-season annual plants and potential for fish habitat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39(6):1269-1276.


Omer, A. R., Miranda, L., Moore, M. T., Krutz, L. J., Czarnecki, J., Kroger, R., Baker, B., Hogue, J. A., Allen, P. J. 2018. Reduction of solids and nutrient loss from agricultural lands by tailwater recovery systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73:282-295.


Klein, Z. B., Quist, M. C., Miranda, L., Marron, M. M., Steuck, M. J., Hansen, K. A. 2018. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River: a century of sustained harvest. Fisheries 43(12):563-574.


Granzotti, R. V., Miranda, L., Agostinho, A. A., Gomes, L. C. 2018. Downstream impacts of dams: shifts on invertivorous fish assemblages. Aquatic Sciences 80:28.


Miranda, L., Bull, L., Colvin, M., Hubbard, W., Pugh, L. 2018. Segmentation of Mississippi Lakes. Lake and Reservoir Management 34(4):376-391.


Miranda, L., Keretz, K. R., Gilliland, C. R. 2017. Gradients in catostomid assemblages along a reservoir cascade. River Research and Applications 33:983-990.


Miranda, L., Omer, A. R., Killgore, K. J. 2017. Balancing lake ecological condition and agriculture irrigation needs in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 246:354-360.


Piana, P. A., Cardoso, B. F., Dias, J., Gomes, L. C., Agostinho, A. A., Miranda, L. 2017. Using long-term data to predict fish abundance: the case of Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837) (Characiformes, Prochilodontidae) in the intensely regulated upper Paraná River. Neotropical Ichthyology 15(3).


Miranda, L., Colvin, M., Shamaskin, A. C., Bull, L. A., Holman, T., Jones, R. 2017. Length limits fail to restructure a largemouth bass population: A 28-year case history. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(3):624–632.


Krogman, R. M., Miranda, L. 2016. Rating of U.S. reservoirs relative to fish habitat condition. Lake and Reservoir Management 32:51-60.


Raines, C. D., Miranda, L. 2016. Role of riparian shade on the fish assemblage of a reservoir littoral. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99:753-760.


Miranda, L., 2016. Fishes in paleochannels of the lower Mississippi River alluvial valley: A national treasure. Fisheries 41(10):578-588.


Miranda, L., Dembkowski, D. J. 2016. Evidence of serial discontinuity in the fish community of a heavily impounded river. River Research and Applications 32(6):1187-1195.


de Azevedo, R. F., Miranda, L., Gomes, L. C. 2016. Contesting detrimental dams: A case study from southern Brazil. International Journal of River Basin Management 14(2):205-217.


Miranda, L., Krogman, R. M. 2015. Functional age as an indicator of reservoir senescence. Fisheries 40(4):170-176.


Andrews, C. S., Miranda, L., Kroger, R. 2015. Fish and water quality in the forested wetlands adjacent to an oxbow lake. Southeastern Naturalist 14:623-634.


Miranda, L., 2014. Monitoring fish distributions along electrofishing segments. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186:8899-8905.


Miranda, L., 2011. Depth as an organizer of fish assemblages in floodplain lakes. Aquatic Sciences 73:211-221.


Miranda, L., 2007. Approximate sample sizes required to index length distributions. 136(2):409-415.


Miranda, L., 2005. Catch rates relative to angler party size with implications for monitoring angler success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134(4):1005-1010.


Miranda, L., 2005. Fish assemblages in oxbow lakes relative to connectivity with the Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134(6):1480-1489.


Miranda, L., 2005. Refining boat electrofishing equipment to improve consistency and reduce harm to fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:609-618.


Miranda, L., 2003. Collaborative management of river basins. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 3:7-15.


Miranda, L., 2002. Establishing size-based mortality caps. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:433-440.


Miranda, L., Hodges, K. B. 2000. Role of aquatic vegetation density on hypoxia and sunfish abundance in bays of a eutrophic reservoir. Hydrobiologia 427:51-57.

Graduate Students

  • Jordan Besson
  • Caleb Aldridge
  • Darren Shoemaker
  • Hafez Ahmad
  • Hayden Funk
  • Michaela Palmieri